Minecraft Maps / Complex

SDF1 Project

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Level 36 : Artisan Architect
I'm working on this as part of my "Age of Valandus" Project, and this
structure will be available in the next version of the project. It'll
most likely replace a chunk of the homeworld of Valandus in that one.

Link to "Age Of Valandus" Project page below.
The Age Of Valandus

Diamond if you like!!!

Yes, this is the original SDF1 from the first Robotech. This is coming from files i've had for a while, so it is unknown where it came from, only that I made the original structure much-much-much larger, and up to more realestic scale. I'd say 1:1, 1:2 scale. As is, the top of the ship is maybe two blocks below sky limit, while the bottom most part is resting right on the bottom of the map. So the ship is easily over 200 blocks high.

The download is still the original download so it has no interior yet.

It is still being finished, and will be a part of my Hive City Project once it is complete.

Subscribe for more to come! The hive city is huge so far. Just the Schematic for ONE of the Columns is 30MB alone.

I'm doing this alone so far.

Anyhow, enjoy this, and look forward to its finished form!
Progress70% complete

7 Update Logs

Update #7 : by Rho569120 09/16/2015 8:55:57 amSep 16th, 2015

Started the city inside the ship. Not an easy task, some things willbe missing

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09/14/2015 4:03 am
Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
can you import this model
1024 blocks from nose to tail
03/30/2015 5:36 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Grump
I think a better presentation would do this amazing project justice, possibly a render of some sort? because it looks amazing, and you don't really get that impression from the pictures (imo).

sometime maybe I will render it.
03/31/2015 12:58 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
To be honest, idk how to render. How ought i go about doing such?
04/05/2015 2:02 am
Level 84 : Elite Fox
You can see my blog to see how to render with Chunky. Click here
03/24/2015 6:03 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
This map is extraordinary so far!  Keep up the amazing work!
