Minecraft Maps / Complex

The great aztec city of Tesolpan

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Bedrock Edition
Aztekaspia's Avatar Aztekaspia
Level 22 : Expert Taco
So what the heck is tesolpan? Tesolpan is the culmination of a project that intended to recreate an aztec city, fulfilling itself all it´s needs, but that was a very little purpose, so I decided to make it an adventure map, I´ll think later about the plot, but for now, just relax and enjoy the view of the greatest and most accurate aztec city in Minecraft!.

IMPORTANT! I need to say that, this is a fiction project, because it´s based of many cities, is not a reconstruction of a city that actually existed, but that doesn't make the project any less valuable historically, as I'm not adding elements that weren't already there in aztec culture, my intentions are not to merge cultural elements, rather build a story from them, other than the one we have been told, if you have any questions, do not hesitate on sending me a message.

Lore of the project: Tesolpan is a city ambientated in a region similar to central Mexico at the 1500 D.C, but as this is a fictional place the spanish conquest will never happen, actually, in this world Eurasia and Africa doesn't even exist, it's all water.

The first colonists came to the region at 350 D.C, and they founded their own city, they came from the south, were the ethnic mayans can be found, they brought their architecture and culture with them but 100 years later a plague vanished the population and left the city abandoned, 600 years later, the aztecs came to these lands and to their surprise they found the ruins of the old mayans, calling their settlement: Tesolpan, or the place over the old rocks (I think the name is pretty obvious, don´t you?).

Tesolpan grew very fast during 300 years and was the cultural capital of the coatl state, conformed by 3 main cities (this sounds a bit like other thing isn't it?).

Etimology of the name: Tesolpan is a merge of three words in nahuatl: Tetl (rock) Soli (old object) Apan (over), this translates as: "Over the old rocks", the reason of why I chose this name is because the actual aztecs of Tesolpan edificated their city over the ruins of what was once an ancient maya settlement.
CreditThanks to: Tlatoani for the designs fo the aztec noble homes and Shalis Mortanien for the idea of a tatched roof with wood as he did with El Mirador, RyFol for the shaders, called simple SS10 in https://mcpedl.com/ss10-shader/
Progress60% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Aztekaspia 12/03/2020 10:23:51 amDec 3rd, 2020

Great update!!!!

Our project is one step ahead of being complete, we have actualized plenty of the buildings on the place and now it has more of a mesoamerican atmosphere! This will be an adventure map releasing on June of 2021!!!! It will include many mesoamerican fictional cities apart from Tesolpan!

Here´s a little gallery for ya

Thanks to everyone keeping track of this project, you are my inspiration guys

-With effort and love, The Aztec Caspian.

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12/06/2023 1:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4903328D's Avatar
is this amazing map still being worked on?
09/24/2023 7:16 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
sillyfool420's Avatar
Do you ever plan on releasing a download for this? Or is there a server we can view it on? Either way, it's very beautiful!
05/02/2023 3:22 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Jazem's Avatar
Me encanta, Puedes hacer un Lobby, con la misma estetica.

Aparte, como recomendacion. yo ocupor la terracota con sus colores en vez de Concreto, porque le da un toque de color hueso

Si quieres te puedo ayudar
05/08/2023 3:48 am
Level 22 : Expert Taco
Aztekaspia's Avatar
Muchas gracias por tus comentarios :)

El lobby por ahora existe, pero es un secreto jeje, aunque un lobby más grande es una necesidad, realmente debo de hacer uno mejor que el existente.

Gracias por tu recomendación, en mi defensa, si uso la terracota en muchas situaciones, pero suelo optar por el concreto para denotar colores más vívidos y provocar un poco más de profundidad en algunas de las construcciones, pero procuraré usar materiales menos "chillones" cuando pueda, gracias :)

Respecto a tu ayuda, me encantaría una mano extra, el proyecto ha estado varado por un rato y si quisieras contribuir en el quizás pueda volver a la marcha, mándame un mensaje privado y lo platicamos.
12/04/2020 4:24 pm
Level 21 : Expert Ranger
TheOneMeepermcmeep's Avatar
You are awesome! I love how colorful the build is. I also love how you answer everyone’s comments, so thank you. :)
12/05/2020 10:11 pm
Level 22 : Expert Taco
Aztekaspia's Avatar
Thank you! :D I try to give contrast between the builds and do something beautiful and colorful with this map! Not like other representations of aztec cities that I have seen (all with boring gray stone), anyways, thank you for the compliment mate, I´ll keep answering as many comments as I can.
10/19/2020 10:32 am
Level 22 : Expert Taco
Aztekaspia's Avatar
Some days ago we reached 1000 views :D! Next milestone will be 2000

Edit: Whoa 1.5K views, halfway done baby.

Now we reached 2000, got a surprise for ya.
10/15/2020 9:59 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Crafter
Luke_ver's Avatar
Awesome city. I'm happy to see more Mesoamerican stuff here on Planet Minecraft.
10/15/2020 10:26 pm
Level 22 : Expert Taco
Aztekaspia's Avatar
Thank you for taking the time on watching my map :), and yeah, the community is growing, I think that I´ll do a discord for the people who likes this stuff as we are now a few
10/08/2020 9:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
AguilaDB's Avatar
This is awesome! Been looking for something like this!
