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    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      June 20, 2024, 11:06 am to Public
      Noticed that the program I want to use for drawing in the future is 60% off, downloaded, tried to install, only to realize that my macbook hasn't been updated since I got it in 2017

      Updated, everything works now! No idea how Clip Studio Paint functions, what features it has, or what to do with it atm... But I have it :D

    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      June 19, 2024, 2:01 pm to Public
      Exams are finally over!
      I can feel all the pressure slowly leaving my body. Came home after defending my research paper, laid on my couch and slept for 4 hours (I did not get much drawing done today).

      Going to take a break, then come back and start putting the last touches on Sketchbook Journey. III + will slowly begin preparing the 10 planned builds for July and August

      (also got an A+ on my research paper, very proud of myself for that one)
    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      June 14, 2024, 3:48 pm to Public
      Good news!
      I will be done writing and putting together Sketchbook Journey. III by sunday next week (23 June). So here is a little sneak peek showing one of my favorite drawings from this third entry in the series :D

    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 2:31 pm to Public
      Update on Sketchbook Journey. III:
      Sketchbook Journey III is delayed by 2 weeks so I can focus on my last exam and start writing. The third sketchbook is almost done, as I am only a day behind. Expect the entry in 2-3 weeks after exams. Thanks for your patience!

      Update on upcoming builds:
      Thanks for your suggestions on my last forum post! I've gathered great reference photos and will be posting new builds every weekend from 7th July to 1st September. This is a challenge inspired by the recent PlanetMinecraft analytics update, showing high demand for my industrial builds, so I'll be adding 10 more of those. Hope you'll enjoy!

    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      June 3, 2024, 6:54 am to Public
      Me after completing a 30 page research paper in 2 weeks, realizing I have another 2 week 15 page exam with an defense to follow

      (im going insane, i just want to draw and play minecraft at this point)
    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      June 1, 2024, 3:15 am to Public
      Finally got around to reading eagoy's new blog: Sketch-journey I : 40 days of sketching

      If you need some amazing Saturday reading (and art inspiration), I can't recommend their blog enough! And even if you don't need something to read, go give the blog some love as there's been put a large amount of effort into it! That I can vouch for.

    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      May 29, 2024, 2:56 pm to Public
      If I had to give praise to macbooks, I would point out that my own 7 year old macbook is still running quite fast and smooth with only minor hick-ups every now and then.

      Then there's my stationary PC. Guess who just spent a full hour trying to open Minecraft :'D
      IGEBM said 2024-05-29 15:21:08
      IGEBM's Avatar
      lol my dad has one that’s like twice as old as yours

      it’s slow sometimes, but it runs great, and certainly better than my 4-year-old Chromebook
      Papa Enny said 2024-05-29 15:04:42
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      do you even use the macbook like a normal lap or just for work stuff?
    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      May 23, 2024, 5:03 am to Public
      This is actually super helpful (and interesting!) – Ignoring the top submission (since its the newest one), I'm actually surprised to see that a build I made 2 years ago, is still amoungst my top performing, even though I haven't updated it.

      It seems that the content that the most amount of people favor on my profile is the smaller industrial stuff. This actually gives quite a relief, because I remember one of my main reasons for quitting building, was that nagging feeling of "I need to go bigger and better!" – but now I see, that I may instead need to develop and expand upon the industrial style :D

      Though, my main goal is still to draw, so builds will still be a rarity on my profile haha :P
      camerarandom said 2024-05-23 09:06:22
      camerarandom's Avatar
      Never underestimate the power of Infrastructure in building. There can only be a single Taj Mahal, but everyone building a city needs a nicely done factory or train station as inspiration.
    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      May 10, 2024, 3:17 pm to Public
      Will most likely be a delay on posting Sketchbook Journey. III because my university decided it would be a good idea to place 2 major exams (15 pages each), directly on top of each other, meaning my next 3 weeks will be spent writing 30 pages of research >.<

      I love my studies, but this feels a bit excessive

    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      Stubbs1 shared LadyO's post
      May 5, 2024, 11:30 am with Public
      Just going to spread this ad a little
      Its now possible to support DreamWanderers amazing work + you get a super dope tutorial in the process, AND it's even a pay what you want case, honestly couldn't be better :D
      LadyO's Avatar
      May 5, 2024, 1:36 am to Public
      From the collaboration with Dreamwanderer, a prolific PlanetMinecraft builder, a sweet looking truck, powered by a Caterpillar diesel engine, ready for work in heavy haul.

      First Image

      You can download the instructions booklet from here:
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    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      April 28, 2024, 3:18 pm to Public
      And done! A weekend of work to recreate Børsen. Hope you enjoy :)

    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      April 28, 2024, 7:29 am to Public
      Clean-up and adding the last few details. Though, render + upload will be done tomorrow (probably). But hey! 2 days of work to create this because someone made a joke about how fast I can actually build when I feel like it :'D

      Square Pirate said 2024-04-28 08:36:11
      Square Pirate's Avatar
      Looking good!
      AvatarKage said 2024-04-28 07:43:10
      AvatarKage's Avatar
    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      April 27, 2024, 12:48 pm to Public
      Contemplating whether or not to add in the lines in the tiling of the roof. What do you think, should, is the roof looking a bit too flat atm?

      Saltedline said 2024-04-28 06:06:01
      Saltedline's Avatar
      Look up traditional hungarian roof tile; you could try them there
      Stubbs1 replied to eagoy's comment below 2024-04-27 13:46:40
      Stubbs1's Avatar
      Added the lines to the roofing, and it's deftly the right call haha :)
      eagoy said 2024-04-27 13:24:35
      eagoy's Avatar
      Taking a quick peek at google maps and a picture above. Definitely try something with lining. The current roof is indeed a bit flat looking compared to the rest.
    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      April 24, 2024, 6:11 pm to Public
      Some friends of mine saw the recreation me and DreamWanderer did of the Copenhagen Central Station, and were choked that it only took 1.5 months to make. Friends jokingly said "If you were to build Børsen, it'd take you a weekend lmao"


      I don't think
      my friends know

      just how unhinged I can be :)

      Stubbs1 replied to eagoy's comment below 2024-04-27 09:06:14
      Stubbs1's Avatar
      Indeed the one which was burning recently. Been away all week, so just now returned to actually build, so it will be 2 intensive building days, but I will have it ready by tomorrow, no sweat (jeez how big can my ego get lmao)
      eagoy said 2024-04-25 00:08:43
      eagoy's Avatar
      Børsen as in the one with the fire recently?
      Either way, sounds like a good excuse to make something in Minecraft + I am bit curious to see if the unhinged one manages to finish within the time-limits ;-)
    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      April 8, 2024, 9:53 am to Public
      Back from traveling, and super happy to read the comments on Sketchbook Journey. II! Even though I have uni during April, I noticed that I will be traveling out every weekend because of my research. Gonna be a bit difficult to draw – but good thing "difficult" does not mean impossible :D
    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      April 5, 2024, 4:21 am to Public
      Will be out traveling this weekend, so woke up at 4am to finish the last two pages of Sketchbook Journey. II. Therefore I finished the last two pages this morning, and pushed scheduled the upload to today!

      I'll be back on monday. Hope you all have a great weekend!

      Patience said 2024-04-05 07:22:13
      Patience's Avatar
      Make sure your cat is happy and calm during the flight!
      And I hope you have fun!
      Square Pirate said 2024-04-05 04:27:34
      Square Pirate's Avatar
      Have a safe and nice trip!
    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      April 2, 2024, 2:41 pm to Public
      Kinda hard for me to believe that this was 4 months ago

      I will be out traveling this weekend, but bringing my laptop and drawing equipment along so that I can make the final drawing on day 120 and post it on the same day (Sunday, 7th of April). In the mean time – here is a sneak peek from Sketchbook Journey. II – spending 120 days learning to draw!

      Papa Enny said 2024-04-02 14:45:34
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      I also tried to make a daily drawing. It was the day that me went to check out my uncle's brotherinlaw's house and ended by the 10th anniversary of my dog's presence by us. Thankfully, he left some weeks after. It was fun and I trie d out the new markers.
    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      Stubbs1 shared cheyko's post
      April 1, 2024, 12:32 pm with Public
      I'll just go ahead and say what I think: Tremendous effort like this, needs some well deserved attention!

      My own profile has kind of become a more art-oriented page, so I feel like this amazing animatic by a fellow PMC-creator, fits right in to the kind of stuff I think you'd enjoy as much as I enjoyed it (I mean, just look at those drawings that make up the animatic!)

      (also go subscribe to cheyko, they post really cool art that is worth your time)
      cheyko's Avatar
      April 1, 2024, 11:58 am to Public
      hello pmc-ers!!! i dont usually advertise myself very much here but i just finished an animatic that took forever!! itd mean the world if you checked it out on yt! :3

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      cheyko said 2024-04-01 12:45:26
      cheyko's Avatar
      thank you so much!!! this was so heartwarming to read <33
    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      March 27, 2024, 10:01 am to Public
      Do you think that PMC has CIA agents who have used this site in order to hide their secretive conversations, in the same way that one can use a Minecraft server to hide and share secret information, with almost no possible traces to the existence of set conversation / information?

      *Looks suspiciously at DreamWanderer*

      MegaMinerDL said 2024-04-05 14:35:34
      MegaMinerDL's Avatar
      As someone who is on multiple FBI and CIA watch lists, I can confirm.
      Stubbs1 replied to Silabear's comment below 2024-03-28 05:17:17
      Stubbs1's Avatar
      Being drunk and online is a great combo. Nothing personal haha :)
      PsioPsia001 said 2024-03-27 17:17:50
      PsioPsia001's Avatar
      Hmmm... If they knew about us, it could be possible
      What if some people who are in some powerful position irl have a PMC account and post Minecraft content as a hobby? Maybe it will happen in the future...

      And why DreamWanderer?
      ItzOrangey said 2024-03-27 17:01:00
      ItzOrangey's Avatar
      the problem with that is they'll run out of pms way too quickly
      Silabear said 2024-03-27 13:14:18
      Silabear's Avatar
      this feels personal
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    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      March 19, 2024, 9:04 am to Public
      That's a lot of people! Thank you so much, it makes me super excited to post pt. 2 of Sketchbook Journey on the 8th of April :D

      BlueBoyBuilds said 2024-03-19 09:22:15
      BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
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