Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

Champions [1.19.3] - Stronger mobs with different loot! [Discontinued]

  • check_circle Functions
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  • check_circle Predicates
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Required Resource Pack
Wyvernity's Avatar Wyvernity
Level 76 : Legendary Creator
Does Minecraft feel like boring and less challenging after you get your enchanted armor and weapons? Aren't mobs strong enough and you want more competition? Well, this data pack exactly achieves that!

Champions is a data pack that makes mobs to be more powerful than the original.

These mobs are much faster and stronger. They also have more health, better eye sight and much more.

Champion mobs have a chance to drop loot crates with various types that give useful items.

All hostile mobs except ender dragon have 20% chance, bosses have 75% chance to be a champion mob.
Champion mobs may spawn as Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary tier.

1) Choose your world in game > Edit > Open World Folder
2) Open datapacks folder in the opened window.
3) Copy the downloaded data pack file (champions-v1-4.zip) into this folder.
4) Join the world and run /reload command.
5) Enjoy!

• Current version is for Minecraft 1.19.3. For previous versions, see Older Versions section below.

• It is recommended to use the data pack with the attached resource pack. The data pack will still work without the resource pack. However, the items added by the data pack will look different from what it is supposed to.

Common Tier Mobs
Champion mobs have 84% chance to be a Common tier mob.
They emit gray colored particles at their feet and have following modifiers:

- Maximum Health: 1.5x
- Movement Speed: 1.2x
- Attack Damage: 1.3x
- Attack Speed: 1.5x
- Follow Range: 1.2x
- Knockback Resistance: 10%

They are slightly more powerful than vanilla mobs, but they are still easy to defeat.

When killed, they have 40% chance to drop a common grade loot crate.
Looting enchantment increases drop chance by 10% per level.

Common loot crate may drop useful early game stuff such as food, oak logs or cobblestone.

Rare Grade Mobs
Champion mobs have 10% chance to be a Rare tier mob.
They emit blue colored particles at their feet and have following modifiers:

- Maximum Health: 2.5x
- Movement Speed: 1.4x
- Attack Damage: 1.6x
- Attack Speed: 2.0x
- Follow Range: 1.4x
- Knockback Resistance: 35%

They are twice as powerful as vanilla mobs. They deal moderate damage and have high health.
Medium level gear is required to defeat them easily.

When killed, they have 30% chance to drop a rare grade loot crate.
Looting enchantment increases drop chance by 15% per level.

Rare loot crate may drop ore blocks. These blocks can be used to advance your gear and weapons.

Epic Grade Mobs
Champion mobs have 5% chance to be an Epic tier mob.
They emit magenta colored particles at their feet and have following modifiers:

- Maximum Health: 3.5x
- Movement Speed: 1.7x
- Attack Damage: 2.0x
- Attack Speed: 2.5x
- Follow Range: 1.7x
- Knockback Resistance: 60%

They are very powerful mobs. Especially Endermen and Piglin Brutes are very dangerous due to their movement speed and attack damage. High level gear is required to defeat them easily. You also need to be careful while wandering around. If you encounter one of them in a tight space, you are likely to die there.

When killed, they have 20% chance to drop a epic grade loot crate.
Looting enchantment increases drop chance by 20% per level.

Epic loot crate may drop rare items such as music discs, horse armors, mob heads, shulker boxes, name tags, enchanted books and much more.

Legendary Grade Mobs
Champion mobs have 1% chance to be a Legendary tier mob.
They emit yellow colored particles at their feet and have following modifiers:

- Maximum Health: 5.0x
- Movement Speed: 2.0x
- Attack Damage: 2.5x
- Attack Speed: 3.0x
- Follow Range: 2.0x
- Knockback Resistance: 85%

Champions [1.19.3] - Stronger mobs with different loot! [Discontinued] Minecraft Data Pack

They are extremely dangerous. Legendary tier Piglin Brute deals 2~2.5 hearts of damage to full Protection IV netherite armor. You must proceed with caution. You can find yourself dead in blink of an eye.

By default, their existence will be announced to all players via text message. This way you can be more careful while wandering around.

When killed, they have 10% chance to drop a legendary grade loot crate.
Looting enchantment increases drop chance by 25% per level.

Legendary loot crate may drop endgame items such as enchanted netherite or diamond armor, nether stars, enchanted golden apples, elytras, totems of undying, netherite scraps, diamonds and much more.

Mob Based Modifiers
Some Champion mobs have special properties:

> Creepers have shorter fuse time(30 Ticks by default) and have a chance to be charged.

Common Creeper (25 Ticks fuse timer and %0 chance to be charged)
Rare Creeper (20 Ticks fuse timer and %30 chance to be charged)
Epic Creeper (15 Ticks fuse timer and %60 chance to be charged)
Legendary Creeper (10 Ticks fuse timer and %90 chance to be charged)

Epic and Legendary tier Creepers are extremely dangerous due to being a lot faster and charged.
They will rush to you and explode almost instantly which may lead to an inevitable death.

> Shulkers are colored according to their tier.

Special Mob Items
When certain Champion mob is killed, they have a chance to drop a special mob item.

Champions [1.19.3] - Stronger mobs with different loot! [Discontinued] Minecraft Data Pack
Currently available special mob drops:

- Acidic Tear (Can be dropped from ghast)
- Aciniform Silk (Can be dropped from spider and cave spider)
- Ancient Bone (Can be dropped from skeleton, wither skeleton and stray)
- Gravity Core (Can be dropped from shulker)
- Molten Core (Can be dropped from blaze)
- Pure Ender Pearl (Can be dropped from enderman)
- Pyrodex (Can be dropped from creeper)
- Rotten Heart (Can be dropped from zombie, zombie villager, husk and drowned)
- Rune of Nature (Can be dropped from witch)

Special mob item drop chances:

- Common mob (2% base chance, increased by 1% per Looting level)
- Rare mob (4% base chance, increased by 2% per Looting level)
- Epic mob (8% base chance, increased by 4% per Looting level)
- Legendary mob (16% base chance, increased by 8% per Looting level)

These items can be sold to an Adventurer.

They are special type of villagers. Every villager has 5% chance to be an Adventurer (This excludes the villagers you have already traded with). They buy mob special items. By default, every item is sold for 24 emeralds and is limited with 10 trades per item.

Champions [1.19.3] - Stronger mobs with different loot! [Discontinued] Minecraft Data Pack

Adjustables (Operator Only)
To adjust:
• Announce Champion Mob Appearance for Each Tier (Enabled only for legendary by default)
• Announce Adventurer Appearance (Disabled by default)
• Create Particles at Champion Mobs (Enabled by default)
• Champion Mob Multiplier Values
• Creeper Fuse Time
• Adventurer Trades
Open data/gme/functions/init.mcfunction with a text editor and change as you want.

To adjust:
• Crate Drop Chances
• Champion Mob Chance (20% chance for normal, 75% for bosses by default)
• Champion Mob Tier Chances
• Adventurer Appearance Chance (5% chance by default)
• Charged Creeper Chances
Open data/gme/predicates/chances folder and edit respective file with a text editor.

After editing, run /reload command to apply the changes.

• Players with "gme_ignore_announce" tag won't get text messages for any type of announce.

• Mobs spawned with "gme_ignored" tag won't be a champion mob.

Performance and Compatibility
• The data pack shouldn't make any performance issues on single player worlds. On multiplayer servers, slight performance issues may occur depending on mob spawn rate. Servers with below 10 players should run without any performance issue.

• This data pack overwrites DeathLootTable nbt tag of hostile mobs. These loot tables uses minecraft:reference condition for vanilla loot tables. This way you can use other data packs that modify vanilla loot table files instead of loot table nbt tag.

If you want to uninstall the data pack properly, run this command:
/function gme:uninstall

You can delete the data pack file after.

NOTE: Champion mobs and adventurer villagers will stay the same.
Getting far away from champion mobs will let them despawn.

Older Versions
All previous versions of the data pack can be found here.

Licence - You accept by downloading this data pack
• This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit here.

• An exception is made for video content, which can be monetized. However, video creators must give appropriate credit and provide a link to the license
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.19

4 Update Logs

Version 1.4 - Minecraft 1.19 Update : by Wyvernity 06/13/2022 7:23:52 pmJun 13th, 2022

The data pack is now updated to Minecraft 1.19

The data pack has been renamed to "Champions"

• Warden now can be a champion mob.
• Normal mobs now have 20% chance to be a Champion mob (reduced from 50%).
• Epic loot crate now may drop Echo Shards with the amount of 1 to 8.
• Epic loot crate now may drop Disc Fragments with the amount of 1 to 9.
• Epic loot crate now may drop 1 Goat Horn with random type.
• Zombified Piglin now properly spawns as a Champion mob.
• Made minor adjustments on existing loot tables.

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07/11/2023 6:05 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Cupcake
Posister's Avatar
I updated my world from 1.19 to 1.20. The data pack shows that it's working and i have my prev loot crates but mobs with rarities do not spawn anymore :(. even tho i encountered mobs with different rarities but they were spawned before the issue. is there a way to fix this?
07/26/2023 12:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Oatybee's Avatar
Same man, I miss this mod!
06/15/2023 8:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TheRidiculousR's Avatar
this works in 1.19.4 and 1.20, but the custom item textures dont.

its because in the resource pack update you changed the model numbers from 10001 to 690001, but in the datapack you didn't.
06/15/2023 8:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TheRidiculousR's Avatar
i should mention i found this out quite a while ago and forgot to report it
06/08/2023 4:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kilzack99's Avatar
works on 1.19.4?
04/19/2023 10:19 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
DeepResonanceX's Avatar
hey, is there any way i can summon mobs of a specific tier with commands or a mob spawner? like a tag or something? i want to do something where i'll need graded mobs to spawn and i want all of them to be the same tier
04/20/2023 9:25 am
Level 76 : Legendary Creator
Wyvernity's Avatar
Run function champions:set_grade/grades/<grade name> command as the mobs you want to be graded.

For example,

execute as @e[type=minecraft:zombie,limit=1,sort=nearest] at @s run function champions:set_grade/grades/epic

will convert the closest zombie to you into an epic zombie. Change tiers and mob types as you want in the command.
05/06/2023 12:25 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
DeepResonanceX's Avatar
thank you!

I have another question tho, i'm using this in my server and i want to disable particles appearing from graded mobs, i already edited the file mentioned in the post, i'm assuming i had to set the last value in the command (defaulted to 1) to 0, but i already did this and mobs are still spawning particles, is there something else i need to do or something i did wrong?
05/07/2023 9:09 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Creator
Wyvernity's Avatar
Yes, setting the value to 0 will disable the particles for the champion mobs.

Be sure to run /reload after editing so the changes are saved.
01/31/2023 10:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
qzfgqzgqgqg's Avatar
thanks for your amazing datapack ! my friends and me like play with it with some others datapacks ! cant wait for a new update (if its planned)
