Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

Minecraft Compromise: The classic and new look of Minecraft, combined. [1.21 ready! 1.20.5+ and 1.19 also available!]

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Particles
  • check_circle Terrain
  • check_circle Audio
  • check_circle Models
  • 51,272 views, 18 today
  • 5,296 downloads, 5 today
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter

Do you like the new textures but still wish we got some of the older ones back?
Maybe you like the new more refined approach to the game while still being fond of developer art textures?

Well, in the vast ocean of people creating resource packs with the aim to adapt developer art into newer Minecraft, as Mojang decided not to do so - there is an isle.

I want to provide players with the best of both worlds as it consists of the worthwhile changes made in Village and Pillage update but blends all the other changes that didn’t particularly fit well with the game’s overall style.

Another change is that Minecraft Compromise brings back an array of old sounds or blends them with newer ones, while also providing a few user-interface tweaks that make it look a lot sleeker and more appealing. Many sounds are blended together, if you step on the grass you will hear the best of the worlds - crispy sounds and quieter tones. There are also some nostalgia inducing changes, as well as more visionary ones.

Note! Programmer Art toggled is not needed. However, if you switch to Programmer Art, for the most part you will be alright.

A list of changes that are more noticeable:
* Blocks in general are closer in pattern to programmer art. However, they use restricted color palettes, mimicing modern Minecraft.
* Almost all ores have the iconic pattern that is now only characteristic to diamonds. Raw ore textures are also more uniform.
* Flowers use the old shapes but new color palettes.
* The user interface is more nostalgia inducing thanks to classic hover tooltips. Buttons are now blue again while hovering, while also having the white outline. The experience bar and other parts of the HUD were also adjusted, making them a bit more sleek.
* Driptones are now 3D in order to look more like older Minecraft mods that added stalactites and stalagmites such as Quark.
* The Warden is now the living nightmare that used to haunt us during Alpha and Beta times, Herobrine.
* Bed items are now 2D, pink cherry petals are now 3D, food item outlines are now more bold, some items are now symmetrical such as paintings, brushes are now classic looking.

Recommended settings and mods:
Video Settings:
--- Biome Blend: 15x15 (Maximum)
--- Brightness: Moody (+0%)
--- Mipmap Levels: 1 or 2, OFF for extra nostalgia.

Optifine/Sodium/Iris Settings:
--- Quality...
------- Emissive Textures: ON
------- Custom Sky: ON
------- Custom Entity Models: ON
------- Custom Colors: ON

--- Nostalgic Tweaks: many changes to various aspects of the game, visual, gameplay, sound, combat etc. Completely configurable!
--- Raised: fixes the hotbar, making it move higher than before!
--- Bedrockify: despite its' name, it also has settings for mimicking Legacy Console Edition.

Special thanks to:

the Vanilla Tweaks team for various improvements over Jappa textures!

Sencie for creating the Old Water and Lighting resource pack (which the pack uses)!

Update 02-08-2021:

You may:
> Upload showcase videos or threads to YouTube or forums sites. (A link to this post will be appreciated)

You may not:
> Redistribute this pack or any of its textures as your own.
> Create mashup/edits using this pack’s textures and/or redistribute without the creator's permission. But go ahead and ask, I will probably allow it.
CreditMojang AB/Mojang Studios, Jasper Boerstra (JAPPA), Vanilla Tweaks
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20.6

21 Update Logs

Update #20 for 1.21 : by tosutosu 07/21/2024 6:02:28 amJul 21st, 2024

Changelog for 1.21+:

* Reworked Herobrine's animations and sounds. **He** should now be more quiet and more creepy. Note: Custom models and animations require mods like **Entity Model Features** or OptiFine.
* Pottery sherds now depict **Him** instead of the Warden.
* Replaced 1.21 music with C418's Flake and unreleased Battlemode tracks (those are rumored to be in the infamous third Minecraft album).
* 1.21 paintings are now more pixelated and should match original paintings more.
* Wolf armor is now more simplistic.
* Changed the cobblestone and chiseled stone bricks textures.
* Added support for connected glass.
* Made the brush texture more coppery.
* Sugar cane is yet again more classic now.
* Fixed boats models.
* Fixed a particle bug with hoppers.
* Improved support for Nostalgic Tweaks and Legacy4J mods.

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12/30/2024 8:54 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
You should do this for 1.8.9
12/09/2024 3:56 pm
Level 45 : Master Pixel Painter
I am working on an update, it will be available this week!
10/14/2024 9:53 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Creeper
add pale wood and minecraft live bundles?
07/21/2024 8:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Man I just love the classic lave
06/06/2024 10:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Can you fix warden and village it appears invisible here
05/22/2024 8:29 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Cat Fish
Why is the flower pattern the only texture that is different from others?
05/15/2024 5:03 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Creeper
big herobrine doesn't work with the pack (or at least not the athstetic) also same for cobblestone poppy and netherrack (it looks like old tuff) maybe change in a future update to commemorate the upcoming 15 year thing
05/05/2024 1:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Yoooo this texture pack is so sick!!! just what i've been searching for, because while i like old textures a lot, there are things that i like about the new ones, this compromise is just right!!!
11/22/2023 6:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
07/24/2023 5:19 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Yooo, it's Herobrine him!
