This Map is an entry in the completed Sustainable City Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Sustainable city contest entry - Ballathun

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Level 41 : Master Architect
Hey everyone,

I saw the page for the sustainable city contest and it looked really cool so I decided to enter.
My idea for my "city" was that they are actually pretty developed in technology and such but they don't show it. So there are some hidden machines and stuff that aren't supposed to be known to outsiders.
There is also a tiny steampunk influence but that's only in the flying ship.

The city has a farm and a windmill to produce wheat. They have a bakery in which they can make bread and pumpkin pie and such.
There is a garbage disposal house where they can get rid of their trash. There are 6 houses which can house up to 10 people. There is a well where they can get their water and a dam to produce electricity. There is also a farm where they can get their meat and stuff.
There are 2 animal cookers in the basement of the farm, one for chickens and another for pigs, cows and sheep.
There is a single docking bay for a floating ship where they can import other goods and travel from.

I hope this entry is good enough for a prize but if it isn't it was still a lot of fun to make and I really enjoyed it.
Hope you guys like it and have an awesome day :D

CreditPMC guys for making the main island, _Josh_B for the awesome renders
Progress100% complete

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08/21/2016 4:00 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Looks lovely tranquil. Nice touch to hide all the advanced tech from prying eyes.

Good luck in the contest fellow contestant!
08/21/2016 11:48 am
Level 41 : Master Architect
Thanks, your entry looks awesome as well! Hope we both do well :D
And good luck to you too
08/11/2016 6:39 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
You did a ggreat job on this! keep it up!
08/12/2016 2:49 am
Level 41 : Master Architect
Thanks man!
