Minecraft Data Packs / Challenge

Gamingbarn's Zombies

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Gamingbarn's Avatar Gamingbarn
Level 71 : Legendary Programmer Programmer
Gamingbarn's Zombies Minecraft Data Pack

Gamingbarn's Zombies is a datapack that completely changes the way you play Minecraft. Most default monsters are replaced with immensely powerful zombies. These new, powerful zombies are much faster, stronger, and expandable than their vanilla Minecraft counterparts. If one wants to survive, they will need to employ new methods and strategies in order to overcome this new threat.

Gamingbarn's Zombies Minecraft Data Pack
The core of Gamingbarn's Zombies lies within the zombies themselves. Many of these zombies have brand new powerful abilities that make them a completely new threat. From spitting acid to healing other zombies to even being able to build bridges or break blocks!
Not even the water is safe from the zombies! Water Zombies will now spawn in rivers, oceans, and other natural bodies of water. These special zombies are very, very fast in water and will even spawn during the day! They'll leave you alone as long as you don't go into the water, just make sure not to hang out around nighttime, however.Gamingbarn's Zombies Minecraft Data Pack

Try not to die! When you die to a zombie, a zombie of you will spawn! These zombies are quite a bit stronger than regular zombies, so be careful!
The zombies do have one weakness! They completely melt when on fire! Most zombies, including player zombies, will take 6 damage a second when on fire! Zombies also leave a trail of fire when they have caught fire, this can be used to cause massive fire damage all at once! If you use fire, although, make sure to keep an eye out for the Scorched Zombie. They have complete immunity to fire!


Gamingbarn's Zombies Datapack © 2024 by Gamingbarn
is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International

This license affects datapack versions V1.14.8 and above.

An exception is made for video content, which can be monetized.
However, video creators must give appropriate credit by leaving a DIRECT link to this page in the video description.
Do not reupload this on other sites.

Official downloads are on:
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

34 Update Logs

Update V1.15.1 : by Gamingbarn 07/01/2024 12:46:00 pmJul 1st

Fixed Shooter Zombies not dealing damage bug
Shooter Zombies would not deal damage with their projectiles

Fixed every food giving hunger bug
Every food item, when eaten, would give the hunger status effect to the player

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07/26/2024 11:08 am
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07/21/2024 11:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
6facer's Avatar
Really nice datapack! unfortunately, theres a problem with it that i found. when you remove the datapack after using it, the zombie animals still stick around and still attack you. also, it seems that whatever allows the zombie animals to "attack" still lingers after the datapack is removed. i keep taking damage + getting hunger effect when there is nothing there, like theres a ghost attacking me. i can't even use /kill, because when i turn on entity hitboxes it still doesn't appear. idk what to do.
07/22/2024 11:03 am
Level 71 : Legendary Programmer Programmer
Gamingbarn's Avatar
Generally, I would advise against removing such game-changing datapacks like this, as even with an uninstall function it's impossible to remove all traces of the pack. You can kill all the invisible zombie animal brains by running the command:
/kill @e[​type=husk,tag=zombie_animal_brain]
This command, obviously won't kill any zombie animals in unloaded chunks, so you will need to run it when you return to areas you had explored previously with the datapack enabled.
Papa Enny
05/31/2024 5:06 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
04/25/2024 4:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
aadi202's Avatar
hello this datapack looks very cool , but it isnt working
im trying to upload the zip file in aternos to create a server and play with my friends but i dont know it isnt working
can u plsss helppp
04/25/2024 5:33 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Programmer Programmer
Gamingbarn's Avatar
1. What version of GBZ are you playing with?

2. What version of Minecraft are you playing with?

3. Is the whole pack not working, or just specific features?

If you would like to discuss the issue in more detail, I recommend joining my Discord server, as it will be easier to exchange information back and forth. And, as an added bonus, others can help more easily as well.
04/28/2024 8:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
aadi202's Avatar
nevermind i created a post on your discord pls check it out
04/28/2024 7:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
aadi202's Avatar
umm , yeah actaully i am on your discord , how do i reach u
04/07/2024 12:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Stranger001Danger's Avatar
The zombie animals can't be differentiated from the normal animals because, do I need a texture pack or something?
