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Mod Review - Pixelmon

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Heliosk's Avatar Heliosk
Level 49 : Master Architect

Hey Minecrafters, welcome back to another exciting blog. I haven't posted a blog in a fair amount of time, so I decided to publish this one to keep all of you lovely subscribers satisfied and happy! This is my own opinion on Pixelmon, so if you disagree with what I state in this blog please feel free to move onto another blog where you will enjoy yourself more. I hope you all enjoy this review, and have a wonderful time reading, enjoy!

Pixelmon - My Opinion

Personally, I LOVEDthis spin-off of the popular game franchise of Pokemon. To be able to implement such a highly-detailed game, into a game that is based on a whole other genre is brilliant! I mean, let's think about it. Minecraft is a game based off of a survival/sandbox genre, where you can do whatever you please with the entire world surrounding you. Minecraft is literally the perfect game for modders that are looking to create new and exciting mods for games. Personally, I would agree that Minecraft is a great starter for coders and modders, but anyways. Pokemon is based off of a completely different genre, which is a role-playing game that includes over 600+ pokemon *not including X and Y, the newly released saga in the Pokemon game.*

To be able to keep updating the mod with more and more new pokemon from the old games brings memories back to users that are playing. When I played it, the nostalgia came flowing back of me as a kid getting on the bus and going into the back next to my friend. We'd get out our Gameboy Color, and start playing Pokemon Fire Red right away. We'd even start dueling eachother in class *only caught by the teacher once.* It's truly a mod of pure nostalgia.

So, if you'd ask me what I'd give this Mod out of a 1/10, I would say it's an 8/10. Why's that you ask? Well, although the mod is great, and the textures for everything *including Pokemon* are purely magnificent, they haven't bothered to implement all of the Pokemon, or create a storyline option. Now it may seem like I'm being a bit harsh considering there are over 600+ pokemon, I think it would be a great addition to be implemented, and would bring so many more users, possibly double the number they already have playing. So, if you're on the Pixelmon Coding team right now reading this, bravo to you!


Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this Mod review! I had a bunch of fun writing this, so I plan to do more mod reviews in the future, and right about all of my experiences in the Mod! I may be starting a Let's Play of this soon with a friend of mine on my Youtube channel. So if you'd like to stay tuned for that go ahead and check out my channel on my profile. Anyways, enough of my rambling, I'll leave you all with a simple thank you for reading my blog, and I really do hope you enjoyed. As always, have a safe and wonderful day Minecraftians!

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12/16/2013 9:54 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
bradyg45's Avatar
Nice review!
10/14/2013 12:02 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
