Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The City of Altdorf - Home Of Fantasy Football

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Ilgoth's Avatar Ilgoth
Level 21 : Expert Architect
"The city of Altdorf, home of the renown blood bowl team 'Reikland Reavers'.

Comprising entirely of human players, the Reikland Reavers were formed in 2389 by club owner DD Griswell Snr. Griswell is famed for investing huge amounts of his own money on some of the best human players in Blood Bowl, money that his successor, JJ Griswell Jr. is happy to carry on investing.

Altdorf Oldbowl stadium is home of Reikland Reavers, famed for its astrogranite floor - an unforgiving terrain for the fallen. This has hardened the Reavers over the years, making them tough enough to play against the most aggressive and weathered Orcs.

Due to unsustainable spending from the teams management, the Reikland Reavers took an unfortunate downturn - something that has affected theirresources, but not their spirit! Seen as 'has-beens' by the Blood Bowl world, the Reavers are struggling with the evolution of the sport as it progresses into modernity, and as they watch the wealth of the young andtalented grow, they wonder who may have the skill to bring the Reavers back to their former glory days as the legendary champions of Blood Bowl, whose pursuits lay between the lines of truth and myth."

This was a building project that just ignited my joy and motivation to build in Minecraft. The sole idea and vision of it made me work like crazy and I finished this map in 15days.

I made it to a girl named Emily aka Moonflower. She is suffering from DBA (Diamond BlackFan Anemia) and is in the hospital as I write this. She got a transplant week ago and is now fighting for her life in the hospital, as after the operation her condition dropped quite a lot. I hope she is awake and will see the video, which I made extra long just for her. I brought my AAA-guns and wish this build could make her happy regardless of the days she is going through. As Emily loves Minecraft, I decided to give her a build that has everything she loves: airships, nature, greenery in general and put it into my own style as a city builder.


I used "Coastal Farmlands" by GreenWindu as a basis. (Thank you). I find it great I can use a map from my channel's subscriber.

The houses are from a pack by GazamoNetwork. But to be honest, I modified all of them for this project. (Sorry original creator)

The fantasy trees near townhall were made by ZuneCraft. Thank you!

For the main forests, I first was using my own private tree pack, but in the end, I changed to the pack we all know: 'Conquered - Tree&Rock Repository Pack" by Monsterfish_


It's amazing how many great things you find here. Thank you all for creating amazing stuff, which fit my arena nicely. :)

Here hoping for better days for Emily,
CreditMonsterfish_, ZuneCraft, GazamoNetwork, GreenWindu
Progress100% complete

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08/29/2015 4:31 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
Ilgoth's Avatar
Just to inform you all - Emily has survived number of surgeries and has started the healing process. :)
08/03/2015 7:50 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
yoseph's Avatar
what your doing is so nice
becuase your a good person Diamond Dowload Sub!
08/04/2015 3:22 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
Ilgoth's Avatar
Thanks, your comment was so pleasant to read. :) Hopefully you enjoyed the build as well.
08/04/2015 11:40 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
yoseph's Avatar
np, i did enjoy it.
07/29/2015 1:51 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Batman
C0smicCow's Avatar
I actually laughed at this because its literally fantasy football hhaahaha. Very creative <3 ur pretty much bae af
07/29/2015 4:00 pm
Level 21 : Expert Architect
Ilgoth's Avatar
Hah! Great it gave you a moment of laugh. =)
07/29/2015 4:10 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Wizard
Notux's Avatar
Good job! n_n
07/29/2015 5:43 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
Ilgoth's Avatar
Thank you Notux!
07/29/2015 2:20 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Taco
IntipabloBuilds's Avatar
Incredible Work Ilgoth! freaking blow my mind every time man.
07/29/2015 5:39 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
Ilgoth's Avatar
Thanks Intipablo. :) I am glad you enjoy my building work!
