Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Terra Swoop Force - Noxcrew's New Minecraft Arcade-Adventure Map! (MC 1.11)

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Level 64 : High Grandmaster Network

Noxcrew would like to proudly present you with Terra Swoop Force!
An arcade adventure map made for Minecraft 1.9 (Now updated for MC1.11)!

Terra Swoop Force - Noxcrew's New Minecraft Arcade-Adventure Map! (MC 1.11) Minecraft Map

You are a member of a special task force that has been hired by Geo Descent Labs. Your mission is to to discover what happened to the Terra Scooper bore-drill and it's crew when it mysteriously vanished once it hit the core of the earth!

You'll have to glide down to the centre of the earth using the lab's new technology: The Thermal Flight Armor 1541 (Attached with the Minecraft 1.9 Elytras!) But of course, gliding downwards at insanely fast speeds isn't as easy as it sounds... So, are you tough enough? Can you handle the speed? Then enlist to the Terra Swoop Force today!
  • Made for Minecraft 1.11 (Please do not play on any other version or it may not work!)
  • All music is created by Noxcrew and is completely royalty free, meaning you’re completely safe when recording videos!
  • Just read all the information supplied with the download of the map and you'll be set to play!
  • The map is completely Vanilla, no mods are required!
  • The map will provide you with around 30-60 minutes of gameplay, perhaps beyond depending on your skill level and how much of the extra bits you want to complete!
Terra Swoop Force - Noxcrew's New Minecraft Arcade-Adventure Map! (MC 1.11) Minecraft Map
CreditNoxite, Avondale and The Noxcrew
Progress100% complete

5 Update Logs

Terra Swoop Force - Version 1.5.2 Update : by Noxcrew 12/09/2016 5:40:47 pmDec 9th, 2016

Made several performance fixes. Terra Swoop Force should run a bit better on people's PC's.

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03/03/2020 1:09 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Is this on Bedrock Edition as well?
09/02/2019 6:07 pm
Level 49 : Master System
Played this a while ago. Still think about how cool it was when I played. Would HIGHLY recommend trying!
04/01/2019 12:09 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Can we please have a 1.12.2 version????
01/10/2019 7:07 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
For some reason the folder keeps downloading empty. Why is this happening?
09/05/2018 10:48 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
If Crysis and Dark Souls had a child. The map is definitely one of the best built maps ever but not "the best map ever" in my opinion. First of all the map is difficult which isn't bad, but it becomes even more difficult since it lags a lot, every time I spawn I have to wait like 5 minutes for the chuncks to load (I bet this map needs a 1080Ti to say the least, in order to run smoothly). Also, the death messages although funny at first they end up just annoying you and make you wanna kill yourself. At least the music is kinda decent.
02/17/2018 3:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
best map i ever played but very difficult :D

GG to the builders
11/25/2017 7:26 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
I wish there were more maps like this
08/23/2017 9:34 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
The map is funny, fast-paced and overall amazing; it's raging though.
(we need terra swoop 2!)
03/19/2017 6:40 pm
Level 27 : Expert Geek
Hello, there! Very awesome map you guys have created! This is probably the best thing Minecraft has ever seen, and I hope that there are more like it in the future!

I have a suggestion for a future update to this map: Leisure mode. It's basically where you go into Creative and just explore. The TFA-1541 is not a must. No high speed maneuvers or anything like that. Just stroll through the buildings and tunnels at your own leisure. Sound cool?

Again, this is an AMAZING map. 😀
02/23/2017 3:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
How do you install?
