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Why Mojang and the Minecraft community completely screwed up!

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Entium's Avatar Entium
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Blockhead Button Pusher
I am adding quotes:

"They definitely shouldn't have mixed passive mobs and hostile mobs into a single vote. If anything it just divides the playerbase between the ones who like fighting and PvE, and the ones who enjoy building and exploration. It should've been either 3 hostile mobs or 3 passive mobs, so that the arguments "it will be another phantom" and "it adds nothing to the game" are thrown out the window, and it forces players to choose one they have to fight, or one they can admire."

-Pixer4k on Youtube

I am so disappointed in Mojang. They have let us all down this year.

(Please, don't take this seriously.)

Mojang Screwed Up

Oh yay, mob votes! Those must be cool! Us, the Minecraft community must vote for phantoms! Yeah, you might be able to see where this is going, We've already screwed up. On the bright side it's a new mob, not a reskin. That year we had 4 choices, none of which were reskins. They were all original, and pretty cool, if I do say so myself. Okay, great 2020 comes along! Now we have another mob vote. This time we have 3 choices. Not only did we have less choices, but all the choices are all reskins. It gets worse though. All of the choices are from different Minecraft games. The moobloom and glow squid are from Minecraft earth, and the iceologer ,(Should've been called chillager. Missed your chance, Mojang!) was from Minecraft Dungeons. Mojang definitely screwed up here,

Everyone Screwed Up

So, wonderful. Unoriginal retextures! Hooray for Mojang! Well, proved by Mojang themselves, on their official website, the glow squid will glow like an endeman's eyes. So, yes, you guys just voted for a mob the won't glow. And most likely it can't distract you, that is too much like slowness. The other mobs actually seemed useful. They might've done something.

So, yes. Mojang screwed up the mob vote. On the bright side the mob choices were all so horrible it wouldn't have ruined everything. You cannot say that Mojang will add the other mobs later, because what about the ostrich? The frog? Any other mobs they were supposed to add but haven't?

Mojang evidently has some problems... just take the update being delayed.

1 Update Logs

Added a Quote Thing : by Entium 10/05/2020 5:15:32 pmOct 5th, 2020

Pixer4k quote.

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02/12/2022 12:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4034311G's Avatar
"migrated" my mojang account to microsoft and now I can't play. NOT HAPPY? anyone know of a fix?
01/26/2022 1:11 am
He/Him • Level 53 : Grandmaster Botanist Pixel Painter
blank3times's Avatar
The frog?
01/26/2022 1:41 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Blockhead Button Pusher
Entium's Avatar
What about it?
01/26/2022 6:55 pm
He/Him • Level 53 : Grandmaster Botanist Pixel Painter
blank3times's Avatar
No, the blog aged well and personally convinced the devs to decide to actually add them and its' a celebration =D
07/20/2021 12:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PrestonLM64's Avatar
mom votes are a pretty bad idea because whichever one gets voted in majority of people are going to hate. the glow squid should've been added in update aquatic, iceolager in village and pillager and moobloom in buzzy bees
07/20/2021 12:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PrestonLM64's Avatar
all of them are reskins anyways and i ment to type mob
05/31/2021 10:34 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
TimeWarpDrive's Avatar
I mean, I agree mostly, but I don't get the glowsquid bit. How is a yellow cow or ANOTHER ILLAGER better than a glow squid? I mean, don't get me wrong they all suck, but I don't get the love for the evoker reskin..

"The other mobs actually seemed useful. They might've done something" and the same could be said for the glow squid.. How would an reskinned evoker be useful. I mean, mojang seems allergic to making ANY of the illagers drop anything useful besides the evoker, so what use was this gonna have?

And this whole "dream conspiracy" is rather unfounded.. You say that you saw this, but what kinda proof is that? I'd like some actual evidence that dream single handedly swayed the vote!

Besides, its HEAVILY unbalanced already because its exclusively on twitter instead of on a minecraft centered platform. Not even to mention that its open for 3-ish hours which totally locks it out to people not within that general timezone.
I've never understood how they can have an already existing account system in place with a built in account limit (well, sorta), but they choose to use fucking twitter.
06/01/2021 2:47 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Blockhead Button Pusher
Entium's Avatar
glow squid does nothing, we knew what the iceologer would do, it would summon ice blocks and do other attacks. NOT a reskinned evoker. it would be useful as a fun mob to fight, and would probably drop a bow or something. either way, it's be more useful than a restextured squid.

its not a conspiracy. its pretty evident what happened. iceologer was winning, and then dream said, glow squid over and over and over, and the glow squid won. mojang did not say anything about what the glowsquids would do, which was basically lying, so i think that added to the glowsquid winning. Overall, it was a bad mob vote because all the people that voted moobloom voted glowsquid, because they like passive mobs more. point is, mob votes are a bad idea, twitter is dumb, mojang was also pretty dumb, and there are clearly problems with the management, since the caves and cliffs update was delayed, they could've done a but better. overall, mojang's decisions have not been great this year, from doing a mobvote on twitter with no information about any of them, splitting up the update instead of just delaying the whole thing... migration, devaluing capes...
honestly, its not great for mojang right now, in my opinion.
06/01/2021 5:44 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
TimeWarpDrive's Avatar
Overall, it was a bad mob vote because all the people that voted moobloom voted glowsquid, because they like passive mobs more. point is, mob votes are a bad idea, twitter is dumb, mojang was also pretty dumb, and there are clearly problems with the management, since the caves and cliffs update was delayed, they could've done a but better.

What?!? How can you even substantiate that? Even then, you're saying its a bad vote because people got what they voted for? And I agree that mob votes are dumb are dumb on the whole, in fact Minecon votes are pretty dumb because it just lets mojang add less content in the game, whilst dividing the "community".

overall, mojang's decisions have not been great this year, from doing a mobvote on twitter with no information about any of them, splitting up the update instead of just delaying the whole thing... migration, devaluing capes...
honestly, its not great for mojang right now, in my opinion.

Yeah, forcing people onto microSOFT servers wasn't a great decision.. and then devaluing capes as an apology isn't really that great either...I really wonder if theres a lawsuit in not allowing people to use their accounts in the way that they were purchased...
06/02/2021 5:51 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Blockhead Button Pusher
Entium's Avatar
it was a bad mob vote because all the choices were boring and they didn't give any information on what the mobs would do.
