Seliph, Scion of Light - Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Seliph, Scion of Light - Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War

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fire emblem man yes's Avatar fire emblem man yes
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Prince
Seliph finally got a legendary alt, after far too much waiting, so here he is.
While I was just as happy as everyone else, it did get me thinking about how Kaga would feel to see his characters sold like this. He doesn't strike me as someone who would be a fan of gacha systems and he seemed quite passionate about his stories and characters. I suppose at the end of the day it was his decision to leave Intelligent Systems and Nintendo and he must have done it knowing fully well what it meant for his characters, so I shouldn't feel too sorry for him.

Speculation aside, it still amazes me to see support like this for a game and story from over 20 years ago. I was really quite touched when his conversation mentioned the beach event in chapter 10- only now can we see how that affected him and how he looks back on it.

Here's to more Jugdral support in heroes, and who knows what future games will bring!
Seliph, Scion of Light - Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Minecraft Skin
This place is as good as any, so I'll put some of my favourite Cipher artwork following Seliph's story here, along with some powerful quotes from along the way.

Seliph, Scion of Light - Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Minecraft Skin

Seliph, Scion of Light - Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Minecraft Skin

"Seliph. Listen, Seliph. You must say humble, no matter what.
You must learn the sorrow of the common man, Seliph. Your truth is not the reality of all. Unless you know their pain, these long years of war will have been for naught..."

"F-Father! Come back... Please!"

"Hold on. I'M to be the king?!"

"Mm-hmm. After all that's happened, you and Julia are the last living heirs of the blood of Grannvale's kings. The two of you have inherited the last will of all who lost their lives on this path. These souls watch over you, even now. You mustn't forget the light for which they strove."

"Thank you, Lewyn... Thank you so much... You've done so much for us, the young generation. You've always guided us... From the bottom of our hearts, thank you."

"I did only my duty, Seliph. I am the wind, a wind fated to guide the beating light of life. And this very light shines on within the hearts of every last one of you."

"So long as our world lives on, humanity will never forget your kindness... Lewyn... No... A hero of a distant land... Forseti of the Wind..."

"In ages to come, the people of Jugdral tell legends of a divine king of ages past. None shall ever forget his name: Seliph."


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07/06/2020 8:49 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
KnightyKnight's Avatar
Excellent work dude! Its a shame IS does not have the same passion for the old epics and poems and stories like Kaga did. Instead they are now, in Heroes, using horny people for money, which is slimy business practices and it pushes people away who dont want 50 Camillas, Lyns, F!Byleths, etc. We want the characters we like that have meaning to us, and the ones that are cool. Not the fiftieth alt for a character with big flesh pillows. And Im glad to see the real ones out here!
