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Skyblock.us Review

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PoopyButtMagoo's Avatar PoopyButtMagoo
Level 31 : Artisan Blockhead
This server is great, but not AMAZING. The gameplay and whole server seems to be pretty well put together, on a more critical note the admins and mods aren't as responsible as I wanted it to be. This server WAS attacked by icanHasGrief a popular griefing team, but thanks to the admins on right then they were properly dealt with. Now I must warn that you should watch your back, as some people on that server might try to scam you (usually someone puts them in there place) I recommend bringing atleast one friend (four is the max to a island) with you to prevent any scams. This server allows you to donate to them to get special rewards such as diamonds, and if you spend enough (10<$) you can get bonuses like special ranks. All in all this server is great and I will enjoy playing for awhile more, but it would be nice if people were alittle more nicer and the admins were more responsive. As the server is quite popular and it would suck to see such a well put together server be thrashed by griefers and scamers.

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07/18/2012 11:33 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Creeper
J-sass's Avatar
I just uploaded a new entry for thhe skin contest. If you could ceck it out thhat would be awesome. Tanks
-J-sass :)
07/19/2012 12:22 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Blockhead
PoopyButtMagoo's Avatar
I will check it out
please type correctly next time you misspelled four words
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