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Friends: Fake or Real?

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Kazoto's Avatar Kazoto
Level 26 : Expert Pokémon

I was thinking, before I moved I had a lot of "Fake" friends. Sure you'd hang out with them, play with them, have a laugh, but they'd never be there for me if I had something bad in my life. It truly upset me when nearly nobody wanted to help out with my problems, it didn't help my already low self esteem. Now I finally thought I'd make a blog about it, if your friends are real. Here I'll talk about what real friends do, what they don't do, and how to make some.

What friends do!

Since I moved I made lots of new friends, some very good, and maybe a couple not so much. I also made plenty of enemies, because that's pretty much my life ; Pissing people off. So I was upset one day, felt horrible. Family troubles, unpacking all my junk, etc. People saw that I was very, very upset so they wanted to tell me what happened. None of them made fun of me, none teased or got me angry in revenge, they explained what I could d; Ignore about it, focus on the good things in life, some real good tips. Now they'd also help you out. One of my best buddies forgot to do there homework recently, I helped him, gave advice, and talked to him on how this math crap worked, despite the consequences that it may cause. Basically friends look out for you, talk to you, help you, and best of all in my opinion: Make me laugh.

What are fake friends?

Before I moved I had lots of fake friends, made a joke once in a while, but they acted like I was fresh from the circus, or acted like complete a**holes, or even like a stalker. We were choosing classes ; I chose Choir (be quiet I'm good xD) and Spanish, while one of my so called "friends" asked "DID YOU CHOOSE ORCHESTRA AND TECH!!!! DID YOU!!!" I replied with no, and they always made a hissy fit. They acted like a gay stalker or something. A weird freak. "F*** you B****" is what they said and walked off. When I was feeling upset (Yeah, my parents yell at me a lot 0-0 ) I explained what happened to a "Friend" or two. I got replies like "Serves you right B****" or "Nice job punk a**". Or other, upsetting comments. Don't hang out with these people, for they truly are people that hate you.

Want to make friends?

Here I wanted to make a list. "Imperials and their damn lists" ~Skyrim :P.

-Be funny
-Be social
-Help others
-Be kind
-Try to have lots of friends
-Stay with the crowd you fit in. (Ex: Gamers, Jocks, Cheer leaders, etc)
-Join in the games!


-Always be an a**hole
-Make fun of people
-Say things that your group dislikes, keep your opinions to yourself
-Try to avoid Politics and Religious conversation (It's a great way to gain hate, got slapped -.- )
-Don't make sexist/racist comments (Like me xD)
-Don't yell all the time

Well that's basically my blog. Sorry for not uploading much. Out of ideas :P

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The Great Soul
10/05/2012 9:16 pm
Level 49 : Master Vampire
The Great Soul's Avatar
I agree.
10/05/2012 9:04 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Lolisher95's Avatar
Also, your good friends will always let you be entitled to your own opinion. Because, I also have some so called 'friends' that NEVER let me entitled to my own opinon.
10/05/2012 9:07 pm
Level 26 : Expert Pokémon
Kazoto's Avatar
What I do:
Everything on the "Don't..." part
10/05/2012 9:11 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Lolisher95's Avatar
10/05/2012 9:14 pm
Level 26 : Expert Pokémon
Kazoto's Avatar
*is hated in school* XD
10/02/2012 10:33 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Curiosty's Avatar
You forgot to add this: DON'T SCREAM ALL THE TIME AT THEM. (UNLIKE ME x3)

Very well written blog I must say, keep on blogging! :3

10/02/2012 10:51 pm
Level 26 : Expert Pokémon
Kazoto's Avatar
Thank you Curio :)
10/02/2012 10:29 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Bunny
Yuki's Avatar
also dont make sexist or racist comments (even as a joke (even if you are not sexist or racist)) it doesnt help you get friends
10/02/2012 10:30 pm
Level 26 : Expert Pokémon
Kazoto's Avatar
/me does it all the time.... xD
10/02/2012 10:35 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Bunny
Yuki's Avatar
I used to but then I made the mistake of saying sexist stuff when there was a girl around and same with a racist joke even though I am part (not too much) aboriginal (I also dont look part aboriginal but I can assure you that I am)
