Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

NYC Chicago Style 'El' "L" Elevated Train System

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Crafter
An "El" Train System based on the razed, 19th-Century Era
Manhattan Els

Hold up - What's an 'El' ?

El (noun) - an elevated railroad or section of railroad, especially that in Chicago ('L') or New York ('El').

A Background on "El's" in Manhattan (What the entire in-game system is based on).

New York's "El's" (Elevated Rail lines) in Manhattan were torn down long ago, but not Chicago's. Why? Manhattan's were seen as blights. Chicagos on the other hand, saw the value & importance of its lines and the system ultimately doubled as a tourist attraction itself. Back to the topic of the Manhattan lines: they blocked the sun from the streets, decreased the properly values of buildings along the Els, and were noisy. Subway lines intended to replace them resulted in their closure and demolition. The last of the El lines in Manhattan was discontinued due to pressure from real estate developers to make way for new skyscrapers. Now, have you ever wondered why Manhattan has so many skyscrapers, especially in midtown? It's because the "El's" were demolished. Had they been kept, New York would still have many tenements and far less high rises in the city, since they lowered property values. However, it is still likely that the city would have went through with the construction of its many skyscrapers, even with some of the "Els" around (They'd have to get some offices done at some point, right?). The demolition of the Els started a boom in skyscraper construction along the avenues and neighborhoods they once ran along / through.

Though they were a nuisance, the city would be different if they had just kept the last one out of the four Manhattan Els. The Third Avenue El's demoltion has left the Lexington Avenue Line, being the only subway line currently left on Manhattan's East Side (until 2016 on part of 2nd Avenue), extremely packed, and its demolition contributed to the deterioration of the Bronx starting in 1973, which left parts of it an utter wasteland for several years.

For More Information and the NYC Els and it's transit system, or any other city's transit system please visit : http://nycsubway.org

To view a Gallery of the long gone NYC Els, visit : https://picasaweb.google.com/116363262722377355677


You do not have the right to use any of the stations, structures, or train designs from the project on your own work without my permission.

Creative Commons License
New York City based Manhattan Elevated Train System by
Mech265 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
CreditAa60665, OwenJDCanada
Progress100% complete

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by Mech265 12/11/2016 6:35:56 pmDec 11th, 2016

Added renders of three new stations and updated the Elevated structures.

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10/31/2019 9:01 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Birb
Hi! this looks great! What is the texture pack you use? I'm building my own city but can never find a suitable realistic pack.
11/05/2019 7:31 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Crafter
You can use the Greenfield Texture Pack.
09/25/2019 8:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can download it? is there a link?
09/28/2019 7:48 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Crafter
Unfortunately I lost the map and the server files. My laptop's hard drive got corrupted so everything u see here no longer exists.
12/12/2016 6:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Can you send the link ? please
12/11/2016 10:38 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Architect
niced i should make more of chi's
12/11/2016 10:54 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Crafter
ye make Madison & Wabash
05/20/2016 12:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
This is the only elevated rail lines I've seen around here. looks great!
02/20/2016 6:29 pm
Level 84 : Elite Fox
Sweet!, though they still have elevated tracks outside of manhattan, I ride the 7 train subway in queens and they use a lot of elevated tracks.
02/20/2016 7:11 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Crafter
Yeah, I know. Lol I ride the 7 everyday. IRT Flushing Line's been reliable since 1915.
