Timewalkers [GIFT] Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Timewalkers [GIFT]

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Fawne's Avatar Fawne
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Witch Princess
So, I entered Kirigiri's secret Santa event. This is for TsukiaKari! Merry Christmas & happy holidays!

(Went for a time/steampunk-ish vibe but it turned out to be more of a Salvador Dali meets Alice in Wonderland thing RIP)

I thought it would be nice to include a little bit of pizzazz so...
...here's a really big render of this skin
Timewalkers [GIFT] Minecraft Skin
Render made by SuspiciousMinds (thanks for helping out!)
Also I requested Kari's user be put on there so it's less likely to be stolen. I know it's the tiniest bit tacky, but it's on purpose!

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12/20/2018 1:52 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Necromancer
TsukiaKari's Avatar
OH okay wow that is both not what i was expecting and amazing :0

uhh I’m not sure what else to say so uhh

Thank you and have a wonderful year

should I put this on my profile? I guess I could
12/20/2018 11:33 pm
She/Her • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Witch Princess
Fawne's Avatar
Thank you & you're welcome!

You don't have to put anything on your profile but if you want to you can have the character thing and use the render in any way you want, it's a gift after all

