Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

[DICONTINUED] Tekkit Server Spawn for D.F. Mining Company Server

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Level 48 : Master Architect
This will be the project page for the spawn of a small server I have started.

***Must be using Tekkit to use schematic. There are non vanilla blocks in the build***

Click to reveal
As of right now we are a closed private server. I am building the spawn with a friend of mine and once the spawn town is done and i have all our plugins and perms setup I will add a page to PMC for the server with info on how to get on. Until then we will not be accepting anyone. We are building this in our spare time so it may take a while.

So I had lost the previous world save. Had some issues with my server that caused us to lose everything but it was a good thing as I decided to spend more time on this and came up with a much better idea I think.

So far I here is what we have done and planned:

Spawn Building - 95%

This is a dome shaped spawn for our server. I spent a lot of time on the aesthetics and design of the building.

It has 2 floors inside the building which will have all of the info for newcomers to our server (rules, history of our world, etc.)

Right now it is a clean slate with just the building and no personalized info for our server yet.

All that is left is furnishing and adding the info for our server.

Spawn Farm: Food - 95%
This is placed right behind the spawn on the north side. Outside there are 6 sections of tree farms to harvest from. There is a hut that will have tools and a trapdoor leading down to the food farm underground. I have been considering adding a 3rd level for an animal farm but havent decided yet.

Museum - 85%
The museum will hold info on Tekkit (IC2, RP, Redstone, etc.) to help new players get used to the concepts. It is just West of the Spawn Building. The structure is complete. All that is left is furnishing and adding in the exhibits.

Central Station - 20%
The top side structure is complete. Still have to dig underground and setup the actual station. The station will go to other projects that will be started on the server in the future and other cities that may be setup.

PVP Arena - 30%
The outer walls are complete. Still need to design the interior and setup the arena itself.

Docks - 35%
The docks themselves are complete but still need to add the boats and boathouse. I may wait til I open up the server and let someone who specializes on ships build them. I plan on having 1 fishing vessel and 2 yachts (the 4th bay Im sure if I will fill it or leave it open as a "repair" bay or not.

To Do:
-More Terraforming

Details will be posted on the server page once I have the server page up and running as well.

***If you plan to use this on a server or in a project that is ok. Please credit me for the work I have done though. Thanks****
Progress45% complete

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by pxlnic 11/02/2013 10:26:02 pmNov 2nd, 2013

I apologize for the lack of update. This project will no longer be maintained. You have me permission to do with as you will. All I ask is you plug the page. Thanks.

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09/04/2013 8:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner

was wandering areever going to get this thing done
11/02/2013 9:54 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Sorry for the long delay in response. I'm a working father and have not had any time to MC it up lately or check the site.

I unfortunately will not be continuing this project. You can add to it or do with as you like though.

If being used for videos or a server I only ask you plug the page.
06/28/2013 5:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hi I like this world. I will use this map on my server: summertimetk.no-ip.org
Check my site too if you want: summertimetk.enjin.com
02/13/2013 10:42 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
What are the cords cuz I spawn
no were near the dam thing :(
02/14/2013 7:09 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
 x:-394, z:+1631
11/29/2012 11:50 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Hunter
i spawned no where near it
12/02/2012 9:40 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
I do apologize for that. I have it noted below. I will try to update the spawn point and reupload.
12/13/2012 3:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
What are the cords of the builds? As Rapidvids has said I spawned at a random spot and am trying to find it?
12/13/2012 7:12 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Coords are x:-394, z:+1631. I tried updating the spawn but the map got messed up. Not sure what happened. If it is still working for you then those are the coords. Sorry again for the issue.
12/03/2012 11:26 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Hunter
ok thanks
