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Legend of Elders

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sharkybushbaby's Avatar sharkybushbaby
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
Status Offline Pinged: 04/26/24
United Kingdom
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Legend of Elders is a Small Adventure map made by the creator of Flare Heroes.

Based loosely around the Zelda story's, Elders takes place in a fantasy World.

Brief back story

Centuries Ago the land of ******* was populated by the Elders, The Elders were magical creators who built the Realms of the lands. (Cold Cave, Soul Lake, The Great Volcano, Sand Hole and the Kingdom of ****** )

A Great Battle took place, Monsters of the underworlds came to the surface and took the Elders to war. The realms were destroyed and the land became dark And the Elders strangely Vanished without a trace.

Generations and Generations later a small community was born.
A small forest area known as OAKFALL, where life was simple and safe. and the Legends of the Elders has become no more than a child's bedtime story.

But what Had Happened to the Elders. Where did they go?
This is no Bedtime Story.

Travel realm to realm finding Armour and clues to solve the mystery of the Elders disappearance.

Additional Notes

Legend of Elders is a Small Adventure map made by the creator of Flare Heroes. THIS IS AN ADVENTURE MAP SO WANT TO DO A ADVENTURE MAP BEFORE JOINING
Creditsharkybushbaby,discojesus asasintorteachip

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10/08/2012 6:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dylan_Kitterman's Avatar
Can You Add Me To The White-list My minecraft user name is: Dylan_Kitterman im a guide right now and i really like there server but now i cant so can you please add me to the White-list thanks. -Dylan
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