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Dinosaurs In Minecraft

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Smexybear111's Avatar Smexybear111
Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist

I know that many people have made dinosaur mods for minecraft, but rarely the dinosaurs actually have a personality. So basically in this blog I will name all these different dinosaurs and give a description to what they would be like in minecraft. My blog is a dinosaur version of this blog made by my good man AnimeFanFTW. Lets get into it.


Tyrannosaurus Rex: It would be a pretty big beast. It would be taller than pretty much all of the trees and if it see's you, it will most likely out run you and kill you. The thing about this dinosaur is it has a short stamina, so it will tire quickly. [DEADLY]


Triceratops: It would be friendly until you try and attack it. If you to attack at it, it will charge at you with deadly speed, but if you are friendly to it, it will protect you against carnivorous dinosaurs. [FRIENDLY/DEADLY]


Diplodocus: One of the biggest if not the biggest dinosaur in the kingdom. It will not try to deliberately try kill you but if it accidentally doesn't see you and steps on you, 'Splat', your dead. [FRIENDLY]


Pterodactyl: It would be an air creature and would be able to be shot down with slight difficulty. It wouldn't try to kill you unless you were out in the open [Desert, Savannah etc.]. If it were to spot you it would swoop down light and eagle and grab you and take you. If it did spot you you would have to hide in cover. [DEADLY]


Velociraptor: Act as a pack, they chase you in group, surrounding you from every side and finally attacking you one or two at the same time. [DEADLY IN PACKS]

"I would see a little raptor type of dinosaur (just a little bit bigger then a little slime) to attack you when you are hurt but fearing you when you are at full health. They would also be afraid of other dinosaurs, so you won't have to deal with a T-rex and a pack of little raptors at the same time!" Lethaos_13


Ankylosaurus: This dinosaur would be calm and wouldn't start attack until you get too close. Once you get within a certain amount of blocks, this dinosaur would start swinging it's tail at you at great speeds. This dinosaur would be much stronger than others because of it's rocky and hard body. [DEADLY IF THREATENED]

If you have ideas comment below and they will be put into the blog.

Thanks for reading my blog about Prehistoric Minecraft. If you liked it FAVOURITE and DIAMOND! Also if you want more SUBSCRIBE and join the Smexicans!


2 Update Logs

More Dinos & Dino Pics : by Smexybear111 12/15/2013 7:59:05 pmDec 15th, 2013


Pics for all Dinos

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12/11/2013 12:02 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
Lethaos_13's Avatar
maybe a bit advanced for the AI of minecraft, but velociraptors acting as a pack, they chase you in group, surrounding you from every side and finally attacking you one or two at the same time.

I would see a little raptor type of dinosaur(just a little bit bigger then a little slime) to attack you when you are hurt but fearing you when you are at full health. They would also be afraid of other dinosaurs, so you won't have to deal with a T-rex and a pack of little raptors at the same time!
12/11/2013 7:30 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
Smexybear111's Avatar
May I put your idea in?
12/11/2013 9:00 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
Lethaos_13's Avatar
sure :)
12/09/2013 9:34 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Jiloacom's Avatar
It doesn't really fit the theme of Minecraft. It would make a nice mod, but I wouldn't want it in vanilla Minecraft.
12/26/2013 5:19 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
sergiocast345's Avatar
a nice mod yes, although it would be bad to be added to vanilla MC if they spawn everywhere, it would be good that they would only spawn in a new dimension
12/10/2013 12:48 am
Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
Smexybear111's Avatar
Didn't really mean it to be in vanilla, it was an idea
