Minecraft Data Packs / Weapons and Armor

McR - Tools & Handles Overhaul [1.15+] - Over 660 Tools and Weapons

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Required Resource Pack
Ryuggo's Avatar Ryuggo
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Hi there,

This datapack adds over 660 Weapons and Tools
You'll have more variety in the game and it'll be interesting to switch your equipment instead of relying only on diamond and netherite

You can watch the playlist on youtube to see a video for each part if you need help :


There is an Alternative Resource Pack for all the tools and weapons, you can check it out HERE !! (this is a bigger resource pack, a more specific one should be uploaded soon)


Here are the new materials you can use to craft more tools :

- Wooden tier :
  acacia, birch, crimson, dark oak, jungle, oak, spruce, warped

- Stone tier :
  andesite, blackstone, cobble, diorite, mossy cobble, granite, nether brick, prismarine shards

- Iron tier :
  lapis block, redstone block

- Diamond tier :
  emerald block
  => You'll need Block to make these, because it would be too easy otherwise

When crafting a tool or a weapon, replace the stick by on of these to increase these stats

- Bamboo :    Attack Speed
- Bone :      Attack Knockback (1.16 +)
- Blaze Rod :   Attack Damage
- End Rod :    Max Health
- Lightning Rod : Movement Speed

- If you put a Diamond tool with a custom handle in the smithing table to change it into a Netherite tool, it may lose its handle (or not get the boost correctly)
  => To make Netherite tools with better handles :
    Place a Smithing Table (a particle should appear on top of it | if not, try placing it again looking in a different position)
    Hold a netherite ingot in your off hand/ right click with the netherite ingot on top of the smithing table
    Drop a diamond tool on top of the Smithing table

Unique Items
Unique Items
These are Items made specially for my Supporters or for myself with Custom and Unique Abilities

Storm Sword
Crafted like a sword but with Nether Stars as the main materials (handles can be stick, bone, bamboo, blaze rod, end rod)
Gives Wither to the entity hurt by it
Has a 5% chance to summon a Lightning Bolt to the Entity hurt
Storm Sword

What's next
What is it?
In the next update :
- More pictures  - Chime support for the resource pack  - Copper Tools & weapons, with custom handles

Later :
  - Amethyst, Quartz, Deepslate, Calcite, Tuff, Dripstone, Gilded Blackstone, Obsidian, Crying Obsidian
  - Custom Durability (should be achievable with 1.17 : Video for me)

Misc Update :
  - I need to test if everything works correctly in other version (1.15)
  - Translations for the Settings Menu
  - Advancements


- Completely compatible with McR - Enchant Overhaul
  But for now, if an armor from Enchant gives you Strength 1, and an enchant from this pack gives Strength 1 too, you'll only have Strength 1 and not Strength 2

- Not compatible with McR - Gear Overhaul
  Once every part of the pack will be done, I'll update Gear Overhaul with the new versions

- You NEED the Resource Pack (downloadable below the datapack download button)
  It will work even if it tells you it's for an Older Minecraft Version, don't worry about it
  I'm not a professional for editing textures, so they may look a bit weird

- Disable Datapacks that Unlock Recipes

- /trigger mcr_FixCraft
  If you have Issues with some Crafts, this command should fix them

- Works on Single and Multiplayer

- The datapack was made and mostly tested in 1.17.1 -> it should work on older versions, but I don't know about the newest versions
  I will eventually test the other versions and fix bugs if there are any

- The Datapack detects automatically in which version you're playing, you don't need to do anything

- If you find a video of this datapack on youtube, send the link in the comments and I'll pin it somewhere here (whatever the language of the video is)

- I remove Messages reporting bug that have been fixed, so other are not "misled" by them

I won't answer to comments about issues if these issues are explained below (textures not showing, crafts not working, ..)

Problems, Issues and Questions

Read this if you encounter Issues
- If you don't see the textures on ITEMS
 Install the resource pack
 Alternative version HERE

- If some Crafts aren't working (you get the green book but nothing else)
  Use /trigger mcr_FixCraft
  Disable Datapacks that unlock recipes

- If you get every items added by this datapack without having to craft anything (every items spawn on you/ every players and stay on the ground)
 Disable Datapacks that unlock recipes

- Why does the craft says it will give me a book of knowledge ?
  Using Minecraft crafting table, I can't directly give items with custom data (textures, stats, ..), so I have to use the book of knowledge to detect which craft you've done, and then give you the right item with custom data
  -> Sometimes the book of knowledge isn't deleted after a craft, do whatever you want with it, it's totally useless

- How to craft X ?
  The craft pattern is the same as regular item from minecraft
  For the Required Materials, everything is written above

- Will you add Custom Durability ?
  Unless Mojang change the way it is coded, No
  Durability is hard coded into Minecraft, which makes it impossible to change
  It's still possible to make Custom Durability, but it's not real durability
    => The commands to make it will be laggy if you have a lot of items with Custom Durabilty and it might break when used in multiplayer
    => In 1.17, there is a new command that could make it work without it being laggy, and still be multiplayer friendly

- How can I see the craft In Game ?
  The way I use crafting (with the green book) doesn't allow to store the craft in the Minecraft Recipes Book
    => And no, if I want to use the Crafting Table, I can't use another way

- How to repair a custom Weapon/ Tool ?
  When the Advanced Item Tooltips (F3 + H) is Enabled, you can see the actual item
    => Depending on the Actual Item, use the require material for this item (ex : a Redstone axe is actually a iron axe, so use an iron ingot in an anvil to repair it)

- Some other Datapacks may Disable Custom Recipes
  You can use this /gamerule doLimitedCrafting false to enabled Custom Recipes again (custom armors, tools and weapons)
  Some pack have a loop that constantly disable Custom Recipes (jjba as an example)
    => Either delete the pack, or try to find the gamerule doLimitedCrafting command and remove it

- Can I give myself Tools/ Weapons from this pack?
  With this command : /loot spawn ~ ~ ~ loot mcr_gear_overhaul:mcr_tools/...

How to have a clean Uninstall

- In your world, use /function mcr:gear/uninstall
- Then enter this command : /datapack disable "McR - Tools & Handles Overhaul and enter Tab to complete the name
- Then, exit your world, and delete the file which is located in your world's datapack folder


Bugs Found :
- A big big thanks to XionioX who helped a lot testing the datapack

Translations :
To help with Translations : In the resource pack -> assets/minecraft/lang/..
- Ryuggo - English; French;
- XionioX (Discord) - Russian;
- xStormiix - Polish;
- CryTechChaos - Fixed a lot of things

Textures :
- Hexerick : Alternative Resource pack (HERE)

Supporters :
- xStormiix

Make your Own Tools & Weapons

If you want to make your own tools & weapons, I made a program that allow to easily create new tools & weapons

Here is where you can get it

Feel free to report bugs and to suggest ideas that could fit this datapack, I'll try to add them
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.15
toMinecraft 1.18

1 Update Logs

v1.1 - Translations : by Ryuggo 11/02/2021 11:51:18 amNov 2nd, 2021

- Fixed translations not working (old tools & weapons won't have the translation working)

- Wiki updated

Next update next week : Copper Tools & Weapons

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01/04/2022 12:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Tom_Royal's Avatar
craft pls
11/04/2021 5:25 am
Level 20 : Expert Miner
heheb42's Avatar
can u add "dirt tools"?
10/30/2021 2:32 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Procrastinator
Yoyodotpy's Avatar
