Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Washington Plaza -- Torus-Shaped Futuristic Building in Neo-Charlotte

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ArmchairHacker's Avatar ArmchairHacker
Level 20 : Expert Architect
About Washington Plaza

Washington Plaza is a torus-shaped megastructure located in the East Sector of Neo-Charlotte. It is 105 meters in height and 236 meters in width. It is built out of 125k blocks. Notable features of WP include the skybridge and rooftop terrace.

Some progress still needs to be made -- there are no interior furnishings, and I still have to build a park in the city block under the sky bridge. But I was pleased with the result enough to post it to PlanetMinecraft.

About Neo-Charlotte

Neo-Charlotte is a twenty-second century city that I'm building in Minecraft. More information about it can be found in my profile.
Progress80% complete

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