Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Recycle Armor Data Pack

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Modder
Don't let it break, recycle it!
Leather armor gives back 25% when recycling. Saddles give 1 leather too.
Chainmail armor gives back 25% when recycling.
Iron armor gives back 50% when recycling.
Gold armor gives back 50% when recycling.
Diamond armor gives back 75% when recycling.
All horse armors give back 3 of their respective mineral.

Why would you repair armor if you can simply recycle it? When it reaches low durability, you can just put it in your crafting table and get back some of the resource used. Depending on the value of the resource you will get more or less back. Now you finally have some use to all these armors you find when raiding end cities, or all these horse armors from nether fortresses etc.

As soon as you have an item you can recycle in your inventory, you will automatically get a recipe on how to turn it back to its main material.

Note: This datapack has been discontinued. It will not receive updates, but will work as long as recipes work the way they do now.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

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08/06/2019 1:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
it works and very useful for storage or when in a end city and your inventory is full
06/14/2019 10:30 am
Level 29 : Expert Explorer
Thanks =)
06/13/2019 8:54 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Very useful when you're deep underground
06/11/2019 3:52 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Miner
I don't see the effects on the leather economy being very large, nor (with diamond equipment already renewable via trading) the provision for diamonds to be a renewable resource to have game-breaking impact.

I suspect most of the game effects will be felt in the gold and iron economies [six ingots rather than one nugget for a chestplate being a 54-fold increase].
Depending on what mechanics for pigman aggro and Fe golem spawning the stable version of 1.14 eventually includes, this could make recycled mob drops via the mod a significant [possibly the main] source of these resources.

Good to know this is available.
[As an extension, allowing the returns for various inputs to be assigned by the user would increase the audience of potential users. (Given the treatment of horse armors and saddles, I'm guessing you use a look-up table rather than calculate from the crafting recipes afresh at each application.)]
06/11/2019 9:41 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Modder
I can barely understand what youre saying.

If youre saying that I should somehow make possible that people can decide how much they get back per piece: They can simply edit the recipe and outcome to whatever they want.

Also horse armor besides leather doesnt a crafting recipe. Neither does a saddle. So I picked 3, since it seemed a fair number to me.

I will work on the drop rates of armor (mostly leather and gold) since i dont want this to be abused.
06/11/2019 3:24 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Miner
Replies interpolated

If youre saying that I should somehow make possible that people can decide how much they get back per piece: They can simply edit the recipe and outcome to whatever they want.

More or less, it hadn't occured to me to just add new recipes for the decrafting…
[Effectively equivalent to using a look-up table.]

Also horse armor besides leather doesnt a crafting recipe. Neither does a saddle. So I picked 3, since it seemed a fair number to me.

The number struck me as reasonable, my comment was with regards to the mechanics of how I was expecting you had accomplished the task…

I will work on the drop rates of armor (mostly leather and gold) since i dont want this to be abused.

I was not concerned with leather, I find leather becomes quite common early on…
The 54-fold increase in iron and gold available by changing from smelting mob drops to recycling represents a mild concern, but is still something that will only affect early game economics.

[Equipment drops from player kill farms are a low efficiency gold farms. (Also, to a much lesser degree iron.)]

Since (as you note) the recipes can be tweaked by individual users, I don't see cause for you to be concerned. (I had had the impression that changing the rate of return would be considerably more involved.)

In summation, feel free to disregard the economic analysis: it might be interesting to server managers, but end user changes appear sufficiently simple that anyone having an issue can remedy it themselves.

Nice pice of work on the pack :>:
