Minecraft Texture Packs / Experimental Packs

Sea of Shulkers - Customizible shulker boxes! (Over 1000 unique combinations)

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Level 37 : Artisan Cookie
Sea of Shulkers - Customizible shulker boxes! (Over 1000 unique combinations) Minecraft Texture Pack
Now supporting Minecraft 1.19, full multiplayer support and a Fabric mod alternative

Customize your Shulker boxes to better identify and easily find them without opening every box when you have a large pile placed in your world.

Sea of Shulkers doesn't replace any of the default Shulker textures/colours but allows you to create custom Shulker boxes with custom models by adding keywords to a Shulker’s name in an anvil. The keywords aren’t case sensitive and can be located anywhere in the Shulker’s name.

An example might be “Flower Display Case” which would give you this Shulker:

Flower Display Case

The keyword
“Flower” defines the type of item to display, “Case” defines the type of Shulker texture to use and “Display” defines the specific variant (the glass case).

Note: The texture of the Shulker can only be changed on un-dyed Shulker boxes. However item keywords will work fine on dyed Shulker boxes.

A list of these keywords can be found at the end of this doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Of5OUgjquNnig_RS2Kuq1JvJxSEXXxHUorWwCioTitg/edit?usp=sharing

Known Bugs:

- Shulkers will lose their textures when they are unloaded.
This issue can be solved by installing alongside the Sea Of Shulkers Fabric Mod (See below)
- Adding texture type keywords to coloured shulkers can display the part of the custom texture over the coloured shulker’s normal one.

Sea of Shulkers - Customizible shulker boxes! (Over 1000 unique combinations) Minecraft Texture Pack

All you need is to install Optifine from their official site optifine.net and import this resource pack, making sure it is above any other pack which might modify Shulkers (Just put at the top of the list if you aren’t sure).

If it isn’t working check that the “Random Entities”, “Custom Entity Models” and “Custom Items” options are all enabled in your video settings.

For use on multiplayer servers the server needs either the Fabric mod (see below) or the Spigot plugin installed or the Shulkers will lose their textures when unloaded and other player's Shulkers wont be visible to you.

While the resource pack is cool, if you want even greater flexibility and customization the new Sea Of Shulkers Fabric mod allows Shulkers to display their TRUE contents. This mod also allows clients to load Shulker names from the server which lets Shulkers keep their texture after unloading and reloading.

If you don't require Optifine then using the mod is the recommended setup. Just follow the instructions here.

Enjoy your shiny new Shulkers! Thanks for trying my resource pack :D
Progress90% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20

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10/31/2020 12:52 pm
Level 80 : Elite Meme
Love it!
Marten da Mink
10/19/2020 10:38 am
Level 46 : Master Imposter
It wont work on 1.16.3, are there any way to fix this since this is the best resource pack ever.
10/25/2020 5:49 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Cookie
Just waiting for Optifine to get an update to fix the random mob textures feature :/
08/31/2020 4:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
will this ever be updated, because I used to use it a ton and I cant quite figure out how to reverse engineer it either
10/25/2020 5:53 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Cookie
I hope too! but optifine currently has a bug preventing it from working so we will have to wait until it is patched. Once it is fixed the pack may just work without an update but I cant know for sure.
03/11/2020 9:26 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
This would be really great for my server if you are able to fix that bug.
09/05/2019 6:10 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Nerd
I don't see a potion item type... Is it just me?
07/24/2019 3:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Love the pack!! But when I downloaded it a bunch of other textures were also changed. I was wondering if ou made them or if you and thy were part of the pack of if someone else had made them and you could link to the original ?
07/31/2019 9:45 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Cookie
Hey! Thanks for the heads up, idk how I missed that! Those textures are created by someone else but I found them a long time ago so cant remember the name of the pack/creator. I just updated the sea of shulkers download so that it doesn't include them anymore.
07/05/2019 6:28 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Blob
These look really cool!
