1920s Roleplay (WIP) (Sign-ups Closed!)stars
1920's Roleplay cause why not?
(Note: You must choose from one of the roles below, since only a few more people can join)
(If you'd wish to join, I'd request that you have had experience RPing, (Have been on here for at least 4 months) and are quite active)
There can be between 18-24 people in this roleplay.
(I want to keep it small so it can take shape)
This roleplay will be built upon a small town, and the members of it will be citizens. (I'll post a blog perhaps to give you the feel of the town) (There will be no magic, furries, or whatnot, to keep it realistic)
(The country of this RP United States)
Our blacksmith is LegendarySi
Mail deliverer: BlueBoyBuilds
Lockerplant owner Patience
Baker -ghoul-
Mayor YumyWafflz
Grocery Store WhisperOfTheWild
Seamstress shop owner: ( ajthepeach ) ( wqffles works for them)
Barber: ( anonpmc4592387 )
Marshall SteamMallard07
Sheriff dancing reaper
Police Ender Sparkle Julianblue
Outlaws Arianwyn, Scarlamagne_Lunar
Errand boys: MinecraftWubbox
Stable hands: EccentricEremite
Daughter of a Manor Owner is TheMountaineer LanBytes0 (Father of theMountaineer) LegendarySi (Brother of TheMountaineer)
Telephone operators: ExtremeGames
Lumbermen: Panda Gocarts3
Teachers: GoldenScientist
(More to be added! Also you can request to be related to certain people within the roleplay, and I'll decide!)
https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/1920-s-roleplay-town-the-feels/ (Here is a link to the blog about the city and the fashion of this time)
(Note: You must choose from one of the roles below, since only a few more people can join)
(If you'd wish to join, I'd request that you have had experience RPing, (Have been on here for at least 4 months) and are quite active)
There can be between 18-24 people in this roleplay.
(I want to keep it small so it can take shape)
This roleplay will be built upon a small town, and the members of it will be citizens. (I'll post a blog perhaps to give you the feel of the town) (There will be no magic, furries, or whatnot, to keep it realistic)
(The country of this RP United States)
Our blacksmith is LegendarySi
Mail deliverer: BlueBoyBuilds
Lockerplant owner Patience
Baker -ghoul-
Mayor YumyWafflz
Grocery Store WhisperOfTheWild
Seamstress shop owner: ( ajthepeach ) ( wqffles works for them)
Barber: ( anonpmc4592387 )
Marshall SteamMallard07
Sheriff dancing reaper
Police Ender Sparkle Julianblue
Outlaws Arianwyn, Scarlamagne_Lunar
Errand boys: MinecraftWubbox
Stable hands: EccentricEremite
Daughter of a Manor Owner is TheMountaineer LanBytes0 (Father of theMountaineer) LegendarySi (Brother of TheMountaineer)
Telephone operators: ExtremeGames
Lumbermen: Panda Gocarts3
Teachers: GoldenScientist
(More to be added! Also you can request to be related to certain people within the roleplay, and I'll decide!)
https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/1920-s-roleplay-town-the-feels/ (Here is a link to the blog about the city and the fashion of this time)
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What time will this roleplay start at?

When the last role is filled.

I would like to be an errand boy but i don't have such free time, so idk

Since I wasn't added, can I sign up?
I want to be related to Aj, since we online sisters
I'm willing to be a botonest or whatever it's called
I want to be related to Aj, since we online sisters
I'm willing to be a botonest or whatever it's called

Sorry, there are only 3 places left. (I would add more roles, but with to many people roleplays get outta hand)
Perhaps you'd be willing to be one of the other roles?
Perhaps you'd be willing to be one of the other roles?

I asked weeks ago and you never replied.
And what is locker plant owner? I'd be willing to do that
Or errand boy/girl
And what is locker plant owner? I'd be willing to do that
Or errand boy/girl

Welp, I must have not fully checked through comments. Sorry, my apologies. ._.
They own a store that sells meat.
The errand boy/girl gets payed to run errands or help out in different ways.
They own a store that sells meat.
The errand boy/girl gets payed to run errands or help out in different ways.

I'll do the meat store person

Okie dokie!

So, what is the server IP? or will you tell us after the slots are filled?

I'm going to be using my smp on Hypixel and probably start building after slots are filled. In the near future I may host an actual server.

I just now realized you are a girl....


but... your pfp look nice.

Thank you. Trotelot made it. :)
lol, its fine, for some reason every once in a while someone thinks I'm a guy. I have no idea why lol
lol, its fine, for some reason every once in a while someone thinks I'm a guy. I have no idea why lol
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:D If you'd like to, sure!
I can friend you on Hypixel, than invite ya. :)
I can friend you on Hypixel, than invite ya. :)


I might possibly be able to get a server. I'll just Hage to see
I might possibly be able to get a server. I'll just Hage to see
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alright, thanks.

Is there going to be a PMC roleplay forum? Just checking cause I've been trying to avoid going onto public Minecraft servers

Yup! I'm planning to make one when the last of the roles are filled.
• 02/27/2024 2:48 pm
He/Him • Level 54 : Grandmaster Blacksmith Enchanter

Its been 8 years since the Titanic sunk

Alright... sign me up

What would you like to be?

Police would be kinda cool, I made a skin for one awhile ago


If it's okay with everyone, unless an "opportunity" to be a blacksmith pops up, I'ma do some telephone operating. Juicy LOOOOOORE!!!

X,D Uh oh.. lol
Your going to know a lot from this job lol.
Your going to know a lot from this job lol.

Ohhh, yeah.


Oh, I’d love to be the mailman/mail deliverer!


I sure don't want to go to you....
I sure don't want to go to you....


Hmm.. So you say.
Maybe I'll- um just let it grow out really long lol.
I don't feel like going bald or something-
Maybe I'll- um just let it grow out really long lol.
I don't feel like going bald or something-


Yeah-uh.. I sure hope not xD
West LawnBerry (Fictional town)
West LawnBerry (Fictional town)

can i be the blacksmiths apprentice

you have daughter of manor owner, but you NEED the manor owner, I would like to play as the manor owner!

Okay! Than we'll need a Manor owners wife too..

very funny...


I can be stable hand if nobody else wants it.



If Marshall isn’t taken I can be the Marshall!

Alrighty! Gotcha!

Can I be the Manor Owner?

Sorry, its near to full. You'll have to choose from Telephone operator, errand boy, mail deliverer, or telephone operator. :)

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