Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Minecraft Modding for Advanced Modders [1.6.2/1.6.4 - 1.7.10 =WIP=]

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JavaBuckets's Avatar JavaBuckets
Level 80 : Elite Modder

Greetings JavaLearners And welcome back! So as you are here you must've completed the beginners series right? Or maybe you are just a modder who feels experienced enough to take it to the next level? Well if so, then you've come to the right place!

In these tutorials I will be going into depth about how Minecraft works, how Java works and how you can create whatever you want without having to look at stupid reference pictures or look at a tutorial while coding your own furnace.
Basically when we are done with these tutorials, You will be an experienced Java Coder (hopefully xD). 

The 1.7.10 Tutorials will begin being uploaded when the Beginners series is done! 
So have patience fellow Coders!

1.6.2 / 1.6.4 Tutorials (This series was never completed and will not be updated)

Video Tutorials

Minecraft Modding for Advanced Modders: Tutorial 1 Block Special's nr.1

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v74n_s4hGiA

Description: public void onEntityWalking() Allows code to be executed when an entity walks on the block

Minecraft Modding for Advanced Modders: Tutorial 2 Block Special's nr.2

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkjgyVaJI88

Description: public void onBlockActivated() Allows code to be executed when the block is being right clicked

Minecraft Modding for Advanced Modders: Tutorial 3 Item Special's nr.1

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEEUUr4c7Rk

Description: public void onItemUse() Allows code to be executed when you right click the ground with the Item e.g. the FlintAndSteel.java

Minecraft Modding for Advanced Modders: Tutorial 4 Item Special's nr.2

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLucIiwJQDg

Description: public void addInformation() Allows item description for, well... items :S (shows up when hovered over) & public boolean onDroppedByPlayer() Allows code to be executed when the Item dropped

Text Tutorials

Minecraft Modding for Advanced Modders: Tutorial 1 Block Special's nr.1

Description: public void onEntityWalking() Allows code to be executed when an entity walks on the block

Coding it:

package package.path.goeshere;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class BlockBLOCKNAME extends Block
public BlockBLOCKNAME(int par1, String par2)
super(par1, Material.cloth);

public void onEntityWalking(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, Entity par5Entity)
//Code goes here

public void registerIcons(IconRegister par1)
blockIcon = par1.registerIcon("modid:texturename");

BlockBLOCKNAME = the name of you Block***.java

package package.path.goeshere; = e.g. "package casperandco.caspersmods.trampolinemod;"

TabPath.GoesHere = e.g. "MainClass.CaspersTab"

//Code goes here = Whatever code you want to be executed when an entity walks on the Block.

blockIcon = par1.registerIcon("modid:texturename"); = Your texture path e.g. ("casper:trampolineblock");

Here are some of the things that are often used within methods like onEntityWalking:
  • ModLoader.getMinecraftInstance().thePlayer.FUNCTION;
  • ModLoader.getMinecraftInstance(),theWorld.FUNCTION; or just: par1World.FUNCTION;
  • par5Entity.FUNCTION; (e.g. "par5Entity.motionY += 2F;")
  • And many many more xD

Minecraft Modding for Advanced Modders: Tutorial 1 Block Special's nr.2

Everything should be easy to understand here, if you don't understand all this then... no but really, you're not ready for these tutorials if you don't understand basic items and blocks! so make sure everything from the beginner tutorials is in mastered!

Try it out and let me know if I missed something!


5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by JavaBuckets 08/10/2014 5:33:13 amAug 10th, 2014

Fixed up the description and made it ready for all the 1.7.10 tutorials that will begin to be added weekly, with maybe 1-3 videos a week. (AFTER THE BEGINNERS SERIES IS DONE FOR 1.7.10!)

- Minecraft Modding For Advanced Modders , brought to you by:

- Thom, Head Developer and Leader of JavaBuckets
- Seb, Video Editer, Youtube Maintainer and Member of JavaBuckets

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08/10/2014 9:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MOTA's Avatar
Thank you for the insite
08/10/2014 9:42 am
Level 80 : Elite Modder
JavaBuckets's Avatar
You're very welcome xD
11/30/2013 12:12 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
gabe4356's Avatar
:D Updated! awesome!
12/27/2013 10:57 am
Level 80 : Elite Modder
JavaBuckets's Avatar
Thanks alot mate, we really appreciate the feedback we get from you guys here :D

-Seb (Community and Video Editor)
03/02/2014 5:20 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Theironmanarmourdood's Avatar
when will you show us how to add in achievments, or how to add items that shoot eg; guns
03/02/2014 5:34 pm
Level 80 : Elite Modder
JavaBuckets's Avatar
soon my friend, soon :3 ill get to recording loads of videos tomorrow, k? then seb needs to edit them which he does like, 1 per day ? 1 per week? idk yet, depends on how motivated he is. Hopefully we can get an episode up atleast once per second day!

- Thom, Head Developer and Leader of JavaBuckets
03/02/2014 5:38 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Theironmanarmourdood's Avatar
12/29/2013 2:45 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
gabe4356's Avatar
Your welcome. lol
11/24/2013 2:39 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Necromancer
X_pilot's Avatar
I need some help with Custom Biomes in Custom Worlds (dimensions). I followed your "Simple Biome" tutorial and it lead the game to crash...
11/24/2013 9:41 am
Level 80 : Elite Modder
JavaBuckets's Avatar
hmm, that's weird :S call me on Skype or send me the crash log on pastebin along with your code in the Biome and how you declared and initialized it, in your main class.

- Thom, Head Developer and Leader of JavaBuckets
