This Blog is an entry in the completed And to a New Land He Goes! - Blog Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

Where are you going?-[Contest entry]

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VidWor's Avatar VidWor
Level 36 : Artisan Taco
A lot of people ask me: ''Where are you going, Steve?'' and I usually tell them this story.

It was sunny day like all other ones on the sea. I didn't know that day was my greatest in my life, but a few minutes before moonrise, I saw a black, weird object. No, no, no it was yellow. I didnt expect it was land but I wiped my eyes and I saw sun. Five minutes later, I really saw something and this object was beautyful island. I went there.
When I stood on the ground, I knew it was the place which was made for me. So, I leave the boat and I had to survive night, it was my next task. Fortunately, after short walk, I found safe refuge that was big pineapple. I was sleeping whole night.

I woke up after sun rise. Then, I was walking on the beach and I only found loads of sand. I was exploring the island to find anyone. Enourmous trees was first thing, which surprised me, the ones looked like palms, their leaves was quite red and in the shape of oak leaves. Its bark was just soft sponge, that absorbed some water and I drank water from the tree. A bit later, I had hallucinations, I don't remember more about that happening, but fortunately, I could go further. I left the forest and I entered meadow where grew small, white grass which stank but it was so soft that I took some to make pillow.

Next day, fresh scent of the sun and stench of my pillow woke me up. After leaving the home, I met nice flying cow. It was so polite that I decided fly its. Cow flew me to huge volcano, I was very scared of its but the animal said me ''Calm down! That is my hause''. There worked a lot of cow, which made honey, that was really beautyful place.
While I was walking in the woods, I came across anthill. I helped slithering foxes carry coal to anthill, for my favour them gave me two kilos of precious granite. I ate some when I was going home, because it was very delicious. I was back at home and I went to bed.

At morning at second day, I went to the beach to drink some sea milk and suddenly, small blue whale jumped out of the water. The fish was quite polite and it had to go to antarctica, I do not know why. After that strange meeting, I wrote a letter to my aunt from Venus and I send the one by diving in the space pig. There was lots of biomes, animals and plants on the land, I was living in the paradise.
The cow came again to me and it flew me to the ocean monument. Unfortunately, we could not enter because guardians protected temple. Then, we got to the strangest place on the discovered land. There was plenty of stone hills it looked like mesa, but there was not clay. On the ground snakes were walking and digging burrows. My cow friend said me that the snakes is not tasty. We didn't eat any reptile but Ssnack invite us for tea and we drank with pleasure. While we were flying to cow hause, the volcano erupted. Whole forest was flooded but all trees absorbed honey. The trees grew a few metres. That day I met new person in a quarry called Makka Pakka. She liked wash stones and play her trumpet.

The island wasn't boring place where everyone worked, because we played different games. We played ''King of laugh'' each one which stopped laughing lost. I didn't know at who people were laughing and I lost this game because I wasn't laughing. Second game was ''King of silence'' this game I also lost because I was asking everybody ''why are you quiet?''.
The weather was changeable. I liked when after rain was rainbow which was eating giraffes. I milked them and I get plenty of colorful candies. On my field I was growing salty potatoes which was hanging on high conifers. I used to fry them everyday.
A week later, with helped of my the best friend Makka Pakka, I built huge hause. She taught me to make tasty soup from stones and cobblestones, but I hate it because it was too sweet, I liked soups from diorites and sandstones.

That was amazing story that taught me a lot of new skills. I met plenty of animals, creatures I saw new biomes and plants.

Now, you know ''Where Steve is going'' and it was not a hallucination.
If you like it, you can leave a diamond. I will be very happy for this favor:-)

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