1920s Roleplay (WIP) (Sign-ups Closed!)stars
1920's Roleplay cause why not?
(Note: You must choose from one of the roles below, since only a few more people can join)
(If you'd wish to join, I'd request that you have had experience RPing, (Have been on here for at least 4 months) and are quite active)
There can be between 18-24 people in this roleplay.
(I want to keep it small so it can take shape)
This roleplay will be built upon a small town, and the members of it will be citizens. (I'll post a blog perhaps to give you the feel of the town) (There will be no magic, furries, or whatnot, to keep it realistic)
(The country of this RP United States)
Our blacksmith is LegendarySi
Mail deliverer: BlueBoyBuilds
Lockerplant owner Patience
Baker -ghoul-
Mayor YumyWafflz
Grocery Store WhisperOfTheWild
Seamstress shop owner: ( ajthepeach ) ( wqffles works for them)
Barber: ( anonpmc4592387 )
Marshall SteamMallard07
Sheriff dancing reaper
Police Ender Sparkle Julianblue
Outlaws Arianwyn, Scarlamagne_Lunar
Errand boys: MinecraftWubbox
Stable hands: EccentricEremite
Daughter of a Manor Owner is TheMountaineer LanBytes0 (Father of theMountaineer) LegendarySi (Brother of TheMountaineer)
Telephone operators: ExtremeGames
Lumbermen: Panda Gocarts3
Teachers: GoldenScientist
(More to be added! Also you can request to be related to certain people within the roleplay, and I'll decide!)
https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/1920-s-roleplay-town-the-feels/ (Here is a link to the blog about the city and the fashion of this time)
(Note: You must choose from one of the roles below, since only a few more people can join)
(If you'd wish to join, I'd request that you have had experience RPing, (Have been on here for at least 4 months) and are quite active)
There can be between 18-24 people in this roleplay.
(I want to keep it small so it can take shape)
This roleplay will be built upon a small town, and the members of it will be citizens. (I'll post a blog perhaps to give you the feel of the town) (There will be no magic, furries, or whatnot, to keep it realistic)
(The country of this RP United States)
Our blacksmith is LegendarySi
Mail deliverer: BlueBoyBuilds
Lockerplant owner Patience
Baker -ghoul-
Mayor YumyWafflz
Grocery Store WhisperOfTheWild
Seamstress shop owner: ( ajthepeach ) ( wqffles works for them)
Barber: ( anonpmc4592387 )
Marshall SteamMallard07
Sheriff dancing reaper
Police Ender Sparkle Julianblue
Outlaws Arianwyn, Scarlamagne_Lunar
Errand boys: MinecraftWubbox
Stable hands: EccentricEremite
Daughter of a Manor Owner is TheMountaineer LanBytes0 (Father of theMountaineer) LegendarySi (Brother of TheMountaineer)
Telephone operators: ExtremeGames
Lumbermen: Panda Gocarts3
Teachers: GoldenScientist
(More to be added! Also you can request to be related to certain people within the roleplay, and I'll decide!)
https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/1920-s-roleplay-town-the-feels/ (Here is a link to the blog about the city and the fashion of this time)
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Could I be the mayor?

(not joining the rp, cus I'm too inactive on 'em)
I am assuming this takes place in the US and this is during the prohibition era, you should have a mafia boss role. Specializing in illegal distribution of "drinks" XD
I am assuming this takes place in the US and this is during the prohibition era, you should have a mafia boss role. Specializing in illegal distribution of "drinks" XD

I'll think 'bout it. Good idea. 👍
I'll think 'bout it. Good idea. 👍

Not realistic for a high executive to come, you would have some higher up grunt working as a supplier im sure and a security attache at most

Could I be the sheriif?


Can I be a blacksmith :)?
I may not be super active but I’ll try
I may not be super active but I’ll try

:D Sure!
x,D You don't have to be incredibly active lol.
x,D You don't have to be incredibly active lol.

Okay lol thx

Here's my character idea:
A crazy scientist who is interested in radioactive materials. His basement is full of uranium (back then it was't seen as dangerous im pretty sure) and he preforms dangerous experiments without realizing the potential of his actions
crazy white hair and a white lab coat
very elusive, yet also eccentric
A crazy scientist who is interested in radioactive materials. His basement is full of uranium (back then it was't seen as dangerous im pretty sure) and he preforms dangerous experiments without realizing the potential of his actions
crazy white hair and a white lab coat
very elusive, yet also eccentric

Dont forget plenty amounts of radium
Radium was much more popular at the time thanks to Marie Curie. Uranium was found to be radioactive by Becquerel in 1896, but not much was done with it until fission was discovered in 1934 and then in 1939. Before then, from 1916 uranium was mainly used in maufacturing and metalworking tools
Radium was much more popular at the time thanks to Marie Curie. Uranium was found to be radioactive by Becquerel in 1896, but not much was done with it until fission was discovered in 1934 and then in 1939. Before then, from 1916 uranium was mainly used in maufacturing and metalworking tools

I'll have to think on it. I kind of want to keep this a little bit more of a common town.

I mean, there's gotta be at least one weird guy, right?

True, but there is only room for a few more people and I need to get the last roles filled up. :/

i mean, i did request to have this role quite a while ago, but if i can join, that's fine ig
i mean, i did request to have this role quite a while ago, but if i can join, that's fine ig

You did lol. But, I need to fill up those spaces cause the town kinda needs them.
(You could have two roles, Scientists plus something else if you'd like)
(You could have two roles, Scientists plus something else if you'd like)
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They had these back in 1920s?

The Americans were mainly using uranium for manufacturing and metalworking tools from 1916
It didn't gain a lot of popularity in the scientific world until late 1930s though
It didn't gain a lot of popularity in the scientific world until late 1930s though

uranium has always been around
and this is right before WW2, when they were discovering this kind of stuff
remember, the US used a nuke right at the end of WW2 that uses uranium
and this is right before WW2, when they were discovering this kind of stuff
remember, the US used a nuke right at the end of WW2 that uses uranium

20 years prior is not "just before". Also, Radium was far more commonplace at the time, its also far more radioactive and glows more than uranium. Radium is a staple of the era. Though uranium was used for many of the same purposes, albeit, to a lesser degree. Not to mention, the interest in radioactive material had really died down by this point. It was rather well understood and the craze was not nearly as large as it had been earlier on.

You could say that's irrelevant.
Fission (which is the cause of the atomic bombs) was not discovered until 1934 and people didnt think it could be used as a weapon until 1938/39.
People only researched radium (and uranium a tiny bit) before then for radioactivity research in the 1920s
Fission (which is the cause of the atomic bombs) was not discovered until 1934 and people didnt think it could be used as a weapon until 1938/39.
People only researched radium (and uranium a tiny bit) before then for radioactivity research in the 1920s

im not using for fission, im using it to see what it does (which may or may not include attempting to try fission)

Scientists definitely knew about radioactivity for a long time
At this point they were questioning what specifically, alpha and beta radiation does to other substances (which in 1934 lead to the discovery of fission)
At this point they were questioning what specifically, alpha and beta radiation does to other substances (which in 1934 lead to the discovery of fission)

Can I be the lumberman?
(They call me chipper)
(They call me chipper)

Sure lol!

ba-dum tss

Btw a marshal is a federal representative and virtually will not exist in the role play unless it's situated in a larger town (where there is a court, possibly a cinema if the town is rich enough etc) or they're doing federal duty such as making arrests and transporting criminals
Additionally you should add one of the roles that was considered the breadwinners of the rural world, namely farmers, loggers or miners.
The setting's environment should be preferably specialised for one of those 3 (the towns with no specialised resource like good soil, copious wood or good quality ore would still gravitate towards agriculture, otherwise it would not exist)
Additionally you should add one of the roles that was considered the breadwinners of the rural world, namely farmers, loggers or miners.
The setting's environment should be preferably specialised for one of those 3 (the towns with no specialised resource like good soil, copious wood or good quality ore would still gravitate towards agriculture, otherwise it would not exist)

Could I be grocery store person please?

Im intrested

What would you like to be?

oh lord outfits from the 1920s r kinda ugly oh no
r we allowed to make. little itty bitty changes to the wardrobe because oh good God
r we allowed to make. little itty bitty changes to the wardrobe because oh good God

Well, you could make minor changes, just don't change it to much where it doesn't look old fashion.


If you're a female, yes, young rural women often tried to imitate the city people in their fashion, which included the flapper style. They created their designs in their style and in more simpler materials which they could only afford, as stated by this paper.
Otherwise, from image searches specifically about "rural 1920s fashion", a majority still used dresses styled from the end of the 19th century/Victorian Era/late Wild west era.
If you're a male, men had pretty much the same fashion from late victorian era to 1950s with some light changes
Either way go ham
Otherwise, from image searches specifically about "rural 1920s fashion", a majority still used dresses styled from the end of the 19th century/Victorian Era/late Wild west era.
If you're a male, men had pretty much the same fashion from late victorian era to 1950s with some light changes
Either way go ham

gah ikr
i've been looking at them to try make an oc for this rp
look up irish clothes from the 1920s - they're a bit better
aaaah and we can wear lil aprons with lots of pockets to hold sewing stuff in :O
i've been looking at them to try make an oc for this rp
look up irish clothes from the 1920s - they're a bit better
aaaah and we can wear lil aprons with lots of pockets to hold sewing stuff in :O

Sure, you can wear more of Irish style. Some characters could have moved to this town from another country taking their fashions.

Oop I forgot to add my character is Welsh (should we put a description of our characters or smth?)

You can pm or Guest book me, than I plan to make a collection of them and I'll add a link in rp so they'll be easy to access. (If you get a Pic of your character that will also be included so people can visualize better :)

That's like a really good idea
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Im sure 16th-18th century rennaisance Italy/Tudor England clothing (especially the men) would look distasteful in today's pov
It still was the (rich people's) fashion at the time
It still was the (rich people's) fashion at the time

What country is this in?
If it's the USA, prohibition is in full effect by the start of the decade and mafias were quickly gaining power. However since this is a small (I assume rural) town, you can just add in some grunt or alcohol dealer.
Im pretty sure the 1920s in a rural town is basically a Less Wild West, the culture is still there and left untouched by the "city people" until long-hual transportation and infrastructure gets improved (most likely but i could be wrong) in the post-ww2 economic expansion period.
You would still have a marshall, sheriff and plenty of outlaws ofc to spice it up.
For europe, the roles are pretty much correct.
However if you want to spice things up theres Germany (in their period of econimic decline post ww1), or theres Eastern european countries which are just poor (but pretty much same roles)
If it's the USA, prohibition is in full effect by the start of the decade and mafias were quickly gaining power. However since this is a small (I assume rural) town, you can just add in some grunt or alcohol dealer.
Im pretty sure the 1920s in a rural town is basically a Less Wild West, the culture is still there and left untouched by the "city people" until long-hual transportation and infrastructure gets improved (most likely but i could be wrong) in the post-ww2 economic expansion period.
You would still have a marshall, sheriff and plenty of outlaws ofc to spice it up.
For europe, the roles are pretty much correct.
However if you want to spice things up theres Germany (in their period of econimic decline post ww1), or theres Eastern european countries which are just poor (but pretty much same roles)

Its taking place in England, in a very rural part.

then there would only be your local bobby and definitely no sheriff/outlaw roles as that is mainly an american thing.
A rural village in the uk is only hours away from civilisation (as opposed to days for the US frontier)
A rural village in the uk is only hours away from civilisation (as opposed to days for the US frontier)

I would join but Im a british so I'll stay with my crumpits and tea


As I'm a bit tired of villains always spoiling my fun, can I be an outlaw ? I'll try the dark side, for once...

Yay being the villian is fun

Yay we're Outlaws together :)

Yay :D

(Question, is this Roaring-20’s style? Or un-industrialized?)

Most likely un-industrialised.
Economic booms are usually centered in urban or soon-to-be-urban areas. The fashion of the roaring twenties is no different.
Most towns were still undeveloped and far away (by days) from civilisation (even with transport infrastructure).
Economic booms are usually centered in urban or soon-to-be-urban areas. The fashion of the roaring twenties is no different.
Most towns were still undeveloped and far away (by days) from civilisation (even with transport infrastructure).
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