Minecraft Blogs / Art

LEGO Moc 10th Doctor's TARDIS interior

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Level 62 : High Grandmaster Skinner
[​What is it?]
This LEGO Creation is based in 10th Doctor's TARDIS interior. I made it because I had ordered a custom minifigure of him and didn't want to put him alone in the shelf.
For start I believe some of you might be thinking, what the hell is a TARDIS? Let me explain. First of all, it's a spaceship from the British show Doctor Who. The TARDIS isn't only a spaceship. It's also a time machine and the first thing you notice about it it's that the TARDIS is bigger on inside than is on the outside. The external appearance of the TARDIS is a blue box, yeah, a police box.
So I started building it. In the beginning I took some pictures of 10th's TARDIS as reference and used it for start. I even used pictures of Lego dimensions that actually have this TARDIS playable. So I made only the control console and after that I couldn't resist, I started upgrading and upgrading until it got this one that you see here.

By the way, if you want to see it with details, here it's some pictures:
Link to additional pictures since the PMC pictures by link aren't working anymore:

[​When it's coming the next one?]
I'm going to put a provisional date:
October 20th

if you liked this LEGO blog post before moving for the next blog post, give a diamond, a like and if you want to comment something, the comments section is always Open. And remember, if you want to see more of this LEGO posts, subscribe to my account and leave a like. Anyway Have a nice day...


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by MotivatedBean98 10/06/2023 6:14:29 amOct 6th, 2023

Updated the pictures

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