Ultraseven X Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Ultraseven X

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Powered-Great's Avatar Powered-Great
Level 52 : Grandmaster Skinner
Ultraseven X.....maybe the actual Zero's dad....

Ultraseven X is a hero from another world and a legendary fighter, Ultraseven’s Earth would be free of threats for years until a parallel world discovered a gateway to his, via the Aqua Project. On that parallel world, mankind was unknowingly controlled by an Invisible Force, who then sought to spread their influence to Seven's reality. Two humans native to the other dimension, Jin and Elea, discovered the invasion plot and were attacked as they attempted to stop it. Elea and Jin fell into the water, and Jin was mortally wounded shielding his lover from several blaster shots. In the water as they sank, Elea’s prayers reached the giant from another world who was using the gateway between their worlds. He’d revive Jin and merge with him, granting him his power, but the human would lose his memories, while Seven would enter a self induced coma, less his powerful mind overtake and destroy the human's consciousness.

The Skin- no prob but his horn and that Super Upgrade Ultra Shoulder Pad!!!! but the most hard part is to change the color.....It was a pain!

(Maybe i will make.....) Fan Fic!!

*:- Ruin of the Land of Light
Seven X: *sigh* ((I'm the last Ultra in this world. i know that there is another world that is filled with Ultras living in harmony. but its better if i live here. I'll be waiting for my light...No! Our Light! to shine this world and rebuild everything! but why bother! been waiting for 400 years))

*Ultraman Zero Appear*
Zero: Dad!

Seven X: Zero?! why are you here?!

Zero: dad, lets...*look around*.. what happened here?

Seven X: destroyed of course!

Zero: hey dad, lets rebuild our home!

Seven X: first of all, you're a male Ultra so pls don't say it like that. secondly, I'm not your father.Your father is Ultra Seven back at your world.

Zero: no.. he is not my father! i ran away because i want to see my real father! i know it's you!

Seven X: How so?!

Zero: your eye

Seven X:............
Ultraseven X Minecraft Skin
Ultraseven X Minecraft Skin
Ultraseven X Minecraft Skinthis image is how i made the fan fic! made by the Deviant Artist,YestherDey! check him/her out! but hoping for this comic again? you might find less. no offence bruh
CreditGot Amino MC? Follow me now!!

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02/19/2019 8:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Skorlox64's Avatar
to be honest i think the eyes look kinda the same but i think the company thought they plan will be that ultra seven x was going to replace the OG ultra seven
11/22/2016 9:32 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Skinner
Thehealer's Avatar
Your so talented
11/22/2016 9:42 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Skinner
Powered-Great's Avatar
11/22/2016 9:46 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Skinner
Thehealer's Avatar
09/25/2016 12:44 pm
Level 78 : Legendary Network Answer
Shinjo's Avatar
same seven but different suit
09/25/2016 6:03 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Skinner
Powered-Great's Avatar
yeah...forgot to mention that part...well at least it better then Mephisto & Zwei
