Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

how 2 make see-through parts of skins see-through

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Level 37 : Artisan Goblin
now with my up coming skin release i have a lot of see-through parts in skins and i dont feel like answering loads of questions about how to make them work so hopefuly this helps.

1. as some ppl may not know, uploading a downloaded skin to mc.net makes see-through parts go black, so thats not an option. the first thing 2 do is open the mc.jar file and go 2 mobs.

2. click char.png and deleat it.

3. drag your skin into the mobs file.

4. rename your skin char.png. <---IMPORTANT

play mc offline <------ALSO IMPORTANT

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10/14/2012 4:50 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pokémon
I decided to be nice since this had like 3k views and i just frikkin diamonded it XD yeah 1st diamond! WOOT!
10/13/2012 2:31 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Nice grammar.
07/03/2012 1:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I want to eat some waffles.
07/03/2012 1:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
UGGGGGHHH!! y cant this be www.minerneedshoes.com!!?? so i can make skins!!?? cant you upload the skins from that website to this website?? LIKE COME ON PPL!
greg manabat
12/07/2011 5:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
There is no way to do this online. The only way to be invisible is to play offline and edit ur minecraft.jar. Then u can join a server and be invisible. I know that this works becuz ive seen people on meh server hu are just floating hedz. :P
12/07/2011 5:47 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Goblin
mmm, well this is an old blog. there's been many mc updates since 1.7.3 lol
ill look into it
08/20/2011 12:56 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
so now we can play as creepers? :D
08/20/2011 1:16 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Goblin
well, its not that simple. you can however play as a skin that looks like a creeper without arms.
08/20/2011 5:12 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
Umm...I played.I changed the char skin to my creeper enderman skin which has no arms.

I was default when I played.....So I changed my skin on minecraft.net to the creeper enderman and played minecraft and I STILL HAD ARMS.Did I do something wrong?

IF you need the default you have BEFORE changing any skins *like to another default skin*

How do I change back?
08/20/2011 5:23 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Goblin
dont change anything on mc.net, just go through the steps above.

you should be able to change your skin like normal on mc.net unless its invisible
