Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

The Handheld Game

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Level 26 : Expert Engineer
Yes I'm making a new redstone game. And yes it got kind of a contradictory name. I named it the handheld game because it similar to the first handhheld electronic games. And I thought it kind of funny to call it the handheld game because its far from hendheld =P.

The game is a one player game. The game will look a bit like this:

[] [] [] []

[] [] [] []

[] [] [] []

[] [] [] []

() () () ()


The () symbolises the players play area. Its theese 4 slots where the player can move in. The O sympolises each a button. Theres a right and a left button. The [] symbolises the obstacle indicator. ( Indicators consist of a redstone torch.)

The player will use the left and right button to move the () light. And the buttons move the light one to thier direction (left, right)

The obstacle indicator is sectioned into columns one above each player area. Randomly obstacles will be created at the top and then drop down to the player area. If a player is directly below a obstacle ( a active/lit torch indicator) he will loose.
When you loose the game will automaticly reset its memory and turn itself off.
Each obstacle line has its own color: as you can see in the picture.

Im currently building it:

What is left to do:

* Improve the 2 Randomisers that choose when and where a obstacle will appear
Progress85% complete

11 Update Logs

Update #11 : by allot 09/19/2011 5:56:51 amSep 19th, 2011

The World Save was lost with 1.8 ore-release :(

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12/12/2011 7:35 am
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
It is named handheld due to the irony, not that i want it to be small ^^
12/08/2011 1:11 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
Use little blocks mod (HANDHELD)
11/12/2011 10:37 am
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
Well The Project is as good as Finished, altough the world save got lost :(

But I could always make a new one
10/31/2011 8:30 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Cake
I agreed with lex224ification!

Cant wait to see the finish result!
08/13/2011 5:06 am
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
I am now necroing this project. I am currently building the game on a singleplayer map.
04/20/2011 12:31 am
Level 26 : Expert Explorer
try jinivus.com (jinivus.com is also IP), it has a lot of friendly users and look for me so we can make this together if you want.
Ticket Creator
02/23/2011 3:36 pm
gieef :(
Ticket Creator
02/17/2011 4:33 pm
contact me:
Ticket Creator
02/17/2011 4:32 pm
can i help in building the project??

do you have the complete schematic??

sorry about the server... try to get an online host service
02/03/2011 10:12 am
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Cyborg Programmer
Here's the list of Creative Servers on PMC.
Also be sure to check out MC Server Review.
