Minecraft Data Packs / Block

Sawblade [1.14x] - Better Stonecutter!

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    TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar TheDiamondPlayables
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    Minecraft 1.14's Stonecutter is a really neat feature, but that doesn't mean that it can be better.
    Introducing: Sawblade Datapack!
    Features: <Click to see>
    - Adds new stonecutter recipes!
    (There will be a recipes text file that comes with the download)
    - Toggleable Stonecutter Hurts option!
    (Deals damage to anything that stands on it)
    - Can be installed in combination with my other datapacks!

    - Can be installed in Multiplayer!

    How to use: <Click to see>
    For non-admins, or have Cheats disabled: <Click to see>
    - Use /trigger info for the datapack infomation.
    - Server members can use that to get the recipes!

    For admins, or have Cheats enabled: <Click to see>
    - Everything that the non-admins can do. (duh)
    - Use /function main:admin_support for the in-game Admin Control Panel.
    Admin Control Panel is used to change datapack options easily, without having to remember any commands needed.

    How to install: <Click to see>
    For those who has WinRar:
    - Simply open the downloaded file, there will be more instructions there.
    For those who don't have WinRar:
    - Extract the downloaded file. Afterwards:
    + If you have a new Info text file: Drag the Sawblade folder into the datapacks folder of your world.
    + If you don't have a new Info text file: Open the extracted folder, then drag the Sawblade folder into the datapacks folder of your world.

    Support the Creator:
    If you want to support my work, you can start with the following:
    - Share this post and Subscribe to recieve the latest info, updates and more!

    - If you find any bugs (I doubt you will), then please report it to the bug reports section of the Behind The Datapacks Discord Server! You will be featured as a Bug Reporter at the downloaded Info text file!
    <Click the blue letters for more info>

    - You can also support me via Patreon! Recieve Early Access, Discord Rewards and more!
    <Click the blue letters for more info>
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

    2 Update Logs

    Version 1.2 : by TheDiamondPlayables 07/24/2019 6:19:42 amJul 24th, 2019

    - Bugfix:
    + Sawblade puts unnecessary error on console

    Create an account or sign in to comment.

    05/02/2020 1:11 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    Zan's Avatar
    Always wanted a Woodsaw in minecraft and this is just what i wanted
    03/22/2020 10:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    gemminer85's Avatar
    Why won't skeletons take damage from the stonecutters? It seems to work with any other mobs I've tested (chickens and the player).
    03/22/2020 11:25 pm
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
    Before I released the datapack, I tested this on all mobs, and it worked well here.

    Have you not been using this in the version it was designed for?
    07/26/2019 4:59 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    augusonic2's Avatar
    wow that would be a mod, for real a sheep was walking on the stone cutter and i saw that was ilogical she didn't received damage for steping over it.
    07/26/2019 8:49 pm
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
    Have fun using it!

    And yes, I do feel that is a weird design from Mojang to include a sawblade without it actually dealing damage to anything.
    07/24/2019 3:54 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Modder
    FieryHammer's Avatar
    Damn. You just upped my Stonecutter datapack, good job :D
    07/25/2019 2:41 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Architect
    HookerHeels's Avatar
    Yeah, I've been working on one too lol. Might still release mine tho as it is different...
    07/02/2019 12:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    genericcrafter's Avatar
    wouldn't it be cool if you could make like dirt/ sand or pretty much any block into stairs and etc? would like to have that added if it's possible
    07/02/2019 8:23 pm
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
    It is possible to execute your idea, but it lags alot in servers.
    If that's possible without causing lag, then it will be a thing.
    07/03/2019 9:04 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    genericcrafter's Avatar
    would it lag a lot for single player?
