Published Dec 13th, 2012, 12/13/12 1:21 pm
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So I'm playing a new game called "Don't Starve" which was recommended to me by my daughter, known here as Fangalissious. It's a game still in beta, but early adopters get all the same perks that early adopters of Minecraft did: constant updates and bug fixes, the game at a cheaper price (currently TWO copies for $11.99) and the ability to help mold the game's direction.
Ok, so what's it about? Well, see, you've been dropped into this weird world where you have to survive, on your own, by some sadistic jerk who's only advice to you is to make sure you get something to eat before it gets dark.
As in Minecraft, you collect resources, craft objects and fight to survive. Unlike Minecraft, there's no "respawn." If you die, you die, and you have to start over again. Fortunately, your new incarnation remembers all your old scientific breakthroughs, however, so you don't have to research the same items over and over and can build on your knowledge.
The game play is ultra-simple, it's point-and-click (or you can use the keyboard.) The humour is dark and hillarious. The graphics are extremely fun in a cartoony-Gothic sort of way. The monsters are horrifying and adorable all at the same time. Oh, and you can make friends with pigs. Don't worry, you'll figure it out. I thought it would be a nice little time waster... I was soooooooo mistaken. After realizing I had been playing it ELEVEN HOURS STRAIGHT yesteray, I decided it was probably a good idea to go get food and go to the bathroom... it's that addictive. Oh, and my longest run of days for survival? 14. If you get it, and you beat me, let me know!
Go here to check it out and buy it, and you can activate it on Steam or play it in your browser if you use Chrome (but it won't save your progress, so I recommend playing it on Steam.)
Ok, so what's it about? Well, see, you've been dropped into this weird world where you have to survive, on your own, by some sadistic jerk who's only advice to you is to make sure you get something to eat before it gets dark.
As in Minecraft, you collect resources, craft objects and fight to survive. Unlike Minecraft, there's no "respawn." If you die, you die, and you have to start over again. Fortunately, your new incarnation remembers all your old scientific breakthroughs, however, so you don't have to research the same items over and over and can build on your knowledge.
The game play is ultra-simple, it's point-and-click (or you can use the keyboard.) The humour is dark and hillarious. The graphics are extremely fun in a cartoony-Gothic sort of way. The monsters are horrifying and adorable all at the same time. Oh, and you can make friends with pigs. Don't worry, you'll figure it out. I thought it would be a nice little time waster... I was soooooooo mistaken. After realizing I had been playing it ELEVEN HOURS STRAIGHT yesteray, I decided it was probably a good idea to go get food and go to the bathroom... it's that addictive. Oh, and my longest run of days for survival? 14. If you get it, and you beat me, let me know!
Go here to check it out and buy it, and you can activate it on Steam or play it in your browser if you use Chrome (but it won't save your progress, so I recommend playing it on Steam.)
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(thanks and I HATE YOU! LOL!)