Minecraft Data Packs / World Generation

Cascades (Hybrid Beta) [1.21]: Minecraft made more inspiring!

    • 41,329 views, 36 today
    • 6,098 downloads, 6 today
    Crystalis7's Avatar Crystalis7
    Level 40 : Master Architect
    Version 1.0 now released!


    This datapack re-imagines vanilla Minecraft terrain in a way which seeks to inspire a greater sense of awe, wonder, and beauty. It takes inspiration from some of the features of terrain generation from Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 and versions before, like towering cliffs, floating islands, and crazy overhangs, and integrates them into the elegant, cascading terrain made possible by the new terrain shaper introduced in 1.18. The aim here is for the player to discover many distinct 'natural landmarks' as they explore the world, which inspire them to build and explore further. The introduction of fully-traversible rivers (including underground rivers) means that the player can also explore their world by boat much more easily.

    At the same time, it seeks to preserve the vanilla balance and feel, not adding any new structures or drastically different new biomes, ensuring that it is survival-friendly.

    Key terrain features added:
    • More overhangs, cliffs, and floating islands
    • Larger continents and oceans
    • Expansive lakes dotted with small islands
    • Underground rivers
    • Smoother transitions from land to water

    See below for installation instructions.

    View my GitHub page to access all releases (including older versions) and for issue tracking, and see the Modrinth page for a download of this datapack packaged as a mod!

    Related Packs


    The general style of the terrain has been made more wacky, with more unpredictable cliffs and overhangs present. There should be a balance of around 55:45 of crazier terrain to flatter terrain. Transitions from land to ocean have been made smoother, and the much-loved Beta sand and gravel beaches have been re-added! At the same time, the general trends of the terrain (i.e where the tall mountains, rivers and oceans are found) are still very similar to vanilla 1.18 and above. This means that any general terrain features you see in a vanilla seed should show up when using this datapack, but will of course be a little crazier!


    Almost all vanilla biomes have been preserved. There are, however, a few exceptions, since some biomes had to be removed to make space for new ones:
    • Windswept Savannas and Old Growth Birch Forests have been replaced with the old Seasonal Forests from Beta
    • Windswept Hills and Windswept Forests have been replaced with a new biome called the Temperate Rainforest
    • Sparse Jungles have been renamed to Rainforests, and have been tweaked slightly to contain more big oak trees and tall ferns
    There have also been some adjustments to existing biomes:
    • Since the old sand and gravel beaches have been re-added, this means that the (unsightly) sand, gravel and clay blobs have been removed. An implication of this would be that clay and gravel are more difficult to find. To make up for this, clay can now be found at bottom of lukewarm oceans and deep lukewarm oceans. Gravel already spawns at the bottom of most other ocean types (except warm), but the depth of the gravel has been increased instead of only occupying the floor block. This is, of course, in addition to clay already spawning in the Lush Caves.
    • The dark foliage colours in the swamp biome have been removed, and the foliage colours in a couple of other biomes have been slightly adjusted.
    • The sky colours in all biomes have been changed to more accurately reflect how they were in Minecraft Beta.
    There are probably a few more minor changes that I have forgotten.

    Everything else has been kept the same as vanilla, which means that the new caves added in 1.18 will still generate.


    Warning: this is not a reversible process - you cannot remove this datapack from your world once you install it. Please always make backups of your worlds before installing datapacks

    1. Download and extract the zip file into a folder
    2. (1.18 releases only - skip this step if creating a world in 1.19 and above): If a custom seed is desired, open the datapack folder and navigate to data/minecraft/dimension. For each of the three files present there (overworld.json, end.json, nether.json), open them and find the line (or lines in the case of end.json) containing the word 'seed' and enter the desired seed in place of the default seed, 0. Note that overworld.json file is much larger than the other two - the seed line in is located at the end of the file, but it may be easier to search for the word 'seed' using the search function by pressing CTRL-F.
    3. When creating a new Minecraft world, select Datapacks and drag the extracted file into the Minecraft window. Alternatively, add the file using the 'Open Pack Folder' button.
    4. Hover over the added datapack and press the arrow to move it into the 'Selected' column. Ensure that it is placed above the 'Default' pack.
    5. If a custom seed is being used, enter it in the box for the seed in 'More World Options'. (In 1.19 versions and above, the seed box can be left empty to use a random seed.)
    6. Create the world and enjoy!

    Upgrading to a newer datapack version

    1. Make a backup of the world you want to upgrade!
    2. Make sure that the datapack version you are upgrading to is compatible with the version of Minecraft you want to play on.
    3. In the folder for your world you wish to upgrade, navigate to the datapacks folder and replace the existing datapack with the new version you wish to upgrade to.
    4. (1.18 versions only: Enter the seed used for the world in the dimension files of the new datapack as specified in the Installation instructions above.)
    5. (When converting from 1.18.2 to 1.19 only: Use an NBT editor (e.g NBTExplorer) to open the level.dat file in the world save folder and check that the seed entry is set to the seed that was used when creating the world. This will ensure that there is smoothing between the 1.18 and 1.19 terrain.)
    6. Open the world in the new Minecraft version.


    The texture pack used in the screenshots is a customised version of Golden Days Base by PoeticRainbow.

    Click here to see a gallery with more screenshots of Hybrid Beta.


    Please feel free to leave comments with any questions, suggestions or feedback you may have. The datapack is still not completely polished and so any feedback/suggestions would be valuable to its future development. Finally, please do not redistribute this pack.
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18
    toMinecraft 1.21

    16 Update Logs

    v1.0.3 : by Crystalis7 03/02/2024 7:12:13 pmMar 2nd

    • Remove unneeded density function files

    This change should improve the compatibility of this pack with other world generation datapacks.

    Create an account or sign in to comment.

    06/24/2024 6:01 pm
    He/Him • Level 82 : Elite Pixel Painter Demolitionist
    Stridey's Avatar
    This isn't the type of comment to pressure an update but I'm just wondering if there's a timeframe on a 1.21 update? Starting an SMP soon but this terrain is gorgeous so I'm wondering if I should hold off until this data pack updates? :)
    07/03/2024 5:24 pm
    Level 40 : Master Architect
    Crystalis7's Avatar
    Hello - I have now updated the pack to 1.21
    06/06/2024 1:41 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    UnhingedDeer59's Avatar
    Absolutely love this pack but one issue, single biome type worlds don't seem to work. I really look forward to being able to create worlds that consist of only the seasonal forest biome or maybe other hybrid beta biomes so hopefully this can be fixed within the confines of a datapack.

    Thank you for your work!
    07/03/2024 5:27 pm
    Level 40 : Master Architect
    Crystalis7's Avatar
    This is unfortunately not something that is possible to do without making a separate edition of the pack. That being said - I imagine you would still want oceans and rivers to generate? If so, you can achieve this by editing the file `/data/minecraft/dimension/overworld.json`. You will need to replace any instance of `minecraft:<biome that you don't want>` and `hybrid_beta:<biome that you don't want>` with `hybrid_beta:seasonal_forest`.
    06/02/2024 11:33 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Tomatedelflow's Avatar
    Is there any chance of making an updated version (cherry grove, etc.) of the 0.9.4 terrain, I really loved when it only made the vanilla terrain more hilly and increased water body sizes. If you can't, do you know what should I do to modernize it myself? Regardless thank you for your awesome datapacks!
    07/03/2024 5:53 pm
    Level 40 : Master Architect
    Crystalis7's Avatar
    Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to maintain multiple versions of the pack in this way. If you wish to update the 0.9.4 version of the pack (the latest version of which is 1.19 I believe) yourself, then there will be a few minor changes to make to some of the files in order to bring it up to compatibility with the changes to datapack structure that have been introduced in 1.20 versions. From what I can tell, the only breaking changes to this pack that will need to be accounted for in order to update from 1.19.4 to 1.20.5 are:

    - 1.19.4 -> 1.20.1: Adding a `music` field to all biome files (all of the files in data/minecraft/worldgen/biome and data/hybrid_beta/worldgen/biome) - see any of the biome files in the latest versions of the pack for an example.

    - 1.20.1 -> 1.20.3: Rename `minecraft:grass` to `minecraft:short_grass` in all files in `/data/hybrid_beta/worldgen/configured_feature` and `/data/minecraft/worldgen/configured_feature`.

    - 1.20.3 -> 1.20.4: (A little more involved): You will need to update all files in `/data/hybrid_beta/worldgen/placed_feature` and `/data/minecraft/worldgen/placed_feature` that contain a `minecraft:count` entry with a `value` field. So, for example, in 1.20.3, we might have:

    "type": "minecraft:count",
    "count": {
    "type": "minecraft:uniform",
    "value": {
    "max_inclusive": 19,
    "min_inclusive": 0

    In 1.20.4, we need to remove the "value" wrapper - so the above would become:

    "type": "minecraft:count",
    "count": {
    "type": "minecraft:uniform",
    "max_inclusive": 19,
    "min_inclusive": 0

    I appreciate that this is quite involved, so I'd be happy to answer any questions on it you might have.
    05/28/2024 11:03 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
    SirFluffyPuffs's Avatar
    do you have a discord or something I want to commission you
    04/17/2024 10:20 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pig
    Hudthn's Avatar
    Playing in 1.18.2, no matter what even if i input a seed the world generates the exact same other than the placement of biomes. Same spawn point, same recognizable hills. Am I doing something wrong??
    04/18/2024 4:27 pm
    Level 40 : Master Architect
    Crystalis7's Avatar
    Unfortunately, all Minecraft 1.16-1.18 datapacks (not just this one) do not support you setting the seed in the normal way - you need to edit a few of the files in the datapack itself in order for a custom seed to be used. This is covered in the Installation section in the main post above. Please let me know if any of these instructions are unclear.
    04/02/2024 10:18 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
    SirFluffyPuffs's Avatar
    spawn looks amazing but the farther you go out the flatter it becomes until terrain only goes up and down by 4 blocks and hills are only in dedicated hilly biomes also the oceans are wayyyy too big like 15k blocks wide
