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Published Dec 1st, 2023, 12/1/23 8:40 am
- 17,522 views, 24 today
- 3,535 downloads, 6 today

Minecraft: Classic Edition is a resource pack that aims to bring the feel of Minecraft's older versions to the most recent ones.
The vanilla version of the pack is a curated mixture of some of my own textures, monsterfart77's / InfiniteVoid's Classic Alternative pack, ic22487's Programmer Art Ultimate pack and Sencie's Old Lighting & Water pack. It also includes UsernameGeri's Classic Menu Panorama and tosutosu's Old Minecraft logo

Mod Support
All releases of the vanilla pack have an optional ZIP file that contains all the resource packs for the currently supported mods, one for each mod.

List of currently supported mods:
- The Aether
- Better End
- Better Nether
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Create
- Ecologics
- Expanded Delight
- Farmer's Delight
- MCA Reborn
- Let's Do: Meadow
- Mythic Upgrades
- Regions Unexplored
- Supplementaries
- Twigs
- Let's Do: Vinery

Credit | monsterfart77, ic22487, UsernameGeri, tosutosu |
Progress | 100% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.21 |
Resolution | 16x |
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