Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

Dromaeosaurs! (Raptor Dinosaurs)

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DiberTheCheetah's Avatar DiberTheCheetah
Level 36 : Artisan Nerd
Dromaeosaurids (also known as raptor Dinosaurs) were a family of small to medium feathered dinosaurs which first appeared in the middle Jurassic and reached their peak in the Cretaceous period. The first Dromaeosaurids were smaller and more birdlike than the later ones.

Originally exposed to the world as the big vicious lizard things that the Jurassic Park franchise came up with, actual Dromaeosaurids looked nothing like this hideous baseless interpretation, and were actually a diverse family of awesome bird-like carnivores.

And much like how felids are not just one thing but a varied group of animals that differ greatly in size and fill a wide variety of predatory niches, also Dromaeosaurids are divided into a diverse array of subfamilies. Examples of dromaeosaur subfamilies include the four-winged microraptorians, the duck-like halszkaraptorines, the velociraptorines which proably occupied the same niche as foxes, the stocky and possibly pack hunting dromaeosaurines, the long-snouted unenlagiines, and more.
This goes to show that dromaeosaurids were not movie monsters, murderous dragon things, or awkward transitionary species with crocodile heads and unkempt tarred feathers draped over their painfully skinny bodies but a diverse family of very bird like carnivores that were just as graceful as modern animals and don't deserve our fear and stereotyping.

These are my favourite animals so I've made a pack which adds three species of them as cats, ocelots and zoglins. And since this pack doesn't completely replace these three mobs with Dromaeosaurids, you'll need to name these mobs with name tags in order to turn them into the Dromaeosaurids I added.

Examples of how dromaeosaurs might have looked like

And here is a command which gives dromaeosaur spawn eggs:
/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:light_gray_shulker_box[​facing=up]{Items:[{Count:1b,Slot:0b,id:"minecraft:name_tag",tag:{RepairCost:0,display:{Name:'{"text":"Velociraptor"}'}}},{Count:1b,Slot:1b,id:"minecraft:name_tag",tag:{RepairCost:0,display:{Name:'{"text":"Dromaeosaurus"}'}}},{Count:1b,Slot:2b,id:"minecraft:name_tag",tag:{RepairCost:0,display:{Name:'{"text":"Deinonychus"}'}}},{Count:1b,Slot:9b,id:"minecraft:ghast_spawn_egg",tag:{EntityTag:{id:"minecraft:cat"},RepairCost:0,display:{Name:'{"text":"Velociraptor"}'}}},{Count:1b,Slot:10b,id:"minecraft:ghast_spawn_egg",tag:{EntityTag:{id:"minecraft:ocelot"},RepairCost:0,display:{Name:'{"text":"Dromaeosaurus"}'}}},{Count:1b,Slot:11b,id:"minecraft:ghast_spawn_egg",tag:{EntityTag:{id:"minecraft:zoglin"},RepairCost:0,display:{Name:'{"text":"Deinonychus"}'}}},{Count:1b,Slot:17b,id:"minecraft:emerald",tag:{RepairCost:0,display:{Name:'{"text":"Amber"}'}}},{Count:1b,Slot:18b,id:"minecraft:poisonous_potato",tag:{RepairCost:0,display:{Name:'{"text":"Velociraptor Egg"}'}}},{Count:1b,Slot:19b,id:"minecraft:glistering_melon_slice",tag:{RepairCost:0,display:{Name:'{"text":"Dromaeosaurus Egg"}'}}},{Count:1b,Slot:20b,id:"minecraft:ghast_tear",tag:{RepairCost:0,display:{Name:'{"text":"Deinonychus Egg"}'}}}]}

This pack requires Optifine to work!!!
Progress75% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by DiberTheCheetah 06/19/2023 2:08:50 pmJun 19th, 2023

This update is dedicated the the Velociraptors

— Changed the texture of the velociraptor's wings

— Made it so the velociraptors have thinner, more birdlike feet

— Changed the texture of the baby Velociraptors

— Made it so tamed Velociraptors have leg bands instead of collars


— Finally, after a billion years, I have managed to fix the sitting velociraptor model and re-add cat collars.

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04/08/2024 11:47 am
He/Him • Level 32 : Artisan Lemon Archer
LimeSpeedCrystal's Avatar
what entity does this change to dinosourz
05/08/2024 10:38 am
Level 36 : Artisan Nerd
DiberTheCheetah's Avatar
Cats that are named "Velociraptor" with a name tag become Velociraptors, ocelots that are named "Dromaeosaurus" with a name tag become Dromaeosaurus, and zoglins that are named "Deinonychus" with a name tag become Deinonychus. And it only works if you are using Optifine.
Edit: Unless my pack became outdated (I haven't checked).
08/19/2023 12:46 am
Level 36 : Artisan Nerd
DiberTheCheetah's Avatar
I noticed that the heads of my dromaeosaurs (especially the velociraptor) are flatter than the heads of dromaeosaurs from other texture packs/mods/addons/whatevers.
And given that dromaeosaurs in real life also have relatively high skulls, should I make my dromaeosaurs' heads more narrow?
08/20/2023 9:51 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
alia_the_dinosaur_genius's Avatar
Yes It would be so prehistoric! ^^
08/13/2023 8:32 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
alia_the_dinosaur_genius's Avatar
You probably can add sounds for the mods dromaeosaurs, velociraptors and deinonychus i've seen websites with velociraptor sounds and some of them aren't JP ones just a thought ^^
08/14/2023 6:51 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Nerd
DiberTheCheetah's Avatar
I think it can be done with a datapack but I don't really know how datapacks work.
08/16/2023 4:58 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
alia_the_dinosaur_genius's Avatar
Oh I see
05/20/2023 8:29 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
DocDracorex's Avatar
Also, in order to do collars, you have to create a new model that is essentially a duplicate of the ocelot/cat model and rename it to cat_collar.jem
06/19/2023 2:22 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Nerd
DiberTheCheetah's Avatar
Thank you! It helped a lot :D
04/23/2023 11:44 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
DocDracorex's Avatar
Can you do one for wolves? I like the idea of a stenonychosaurus wolf.
