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I was missing the old ambience of Minecraft so I created this pack.
Three versions:
Default brings back the old sounds and music. No sounds were muted.
Classic: pre-Beta 1.8 brings back the old sounds and removes many sounds to recreate the pre-Beta 1.8 atmosphere (e.g. the underwater and the Nether are quiet again).
Classic: pre-1.4.2 same as above but recreates the atmosphere between 1.0.0 and 1.3.2 instead.
To preserve the consistency of the game experience, some new sounds are changed to old style (e.g. Deepslate uses old stone sounds for consistency with stone).
Pack available for versions 1.9 and later (Java Edition)
Three versions:
Default brings back the old sounds and music. No sounds were muted.
Classic: pre-Beta 1.8 brings back the old sounds and removes many sounds to recreate the pre-Beta 1.8 atmosphere (e.g. the underwater and the Nether are quiet again).
Classic: pre-1.4.2 same as above but recreates the atmosphere between 1.0.0 and 1.3.2 instead.
To preserve the consistency of the game experience, some new sounds are changed to old style (e.g. Deepslate uses old stone sounds for consistency with stone).
Pack available for versions 1.9 and later (Java Edition)
How to install?
Launch Minecraft (Java Edition). Open the Resource Packs folder (accessible from the options menu) and place the pack there. Select the pack then play. Previous versions are available on CurseForge.
How did you make this pack?
I watched historical footage of Minecraft to be accurate because the official launcher does not provide all the old sounds. This lightweight pack is coded in JavaScript.
How can I get C418's music only, and keep the new sounds?
It is included in the pack. Just delete sounds.json, and rename music.json as sounds.json to use it.
Which texture pack do you recommend for a classic experience?
You can combine my pack with a retro texture pack:
Beta Continuum
Golden Days
For a complete retro experience, I recommend my other pack: Old Lighting & Water.
Why do you have villager sounds? They were silent until 1.6.1.
The community voted to keep their sounds because it is better for gameplay.
Will you create a bedrock version?
Sorry to my fellow bedrock enthusiasts, I do not have the skills to make this.
Special Thanks:
Misterk7 for discovering that the idle sounds of cows and sheep used to be cut (pre-1.4.2)
Swigly for showing that door and chest had a different sound (between 1.0.0 and 1.8.9)
VanJosh for showing that snow had an old sound (pre-1.4.2)

Launch Minecraft (Java Edition). Open the Resource Packs folder (accessible from the options menu) and place the pack there. Select the pack then play. Previous versions are available on CurseForge.
How did you make this pack?
I watched historical footage of Minecraft to be accurate because the official launcher does not provide all the old sounds. This lightweight pack is coded in JavaScript.
How can I get C418's music only, and keep the new sounds?
It is included in the pack. Just delete sounds.json, and rename music.json as sounds.json to use it.
Which texture pack do you recommend for a classic experience?
You can combine my pack with a retro texture pack:
Beta Continuum
Golden Days
For a complete retro experience, I recommend my other pack: Old Lighting & Water.
Why do you have villager sounds? They were silent until 1.6.1.
The community voted to keep their sounds because it is better for gameplay.
Will you create a bedrock version?
Sorry to my fellow bedrock enthusiasts, I do not have the skills to make this.
Special Thanks:
Misterk7 for discovering that the idle sounds of cows and sheep used to be cut (pre-1.4.2)
Swigly for showing that door and chest had a different sound (between 1.0.0 and 1.8.9)
VanJosh for showing that snow had an old sound (pre-1.4.2)

Default version (no sounds were muted) - All Changes:
Amethyst block uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst busts uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst bud uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst chimes are silent (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst cluster uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Ancient debris uses old stone sounds (for consistency with ores)
Anvil uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Armor stand uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Arrow uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Azalea uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Azalea leaves use old grass sounds (for consistency with leaves)
Bamboo uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Bamboo block uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Barrel uses old chest sounds (for consistency with chest)
Basalt uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Bogged uses old skeleton sounds (for consistency with skeleton)
Bone block uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Bow uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Brush uses old sand and old gravel sounds (for consistency with sand and gravel)
Button uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Calcite uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Campfire crackle uses fire sound (for consistency with fire)
Candle uses torch sounds (for consistency with torch)
Cave vines use old vine sounds (for consistency with vines)
Cherry leaves use old grass sounds (for consistency with leaves)
Chests use old sounds (from Beta 1.8)
Chiseled bookshelf uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Cobweb uses old sounds (pre-1.21)
Copper uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Copper Bulb uses old glowstone sounds (for consistency with glowstone)
Copper Grate uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Cow uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Creaking Heart breaking and steps use old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Crop breaking uses old sounds (pre-1.10)
Damage uses old sounds - including old 'oof' sound (pre-1.0.0)
Decorated pot uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Deepslate uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Deepslate bricks uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Deepslate tiles uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Dispenser uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Door uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Dripstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Egg throwing uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Ender dragon uses old damage sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Explosion uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Fence gate uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Fishing rod throwing bobber uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Fishing rod retrieving bobber is silent (pre-1.12)
Flint and steel uses old sound (pre-1.4.2)
Flowering azalea uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Froglight uses old wood sounds (for consistency with shroomlight)
Frogspawn breaking uses old sand sounds (for consistency with sand)
Frogspawn placing uses lily pad sounds (for consistency with lily pad)
Fungus uses mushroom sounds (for consistency with mushroom)
Gilded blackstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with cobblestone)
Glass steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Grass steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Gravel steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Hanging roots use old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Hanging sign uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Heavy Core uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Hoe tilling uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Husk uses zombie sounds (for consistency with zombie)
Lightning bolt uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Lodestone steps use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Mace smashing ground uses old explosion sound (for consistency with explosion)
Magma cube uses old slime sounds (for consistency with slime)
Mangrove roots use old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Metal uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Mooshroom uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Moss uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Mud uses old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Mud bricks use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Muddy mangrove roots use old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Music restricted to C418's music (pre-1.16)
Nether bricks use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Nether gold ore uses old stone sounds (for consistency with netherrack)
Nether ore uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Nether sprout uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Nether wart uses old sound (pre-1.14)
Nether wart block uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Nether wood uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Netherite uses old stone sounds (for consistency with metal)
Netherrack uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Nylium mining uses old netherrack sounds and steps use old grass sounds (for consistency with netherrack)
Packed mud uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Pink petals use old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Pointed dripstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Polished tuff uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Polished deepslate uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Pressure plate uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Rain uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Root mining uses old grass sound (for consistency with vines)
Rooted dirt uses old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Sand uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Sapling uses old crop sounds (for consistency with crop)
Scaffolding uses ladder sounds (for consistency with ladder)
Sheep uses old idle sounds: say3 is cut (pre-1.4.2)
Shroomlight uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Shulker box uses old chest sounds (for consistency with chest)
Sign uses old sounds (pre-1.20)
Skeleton uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Slime uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Snow uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Snowball uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Soul sand uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Soul soil uses old gravel sounds (for consistency with soul sand)
Spawner uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Sponge uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Spore blossom uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Stem uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Stone uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Stray uses old skeleton sounds (for consistency with skeleton)
Suspicious gravel uses old gravel sounds (for consistency with gravel)
Suspicious sand uses old sand sounds (for consistency with sand)
Sweet berry Bush uses old grass sounds (for consistency with bush)
Trapdoor uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Tuff uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Tuff bricks use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Vault opening and closing uses old door sounds (for consistency with door)
Vines use old sounds (pre-1.16)
Wart block uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Water splash uses old sound (pre-1.4.2)
Weeping vines mining uses old grass sounds (for consistency with vines)
Wind charge throwing uses old throwing sound (for consistency with egg)
Wither skeleton uses old sounds (pre-1.11)
Wood uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Zombie villager uses old sounds (pre-1.11)
Amethyst busts uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst bud uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst chimes are silent (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst cluster uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Ancient debris uses old stone sounds (for consistency with ores)
Anvil uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Armor stand uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Arrow uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Azalea uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Azalea leaves use old grass sounds (for consistency with leaves)
Bamboo uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Bamboo block uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Barrel uses old chest sounds (for consistency with chest)
Basalt uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Bogged uses old skeleton sounds (for consistency with skeleton)
Bone block uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Bow uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Brush uses old sand and old gravel sounds (for consistency with sand and gravel)
Button uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Calcite uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Campfire crackle uses fire sound (for consistency with fire)
Candle uses torch sounds (for consistency with torch)
Cave vines use old vine sounds (for consistency with vines)
Cherry leaves use old grass sounds (for consistency with leaves)
Chests use old sounds (from Beta 1.8)
Chiseled bookshelf uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Cobweb uses old sounds (pre-1.21)
Copper uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Copper Bulb uses old glowstone sounds (for consistency with glowstone)
Copper Grate uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Cow uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Creaking Heart breaking and steps use old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Crop breaking uses old sounds (pre-1.10)
Damage uses old sounds - including old 'oof' sound (pre-1.0.0)
Decorated pot uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Deepslate uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Deepslate bricks uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Deepslate tiles uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Dispenser uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Door uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Dripstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Egg throwing uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Ender dragon uses old damage sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Explosion uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Fence gate uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Fishing rod throwing bobber uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Fishing rod retrieving bobber is silent (pre-1.12)
Flint and steel uses old sound (pre-1.4.2)
Flowering azalea uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Froglight uses old wood sounds (for consistency with shroomlight)
Frogspawn breaking uses old sand sounds (for consistency with sand)
Frogspawn placing uses lily pad sounds (for consistency with lily pad)
Fungus uses mushroom sounds (for consistency with mushroom)
Gilded blackstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with cobblestone)
Glass steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Grass steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Gravel steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Hanging roots use old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Hanging sign uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Heavy Core uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Hoe tilling uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Husk uses zombie sounds (for consistency with zombie)
Lightning bolt uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Lodestone steps use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Mace smashing ground uses old explosion sound (for consistency with explosion)
Magma cube uses old slime sounds (for consistency with slime)
Mangrove roots use old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Metal uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Mooshroom uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Moss uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Mud uses old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Mud bricks use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Muddy mangrove roots use old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Music restricted to C418's music (pre-1.16)
Nether bricks use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Nether gold ore uses old stone sounds (for consistency with netherrack)
Nether ore uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Nether sprout uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Nether wart uses old sound (pre-1.14)
Nether wart block uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Nether wood uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Netherite uses old stone sounds (for consistency with metal)
Netherrack uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Nylium mining uses old netherrack sounds and steps use old grass sounds (for consistency with netherrack)
Packed mud uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Pink petals use old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Pointed dripstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Polished tuff uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Polished deepslate uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Pressure plate uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Rain uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Root mining uses old grass sound (for consistency with vines)
Rooted dirt uses old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Sand uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Sapling uses old crop sounds (for consistency with crop)
Scaffolding uses ladder sounds (for consistency with ladder)
Sheep uses old idle sounds: say3 is cut (pre-1.4.2)
Shroomlight uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Shulker box uses old chest sounds (for consistency with chest)
Sign uses old sounds (pre-1.20)
Skeleton uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Slime uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Snow uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Snowball uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Soul sand uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Soul soil uses old gravel sounds (for consistency with soul sand)
Spawner uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Sponge uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Spore blossom uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Stem uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Stone uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Stray uses old skeleton sounds (for consistency with skeleton)
Suspicious gravel uses old gravel sounds (for consistency with gravel)
Suspicious sand uses old sand sounds (for consistency with sand)
Sweet berry Bush uses old grass sounds (for consistency with bush)
Trapdoor uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Tuff uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Tuff bricks use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Vault opening and closing uses old door sounds (for consistency with door)
Vines use old sounds (pre-1.16)
Wart block uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Water splash uses old sound (pre-1.4.2)
Weeping vines mining uses old grass sounds (for consistency with vines)
Wind charge throwing uses old throwing sound (for consistency with egg)
Wither skeleton uses old sounds (pre-1.11)
Wood uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Zombie villager uses old sounds (pre-1.11)
Classic: pre-Beta 1.8 (sounds were removed) - All Changes:
Ambience in cave removed: cave14-cave19 (pre-1.9)
Ambience in Nether is silent (pre-1.16)
Ambience underwater is silent (pre-1.13)
Amethyst block uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst bud uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst chimes are silent (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst cluster uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst busts uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Ancient debris uses old stone sounds (for consistency with ores)
Anvil uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Armor and saddle equipping is silent (pre-1.9)
Armor stand uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Arrow uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Axolotl is silent (for consistency with squid)
Azalea uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Azalea leaves use old grass sounds (for consistency with leaves)
Bamboo uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Bamboo block uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Barrel is silent (for consistency with chest)
Basalt uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Bat is silent when idle (to restore pre-1.4.2 cave ambience)
Beacon is silent (pre-1.13)
Blast furnace is silent (for consistency with furnace)
Boat is silent (pre-1.12)
Bogged uses old skeleton sounds (for consistency with skeleton)
Bone block uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Bone meal is silent (pre-1.17)
Bottle is silent (pre-1.9)
Bow uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Brewing stand is silent (pre-1.9)
Brush uses old sand and old gravel sounds (for consistency with sand and gravel)
Bucket is silent (pre-1.9)
Button uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Calcite uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Campfire crackle uses fire sound (for consistency with fire)
Candle uses torch sounds (for consistency with torch)
Cave vines use old vine sounds (for consistency with vines)
Chests are silent (pre-Beta 1.8)
Chest added on donkey, mule and llama is silent (pre-1.9)
Chiseled bookshelf uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Cobweb uses old sounds (pre-1.21)
Cod is silent (for consistency with squid)
Copper uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Copper Bulb uses old glowstone sounds (for consistency with glowstone)
Copper Grate uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Cow uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Creaking Heart breaking and steps use old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Crop planting is silent and breaking uses old sounds (pre-1.10)
Crossbow uses old bow sound, and charging is silent (for consistency with bow)
Damage on entity uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Damage on player uses old 'oof' sound (pre-1.0.0)
Damage when falling is silent (pre-1.0.0)
Decorated pot uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Deepslate uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Deepslate bricks uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Deepslate tiles uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Dispenser uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Dolphin is silent (for consistency with squid)
Door uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Dripstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Dyes are silent (pre-1.17)
Eating for animals and milking are silent (pre-1.9)
Egg throwing uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Enchantment table is silent (pre-1.10)
Ender dragon uses old damage sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Ender pearl teleportation is silent (pre-1.21)
Explosion uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Eye of ender bursting and placing are silent (pre-1.12)
Fence gate uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Fishing rod throwing bobber uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Fishing rod retrieving bobber is silent (pre-1.12)
Flint and steel uses old sound (pre-1.4.2)
Flowering azalea uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Froglight uses old wood sounds (for consistency with shroomlight)
Frogspawn breaking uses old sand sounds (for consistency with sand)
Frogspawn placing is silent (for consistency with lily pad)
Fungus uses mushroom sounds (for consistency with mushroom)
Furnace is silent (pre-1.9)
Gilded blackstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with cobblestone)
Glass steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Glow ink sac is silent (for consistency with dyes)
Glow item frame is silent (for consistency with item frame)
Glow squid is silent (for consistency with squid)
Grass steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Gravel steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Hanging roots use old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Hanging sign uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Heavy Core uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Hoe tilling uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Husk uses zombie sounds (for consistency with zombie)
Ink sac is silent (pre-1.17)
Item frame is silent (pre-1.9)
Ladder climbing is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Lava is silent (pre-1.2.1) I know this was a bug but I restored it because it affected the gameplay by making lava more dangerous.
Lead is silent (pre-1.9)
Leveling up is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Lightning bolt uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Lily pad is silent (pre-1.9)
Lodestone steps use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Mace smashing ground uses old explosion sound (for consistency with explosion)
Magma cube uses old slime sounds (for consistency with slime)
Mangrove roots use old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Metal uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Milking is silent (pre-1.9)
Minecart is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Mooshroom uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Moss uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Mud uses old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Mud bricks use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Muddy mangrove roots use old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Music in creative mode use overworld music (pre-1.7.4)
Music in menu are silent (pre-1.7.4)
Music in Nether restricted to nether1-nether4 (between 1.7.4 and 1.15.2) The Nether should not have any music for consistency, but I feel it would be too quiet considering that we have more biomes to explore and that lava is silent.
Music in Overworld restricted to calm1-calm3, hal1-hal4, nuance1-nuance2, piano1-piano3 (pre-1.18)
Music in underwater use overworld music (pre-1.13)
Nether bricks use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Nether gold ore uses old stone sounds (for consistency with netherrack)
Nether ore uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Nether sprout uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Nether wart uses old sound (pre-1.14)
Nether wart block uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Nether wood uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Netherite uses old stone sounds (for consistency with metal)
Netherrack uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Nylium mining uses old netherrack sounds and steps use old grass sounds (for consistency with netherrack)
Packed mud uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Painting placement is silent (pre-1.9)
Player attack is silent (pre-1.9)
Pink petals use old grass sounds and placing is silent (for consistency with grass and crop)
Pointed dripstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Pointed dripstone dripping is silent (for consistency with water & lava dripping)
Pointed dripstone landing is silent (for consistency with gravel & sand landing)
Polished deepslate uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Polished tuff uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Pressure plate uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Puffer fish hurt and death sounds are silent (for consistency with squid)
Rain uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Root climbing is silent and mining uses old grass sound (for consistency with vines)
Rooted dirt uses old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Saddle is silent (pre-1.7.2)
Salmon is silent (for consistency with squid)
Sand uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Sapling uses old crop sounds (for consistency with crop)
Scaffolding uses ladder sounds (for consistency with ladder) I cannot mute climbing because I need the step sounds
Shears are silent (pre-1.4.2)
Sheep uses old idle sounds: say3 is cut (pre-1.4.2)
Shroomlight uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Shulker box is silent (for consistency with chest)
Sign uses old sounds (pre-1.20)
Skeleton uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Slime uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Smithing table is silent (for consistency with brewing stand)
Smoker is silent (for consistency with furnace)
Snow uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Snow golem is silent (pre-1.9)
Snowball uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Soul sand uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Soul soil uses old gravel sounds (for consistency with soul sand)
Spawner uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Sponge uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Spore blossom uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Squid is silent (pre-1.9)
Stem uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Stone uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Stray uses old skeleton sounds (for consistency with skeleton)
Suspicious gravel uses old gravel sounds (for consistency with gravel)
Suspicious sand uses old sand sounds (for consistency with sand)
Sweet berry Bush uses old grass sounds (for consistency with bush)
Swimming is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Tadpole damage is silent (for consistency with squid)
Trapdoor uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Tripwire uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Tropical fish is silent (for consistency with squid)
Tuff uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Tuff bricks use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Vault opening and closing uses old door sounds (for consistency with door)
Vines use old sounds (pre-1.16)
Wart block uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Water splash uses old sound (pre-1.4.2)
Weeping vines climbing is silent and mining uses old grass sounds (for consistency with vines)
Wind charge throwing uses old throwing sound (for consistency with egg)
Wither skeleton uses old sounds (pre-1.11)
Wood uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Zombie villager uses old sounds (pre-1.11)
Ambience in Nether is silent (pre-1.16)
Ambience underwater is silent (pre-1.13)
Amethyst block uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst bud uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst chimes are silent (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst cluster uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst busts uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Ancient debris uses old stone sounds (for consistency with ores)
Anvil uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Armor and saddle equipping is silent (pre-1.9)
Armor stand uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Arrow uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Axolotl is silent (for consistency with squid)
Azalea uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Azalea leaves use old grass sounds (for consistency with leaves)
Bamboo uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Bamboo block uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Barrel is silent (for consistency with chest)
Basalt uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Bat is silent when idle (to restore pre-1.4.2 cave ambience)
Beacon is silent (pre-1.13)
Blast furnace is silent (for consistency with furnace)
Boat is silent (pre-1.12)
Bogged uses old skeleton sounds (for consistency with skeleton)
Bone block uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Bone meal is silent (pre-1.17)
Bottle is silent (pre-1.9)
Bow uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Brewing stand is silent (pre-1.9)
Brush uses old sand and old gravel sounds (for consistency with sand and gravel)
Bucket is silent (pre-1.9)
Button uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Calcite uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Campfire crackle uses fire sound (for consistency with fire)
Candle uses torch sounds (for consistency with torch)
Cave vines use old vine sounds (for consistency with vines)
Chests are silent (pre-Beta 1.8)
Chest added on donkey, mule and llama is silent (pre-1.9)
Chiseled bookshelf uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Cobweb uses old sounds (pre-1.21)
Cod is silent (for consistency with squid)
Copper uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Copper Bulb uses old glowstone sounds (for consistency with glowstone)
Copper Grate uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Cow uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Creaking Heart breaking and steps use old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Crop planting is silent and breaking uses old sounds (pre-1.10)
Crossbow uses old bow sound, and charging is silent (for consistency with bow)
Damage on entity uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Damage on player uses old 'oof' sound (pre-1.0.0)
Damage when falling is silent (pre-1.0.0)
Decorated pot uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Deepslate uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Deepslate bricks uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Deepslate tiles uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Dispenser uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Dolphin is silent (for consistency with squid)
Door uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Dripstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Dyes are silent (pre-1.17)
Eating for animals and milking are silent (pre-1.9)
Egg throwing uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Enchantment table is silent (pre-1.10)
Ender dragon uses old damage sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Ender pearl teleportation is silent (pre-1.21)
Explosion uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Eye of ender bursting and placing are silent (pre-1.12)
Fence gate uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Fishing rod throwing bobber uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Fishing rod retrieving bobber is silent (pre-1.12)
Flint and steel uses old sound (pre-1.4.2)
Flowering azalea uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Froglight uses old wood sounds (for consistency with shroomlight)
Frogspawn breaking uses old sand sounds (for consistency with sand)
Frogspawn placing is silent (for consistency with lily pad)
Fungus uses mushroom sounds (for consistency with mushroom)
Furnace is silent (pre-1.9)
Gilded blackstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with cobblestone)
Glass steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Glow ink sac is silent (for consistency with dyes)
Glow item frame is silent (for consistency with item frame)
Glow squid is silent (for consistency with squid)
Grass steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Gravel steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Hanging roots use old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Hanging sign uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Heavy Core uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Hoe tilling uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Husk uses zombie sounds (for consistency with zombie)
Ink sac is silent (pre-1.17)
Item frame is silent (pre-1.9)
Ladder climbing is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Lava is silent (pre-1.2.1) I know this was a bug but I restored it because it affected the gameplay by making lava more dangerous.
Lead is silent (pre-1.9)
Leveling up is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Lightning bolt uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Lily pad is silent (pre-1.9)
Lodestone steps use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Mace smashing ground uses old explosion sound (for consistency with explosion)
Magma cube uses old slime sounds (for consistency with slime)
Mangrove roots use old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Metal uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Milking is silent (pre-1.9)
Minecart is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Mooshroom uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Moss uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Mud uses old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Mud bricks use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Muddy mangrove roots use old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Music in creative mode use overworld music (pre-1.7.4)
Music in menu are silent (pre-1.7.4)
Music in Nether restricted to nether1-nether4 (between 1.7.4 and 1.15.2) The Nether should not have any music for consistency, but I feel it would be too quiet considering that we have more biomes to explore and that lava is silent.
Music in Overworld restricted to calm1-calm3, hal1-hal4, nuance1-nuance2, piano1-piano3 (pre-1.18)
Music in underwater use overworld music (pre-1.13)
Nether bricks use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Nether gold ore uses old stone sounds (for consistency with netherrack)
Nether ore uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Nether sprout uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Nether wart uses old sound (pre-1.14)
Nether wart block uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Nether wood uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Netherite uses old stone sounds (for consistency with metal)
Netherrack uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Nylium mining uses old netherrack sounds and steps use old grass sounds (for consistency with netherrack)
Packed mud uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Painting placement is silent (pre-1.9)
Player attack is silent (pre-1.9)
Pink petals use old grass sounds and placing is silent (for consistency with grass and crop)
Pointed dripstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Pointed dripstone dripping is silent (for consistency with water & lava dripping)
Pointed dripstone landing is silent (for consistency with gravel & sand landing)
Polished deepslate uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Polished tuff uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Pressure plate uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Puffer fish hurt and death sounds are silent (for consistency with squid)
Rain uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Root climbing is silent and mining uses old grass sound (for consistency with vines)
Rooted dirt uses old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Saddle is silent (pre-1.7.2)
Salmon is silent (for consistency with squid)
Sand uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Sapling uses old crop sounds (for consistency with crop)
Scaffolding uses ladder sounds (for consistency with ladder) I cannot mute climbing because I need the step sounds
Shears are silent (pre-1.4.2)
Sheep uses old idle sounds: say3 is cut (pre-1.4.2)
Shroomlight uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Shulker box is silent (for consistency with chest)
Sign uses old sounds (pre-1.20)
Skeleton uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Slime uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Smithing table is silent (for consistency with brewing stand)
Smoker is silent (for consistency with furnace)
Snow uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Snow golem is silent (pre-1.9)
Snowball uses old sound (pre-1.0.0)
Soul sand uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Soul soil uses old gravel sounds (for consistency with soul sand)
Spawner uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Sponge uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Spore blossom uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Squid is silent (pre-1.9)
Stem uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Stone uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Stray uses old skeleton sounds (for consistency with skeleton)
Suspicious gravel uses old gravel sounds (for consistency with gravel)
Suspicious sand uses old sand sounds (for consistency with sand)
Sweet berry Bush uses old grass sounds (for consistency with bush)
Swimming is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Tadpole damage is silent (for consistency with squid)
Trapdoor uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Tripwire uses old sounds (pre-1.0.0)
Tropical fish is silent (for consistency with squid)
Tuff uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Tuff bricks use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Vault opening and closing uses old door sounds (for consistency with door)
Vines use old sounds (pre-1.16)
Wart block uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Water splash uses old sound (pre-1.4.2)
Weeping vines climbing is silent and mining uses old grass sounds (for consistency with vines)
Wind charge throwing uses old throwing sound (for consistency with egg)
Wither skeleton uses old sounds (pre-1.11)
Wood uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Zombie villager uses old sounds (pre-1.11)
Classic: pre-1.4.2 (sounds were removed) - All Changes:
Ambience in cave removed: cave14-cave19 (pre-1.9)
Ambience in Nether is silent (pre-1.16)
Ambience underwater is silent (pre-1.13)
Amethyst block uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst bud uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst chimes are silent (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst cluster uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst busts uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Ancient debris uses old stone sounds (for consistency with ores)
Anvil uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Armor and saddle equipping is silent (pre-1.9)
Armor stand uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Arrow is silent when hitting players (pre-1.4.6)
Axolotl is silent (for consistency with squid)
Azalea uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Azalea leaves use old grass sounds (for consistency with leaves)
Bamboo uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Bamboo block uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Barrel uses chest sounds (for consistency with chest)
Basalt uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Bat is silent when idle (to restore pre-1.4.2 cave ambience)
Beacon is silent (pre-1.13)
Blast furnace is silent (for consistency with furnace)
Boat is silent (pre-1.12)
Bogged uses old skeleton sounds (for consistency with skeleton)
Bone block uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Bone meal is silent (pre-1.17)
Bottle is silent (pre-1.9)
Brewing stand is silent (pre-1.9)
Brush uses old sand and old gravel sounds (for consistency with sand and gravel)
Bucket is silent (pre-1.9)
Button uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Calcite uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Campfire crackle uses fire sound (for consistency with fire)
Candle uses torch sounds (for consistency with torch)
Cave vines use old vine sounds (for consistency with vines)
Chest uses old sounds (between 1.0.0 and 1.8.9)
Chest added on donkey, mule and llama is silent (pre-1.9)
Chiseled bookshelf uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Cobweb uses old sounds (pre-1.21)
Cod is silent (for consistency with squid)
Copper uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Copper Bulb uses old glowstone sounds (for consistency with glowstone)
Copper Grate uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Cow uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Creaking Heart breaking and steps use old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Crop planting is silent and breaking uses old sounds (pre-1.10)
Damage uses old sounds (between 1.0.0-1.3.2)
Decorated pot uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Deepslate uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Deepslate bricks uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Deepslate tiles uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Dolphin is silent (for consistency with squid)
Door uses old sounds (between 1.0.0 and 1.8.9)
Dripstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Dyes are silent (pre-1.17)
Eating for animals and milking are silent (pre-1.9)
Enchantment table is silent (pre-1.10)
Ender chest uses old sound (pre-1.10)
Ender dragon uses old damage sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Ender pearl teleportation is silent (pre-1.21)
Eye of ender bursting and placing are silent (pre-1.12)
Fence gate uses old sounds (between 1.0.0 and 1.8.9)
Fishing rod's bobber uses old sounds (pre-1.12)
Flint and steel uses old sound (pre-1.4.2)
Flowering azalea uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Froglight uses old nether wart sounds (for consistency with nether wart)
Frogspawn uses old sand sounds (for consistency with sand)
Frogspawn placing is silent (for consistency with lily pad)
Fungus uses mushroom sounds (for consistency with mushroom)
Furnace is silent (pre-1.9)
Gilded blackstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with cobblestone)
Glass steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Glow ink sac is silent (for consistency with dyes)
Glow item frame is silent (for consistency with item frame)
Glow squid is silent (for consistency with squid)
Grass steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Gravel steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Hanging roots use old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Hanging sign uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Heavy Core uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Hoe tilling uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Husk uses zombie sounds (for consistency with zombie)
Ink sac is silent (pre-1.17)
Item frame is silent (pre-1.9)
Ladder climbing is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Lead is silent (pre-1.9)
Leveling up is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Lily pad is silent (pre-1.9)
Lodestone steps use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Mace smashing ground uses old explosion sound (for consistency with explosion)
Magma cube uses old slime sounds (for consistency with slime)
Mangrove roots use old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Metal uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Milking is silent (pre-1.9)
Minecart is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Mooshroom uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Moss uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Mud uses old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Mud bricks use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Muddy mangrove roots use old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Musics in creative mode use overworld musics (pre-1.7.4)
Musics in menu are silent (pre-1.7.4)
Musics in Nether restricted to nether1-nether4 (between 1.7.4 and 1.15.2) The Nether should not have any music for consistency, but I feel it would be too quiet considering that we have more biomes to explore and that lava is silent.
Musics in Overworld restricted to calm1-calm3, hal1-hal4, nuance1-nuance2, piano1-piano3 (pre-1.18)
Musics in underwater use overworld musics (pre-1.13)
Nether bricks use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Nether gold ore uses old stone sounds (for consistency with netherrack)
Nether ore uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Nether sprout uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Nether wart uses old sound (pre-1.14)
Nether wart block uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Nether wood uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Netherite uses old stone sounds (for consistency with metal)
Netherrack uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Nylium mining uses old netherrack sounds and steps use old grass sounds (for consistency with netherrack)
Packed mud uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Painting placement is silent (pre-1.9)
Pink petals use old grass sounds and placing is silent (for consistency with grass and crop)
Player attack is silent (pre-1.9)
Pointed dripstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Pointed dripstone dripping is silent (for consistency with water & lava dripping)
Pointed dripstone landing is silent (for consistency with gravel & sand landing)
Polished deepslate uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Polished tuff uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Pressure plate uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Puffer fish hurt and death sounds are silent (for consistency with squid)
Rain uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Root climbing is silent and mining uses old grass sound (for consistency with vines)
Rooted dirt uses old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Saddle is silent (pre-1.7.2)
Salmon is silent (for consistency with squid)
Sand uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Sapling uses old crop sounds (for consistency with crop)
Scaffolding uses ladder sounds (for consistency with ladder) I cannot mute climbing because I need the step sounds
Shears are silent (pre-1.4.2)
Sheep idle uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2: say3 is cut)
Shroomlight uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Shulker box uses old chest sounds (for consistency with chest)
Sign uses old sounds (pre-1.20)
Skeleton uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Slime uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Smithing table is silent (for consistency with brewing stand)
Smoker is silent (for consistency with furnace)
Snow uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Snow golem is silent (pre-1.9)
Soul sand uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Soul soil uses old gravel sounds (for consistency with soul sand)
Spawner uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Sponge uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Spore blossom uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Squid is silent (pre-1.9)
Stem uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Stone uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Stray uses old skeleton sounds (for consistency with skeleton)
Suspicious gravel uses old gravel sounds (for consistency with gravel)
Suspicious sand uses old sand sounds (for consistency with sand)
Sweet berry Bush uses old grass sounds (for consistency with bush)
Swimming is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Tadpole damage is silent (for consistency with squid)
Trapdoor uses old sounds (between 1.0.0 and 1.8.9)
Tropical fish is silent (for consistency with squid)
Tuff uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Tuff bricks use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Vault opening and closing uses old door sounds (for consistency with door)
Vines use old sounds (pre-1.16)
Wart block uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Water splash uses old sound (pre-1.4.2)
Weeping vines climbing is silent and mining uses old grass sounds (for consistency with vines)
Wither skeleton uses old sounds (pre-1.11)
Wood uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Zombie villager uses old sounds (pre-1.11)
Ambience in Nether is silent (pre-1.16)
Ambience underwater is silent (pre-1.13)
Amethyst block uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst bud uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst chimes are silent (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst cluster uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Amethyst busts uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Ancient debris uses old stone sounds (for consistency with ores)
Anvil uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Armor and saddle equipping is silent (pre-1.9)
Armor stand uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Arrow is silent when hitting players (pre-1.4.6)
Axolotl is silent (for consistency with squid)
Azalea uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Azalea leaves use old grass sounds (for consistency with leaves)
Bamboo uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Bamboo block uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Barrel uses chest sounds (for consistency with chest)
Basalt uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Bat is silent when idle (to restore pre-1.4.2 cave ambience)
Beacon is silent (pre-1.13)
Blast furnace is silent (for consistency with furnace)
Boat is silent (pre-1.12)
Bogged uses old skeleton sounds (for consistency with skeleton)
Bone block uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Bone meal is silent (pre-1.17)
Bottle is silent (pre-1.9)
Brewing stand is silent (pre-1.9)
Brush uses old sand and old gravel sounds (for consistency with sand and gravel)
Bucket is silent (pre-1.9)
Button uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Calcite uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Campfire crackle uses fire sound (for consistency with fire)
Candle uses torch sounds (for consistency with torch)
Cave vines use old vine sounds (for consistency with vines)
Chest uses old sounds (between 1.0.0 and 1.8.9)
Chest added on donkey, mule and llama is silent (pre-1.9)
Chiseled bookshelf uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Cobweb uses old sounds (pre-1.21)
Cod is silent (for consistency with squid)
Copper uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Copper Bulb uses old glowstone sounds (for consistency with glowstone)
Copper Grate uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Cow uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Creaking Heart breaking and steps use old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Crop planting is silent and breaking uses old sounds (pre-1.10)
Damage uses old sounds (between 1.0.0-1.3.2)
Decorated pot uses old glass sounds (for consistency with glass)
Deepslate uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Deepslate bricks uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Deepslate tiles uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Dolphin is silent (for consistency with squid)
Door uses old sounds (between 1.0.0 and 1.8.9)
Dripstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Dyes are silent (pre-1.17)
Eating for animals and milking are silent (pre-1.9)
Enchantment table is silent (pre-1.10)
Ender chest uses old sound (pre-1.10)
Ender dragon uses old damage sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Ender pearl teleportation is silent (pre-1.21)
Eye of ender bursting and placing are silent (pre-1.12)
Fence gate uses old sounds (between 1.0.0 and 1.8.9)
Fishing rod's bobber uses old sounds (pre-1.12)
Flint and steel uses old sound (pre-1.4.2)
Flowering azalea uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Froglight uses old nether wart sounds (for consistency with nether wart)
Frogspawn uses old sand sounds (for consistency with sand)
Frogspawn placing is silent (for consistency with lily pad)
Fungus uses mushroom sounds (for consistency with mushroom)
Furnace is silent (pre-1.9)
Gilded blackstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with cobblestone)
Glass steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Glow ink sac is silent (for consistency with dyes)
Glow item frame is silent (for consistency with item frame)
Glow squid is silent (for consistency with squid)
Grass steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Gravel steps use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Hanging roots use old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Hanging sign uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Heavy Core uses old metal sounds (for consistency with metal)
Hoe tilling uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Husk uses zombie sounds (for consistency with zombie)
Ink sac is silent (pre-1.17)
Item frame is silent (pre-1.9)
Ladder climbing is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Lead is silent (pre-1.9)
Leveling up is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Lily pad is silent (pre-1.9)
Lodestone steps use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Mace smashing ground uses old explosion sound (for consistency with explosion)
Magma cube uses old slime sounds (for consistency with slime)
Mangrove roots use old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Metal uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Milking is silent (pre-1.9)
Minecart is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Mooshroom uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Moss uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Mud uses old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Mud bricks use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Muddy mangrove roots use old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Musics in creative mode use overworld musics (pre-1.7.4)
Musics in menu are silent (pre-1.7.4)
Musics in Nether restricted to nether1-nether4 (between 1.7.4 and 1.15.2) The Nether should not have any music for consistency, but I feel it would be too quiet considering that we have more biomes to explore and that lava is silent.
Musics in Overworld restricted to calm1-calm3, hal1-hal4, nuance1-nuance2, piano1-piano3 (pre-1.18)
Musics in underwater use overworld musics (pre-1.13)
Nether bricks use old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Nether gold ore uses old stone sounds (for consistency with netherrack)
Nether ore uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Nether sprout uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Nether wart uses old sound (pre-1.14)
Nether wart block uses old sounds (pre-1.16)
Nether wood uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Netherite uses old stone sounds (for consistency with metal)
Netherrack uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Nylium mining uses old netherrack sounds and steps use old grass sounds (for consistency with netherrack)
Packed mud uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Painting placement is silent (pre-1.9)
Pink petals use old grass sounds and placing is silent (for consistency with grass and crop)
Player attack is silent (pre-1.9)
Pointed dripstone uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Pointed dripstone dripping is silent (for consistency with water & lava dripping)
Pointed dripstone landing is silent (for consistency with gravel & sand landing)
Polished deepslate uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Polished tuff uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Pressure plate uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Puffer fish hurt and death sounds are silent (for consistency with squid)
Rain uses old sounds (pre-1.9)
Root climbing is silent and mining uses old grass sound (for consistency with vines)
Rooted dirt uses old dirt sounds (for consistency with dirt)
Saddle is silent (pre-1.7.2)
Salmon is silent (for consistency with squid)
Sand uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Sapling uses old crop sounds (for consistency with crop)
Scaffolding uses ladder sounds (for consistency with ladder) I cannot mute climbing because I need the step sounds
Shears are silent (pre-1.4.2)
Sheep idle uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2: say3 is cut)
Shroomlight uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Shulker box uses old chest sounds (for consistency with chest)
Sign uses old sounds (pre-1.20)
Skeleton uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Slime uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Smithing table is silent (for consistency with brewing stand)
Smoker is silent (for consistency with furnace)
Snow uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Snow golem is silent (pre-1.9)
Soul sand uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Soul soil uses old gravel sounds (for consistency with soul sand)
Spawner uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Sponge uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Spore blossom uses old grass sounds (for consistency with grass)
Squid is silent (pre-1.9)
Stem uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Stone uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Stray uses old skeleton sounds (for consistency with skeleton)
Suspicious gravel uses old gravel sounds (for consistency with gravel)
Suspicious sand uses old sand sounds (for consistency with sand)
Sweet berry Bush uses old grass sounds (for consistency with bush)
Swimming is silent (pre-1.4.2)
Tadpole damage is silent (for consistency with squid)
Trapdoor uses old sounds (between 1.0.0 and 1.8.9)
Tropical fish is silent (for consistency with squid)
Tuff uses old stone sounds (for consistency with stone)
Tuff bricks use old stone sounds (for consistency with stone bricks)
Vault opening and closing uses old door sounds (for consistency with door)
Vines use old sounds (pre-1.16)
Wart block uses old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Water splash uses old sound (pre-1.4.2)
Weeping vines climbing is silent and mining uses old grass sounds (for consistency with vines)
Wither skeleton uses old sounds (pre-1.11)
Wood uses old sounds (pre-1.4.2)
Zombie villager uses old sounds (pre-1.11)
Progress | 100% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.21 |
Resolution | 16x |
Tags |
20 Update Logs
v1.21_5 : by Sencie 10/27/2024 4:57:40 amOct 27th, 2024
Improvement to all versions:
Pack updated to 1.21.3
Creaking Heart steps and breaking use old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Pack available for versions 1.9 - 1.21.3 (Java Edition)
Pack updated to 1.21.3
Creaking Heart steps and breaking use old wood sounds (for consistency with wood)
Pack available for versions 1.9 - 1.21.3 (Java Edition)
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"block.trial_spawner.ambient": {
"replace": true,
"sounds": []
Made A Bedrock version of your pack
Added 1.0.8 cow sounds
Added 1.0.3 Creeper sounds