Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Definitive Farmstead

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Level 59 : Grandmaster Architect
Right off the bat, I want to emphasize that I'm completely aware of the fact that calling anything the "definitive" or "ultimate" whatever comes across as arrogant. The reason why I ended up settling on this title anyway, is because it's basically the exact objective I had in mind when I set out to build this farmstead. I wanted to create a fully loaded, self-contained starter base that would still be useful and impressive enough towards the end game. Granted, the end result does not quite match the "starter base" part of the original idea; you do need more than just a few stacks of wood to build this. The advantage of wood, though, – aside from the realistic look – is that you can produce it right on location, instead of having to locate, farm and transport massive amounts of it. So all in all, I consider this build a success.

Please feel free to use my designs anywhere you want. However, please don't publicly pass them off as your own by using them in a video or re-uploading them to your profile without providing a link to the original project. Thank you.
Progress100% complete

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