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  • MerBatPhan89's Avatar
    June 22, 2024, 12:30 pm to Public
    Hey folks,

    So my favorite Minecraft YouTuber Wheelassassin Guides recently did a charity stream series for "Make a Wish International" where he built the Sleeping Beauty Castle from Disneyland Paris ๐Ÿฐ . His subscribers (which includes me) could either donate money, or they could build along with him in the streams to show they were in support of the cause, which is what I did.

    Here's what I built of it so far from watching the streams. Now he's going to do a full tutorial series on how to build the Castle.

    The story is that because of the fact that Wheel himself has some physical health issues and disabilities, he himself was a Make a Wish kid, and his wish was to go to Disneyland Paris, and his wish came true!

    I discovered Wheel's channel through the awesome and AMAZING tutorial series he did on building the Phantom Manor from Disneyland Paris (the French version of the Disney Haunted Mansion ride) which is my favorite Disney attraction. I became a fan of his ever since, and we've become friends. We've even chatted here on PMC.

    Since this was done as a charity series, I will not be uploading this as a downloadable map. I will just be uploading pictures of it. Especially once it's done.

    If you would like to see the build I did do of the Castle, plus the other Disney parks Castles, you can download my Disney Parks Castle builds map here:

    You can see Wheel's build of the Castle here:
    (Note: I LOVE that he used sandstone for the pink parts of the Castle!)

    That's all for now,

    Batman over and out ๐Ÿฆ‡

  • GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    GalaxyCat24 shared Silabear's post
    June 21, 2024, 10:53 am with Public
    I want the full rules.
    Silabear's Avatar
    June 21, 2024, 10:48 am to Public
    I have invented a game called sigma tic tac toe

    each of the 9 squares is actually another tic tac toe board, and the squares of those tic tac toe boards is another tic tac toe board

    32.4 likes and y’all get the full rules

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    PufferFishGuy_22 said 2024-06-21 11:06:44
    PufferFishGuy_22's Avatar
    Brainrot tic tac toe
  • GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    June 21, 2024, 10:36 am to Public
    You know, one of the things about writing is that if you want your story to have a war, and you want the conclusion of the book to be the end of the war, you have to come up with a solution for a war.
    And if you want to have an assassin in your story, you have to be an assassin. Think like an assassin.
    You can't only be the main characters. You have to be all the characters. The villains and side characters are no exception.
    And that is really, really hard.
  • GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    June 20, 2024, 9:58 pm to Public
    Share this post and tomorrow I'll comment a random food emoji
  • GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    June 20, 2024, 6:43 pm to Public
    My brain is literal mush right now.
    I don't know why I thought reading some Spider-Man/Deadpool comics was a good idea, but at the same time, it was fun and I don't really regret it.
    I can't even speak right now. Meh.
    I need to stop coming up with novel ideas at midnight and get some actual sleep.
    Have a good day or night or whatever.
    TBear1 said 2024-06-20 20:15:25
    TBear1's Avatar
  • Magisto's Avatar
    June 20, 2024, 4:25 pm to Public
    Magisto replied to MerBatPhan89's comment below 2024-06-22 00:53:45
    Magisto's Avatar
    Yes of course!! I am always here for you! :)
    MerBatPhan89 said 2024-06-20 22:37:49
    MerBatPhan89's Avatar
    Yet another beautiful and uplifting post. I was wondering maybe if I could send you a PM. As a dear friend, I have a problem I hope you can help me with, and I want to share this with someone I can trust.
  • Square Pirate's Avatar
    Square Pirate
    June 18, 2024, 5:33 pm to Public
    Today was ugjfjfb
    Had a rendez-vous, took more than half of the day
    Lost my phone outside
    Had to ' shave ' my sheep and got my hands all sticky ( because of some wool-protecting thing ) Had to hold him by the horns and it really was no fun because not only did it look like he wasn't enjoying it at all it also was pretty hard to control him
    Internet was really really bad today and could barely open any websites
    yesterday my mother accidentally unplugged my pc while it was on and now pretty much any game has very very bad performances ( managed to get 131k ping in a loading screen )
    a friend of mine lost his great grandfather
    the weather was Very bad outside and I weight my words: it was a constant flow of water and everything was soaked
    a fly decided to suicide under my foot
    it's 23:34 and I can't sleep
    but I still got a positive outcome
    1 - managed to watch some Spiritus Systems videos
    2 - My sheep looks so silly
    RocketStudio said 2024-06-19 04:48:20
    RocketStudio's Avatar
    Wow your day was sh*t
    Force à toi โœŠ
    (Yes i'm doing franglais but ik you're french and idk how to say this in english sooooo)
  • Square Pirate's Avatar
    Square Pirate shared Silabear's post
    June 18, 2024, 5:20 pm with Public
    Silabear's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 2:58 pm to Public
    I know what you did

    no but fr you’re probably thinking “hmm yeah I did do _______ but he’s probably not referring to that”

    yes I am in fact referring to that
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  • GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    GalaxyCat24 shared KP206001's post
    June 18, 2024, 4:30 pm with Public
    Oooooooh cool!
    Might try it out!
    KP206001's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 1:22 pm to Public
    If You see this

    Guys Me AND TheNewTK421 have Started The PLANET MINECRAFT SMP



    Bedrock IP ↓

    Port: 61192

    Share this or you Think Fortnite is Better than Minecraft
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    PufferFishGuy_22 said 2024-06-18 19:00:52
    PufferFishGuy_22's Avatar
    Can I grief? jk I would never.... probably
    GanderBeam said 2024-06-18 17:51:13
    GanderBeam's Avatar
    Maybe it is... Or maybe it isn't...
    KP206001 said 2024-06-18 16:38:16
    KP206001's Avatar
    KP206001 said 2024-06-18 16:36:06
    KP206001's Avatar
  • GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    GalaxyCat24 shared Silabear's post
    June 18, 2024, 4:27 pm with Public
    Actually I wasn't thinking that.
    I was thinking something along the lines of "Oooooooh, he's using that fun 'mind reading' trick"
    Because I try to do this all the time.
    (Emphasis on the word "try". My siblings are too smart.)
    Silabear's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 2:58 pm to Public
    I know what you did

    no but fr you’re probably thinking “hmm yeah I did do _______ but he’s probably not referring to that”

    yes I am in fact referring to that
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  • GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 4:18 pm to Public
    My brothers turned their bedroom into a fort.
    To get in, you have to knock, and then they'll slide a pop-it under the door. You then have to press all the right pop-it bubbles and slide it back to them. If the "combination" you entered is correct, they'll let you in.
    Silabear said 2024-06-18 17:37:13
    Silabear's Avatar
    that’s pretty smart ngl
    GalaxyCat24 replied to DoraAurora's comment below 2024-06-18 16:38:00
    GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    DoraAurora said 2024-06-18 16:33:47
    DoraAurora's Avatar
    aww, thats so cute lol
    GalaxyCat24 replied to Ender Sparkle's comment below 2024-06-18 16:28:26
    GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    All credit goes to my brothers. They came up with it lol
    But you're welcome.
    Ender Sparkle said 2024-06-18 16:22:11
    Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    Thanks for idea ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
  • Magisto's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 12:39 pm to Public
    Story pin image
  • GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    GalaxyCat24 shared Pqnda_Iceberg's post
    June 17, 2024, 8:23 pm with Public
    1. When did you start playing Minecraft?
    2016 (I think)

    2. How did you find PMC?
    Looking through google. I was trying to find a site that could allow me to turn skins into papercraft.

    3. How did you find me?
    I don't remember exactly, sorry.

    4. What socials do you have? E.x Twitter, YouTube, twitch, Reddit ECT
    PMC (obviously lol), Pixilart, uhhhhh Facebook (I never use it though), and Quora (I think).

    5. What county are you from?

    6. Who is on your sidebar (optional reply)
    I'd rather not say.

    7. Rate this interview 1 - 10
    Ok, just to let you know, I am awful at rating things. Very inconsistent.
    I'd say 7 or 8; this was pretty fun.
    Pqnda_Iceberg's Avatar
    June 17, 2024, 12:21 am to Public
    For anyone who wants to participate Answer these questions: (here are my answers)

    1. When did you start playing Minecraft?


    2. How did you find PMC?

    Through SpellmakerTheHybrid

    3. How did you find me?

    I am me :0 (I think)

    4. What socials do you have? E.x Twitter, YouTube, twitch, Reddit ECT

    Discord, Twitter, Reddit, PMC? YouTube? (I don't have yt app)

    5. What county are you from?


    6. Who is on your sidebar (optional reply)

    too many to list :p

    7. Rate this interview 1 - 10

    10-10 because I made it xd
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    PufferFishGuy_22 replied to GalaxyCat24's comment below 2024-06-18 12:51:54
    PufferFishGuy_22's Avatar
    yeh... I sucked
    GalaxyCat24 replied to PufferFishGuy_22's comment below 2024-06-18 10:57:42
    GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    PufferFishGuy_22 said 2024-06-18 08:55:04
    PufferFishGuy_22's Avatar
    well I won't answer the rest but I started in 2014
  • Square Pirate's Avatar
    Square Pirate shared BigFatPotat's post
    June 17, 2024, 5:28 pm with Public
    BigFatPotat's Avatar
    June 17, 2024, 4:36 pm to Public
    So... it's been a while lol. Just here to say that I am in fact going to update Refreshed soon, I've just been really busy with RL stuff and don't have as much time/motivation to work on it as I'd like. There aren't a ton of new items done at the moment, but I'm working on food items and such, and I've started on the GUI for Bedrock a little bit. Progress, but slow.
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  • MerBatPhan89's Avatar
    June 17, 2024, 2:43 pm to Public
    Hey everyone,

    Sorry if I haven't posted a lot lately. Father's Day is kind of hard for me since my dad passed away so it was a little rough. But after some prayer and meditation I'm feeling better now. It was still a good day, just hard. We ended up going on a boat ride around the island with a dear friend of ours named Captain Randy.

    So a little while ago I bought a Batmobile model kit from the Tim Burton Batman movies "Batman" (1989) and "Batman Returns" (1992) as well their continuation in the "Batman '89" comics.

    The kit came with a paintable Batman figure which I painted (see below, also hand reveal ๐Ÿ˜‚) as well as the parts to assemble the car.
    Well I painted the figure as you can see, but I haven't put the Batmobile together yet. I need to find out what type of glue I need to put the pieces together.

    Fortunately I found out that one of my fellow choir members at church is really good at putting together model kits, and he's agreed to help me put the Batmobile together. Would you like to see the finished model when once it's assembled? Let me know down in the comments section below.

    That's all for now.
    Batman over and out ๐Ÿฆ‡

    MerBatPhan89 replied to SnappNote's comment below 2024-06-19 10:39:12
    MerBatPhan89's Avatar
    Great! I'll definitely upload it then.
    MerBatPhan89 replied to Spongie's comment below 2024-06-19 10:38:45
    MerBatPhan89's Avatar
    Thanks! Hopefully the car will look just as good. ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Spongie said 2024-06-19 10:00:39
    Spongie's Avatar
    Figure looks so cool!
    SnappNote said 2024-06-17 22:22:54
    SnappNote's Avatar
    i would love to see the batmobile model once it's finished!
  • Magisto's Avatar
    June 17, 2024, 1:29 pm to Public
    "And I don't know what I'm crying for

    I don't think I could love you more

    It might not be long, but baby, I

    I'll love you 'til the day that I die"

    BIRDS OF A FEATHER ~ Billie Eilish
  • Magisto's Avatar
    June 16, 2024, 5:24 pm to Public
  • GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    June 16, 2024, 2:01 pm to Public
    We went to the gun range with my dad for Father's Day today.
    (Well, technically it was just a friend's property that has some targets set up, but whatever.)

    I've never used a gun before, so this was a first time experience for me.

    I used a 22 pistol and a 9 MM handgun. (I think that's what they were, but I could be wrong)
    Our friends did have a shotgun, but I didn't try it. The recoil looked kinda painful.

    Best day I've had in quite a while.
    PufferFishGuy_22 replied to GalaxyCat24's comment below 2024-06-17 20:37:44
    PufferFishGuy_22's Avatar
    when then that tells even more
    GalaxyCat24 replied to PufferFishGuy_22's comment below 2024-06-17 12:29:35
    GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    I highly doubt it.
    My online "personality" is very different from how I act irl (which is kinda guarded and quiet unless we're good friends), and my few good friends don't have PMC.
    But that would be interesting lol
    GalaxyCat24 replied to Wagnerbaum's comment below 2024-06-17 12:21:48
    GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    Oh wow XD
    Wagnerbaum said 2024-06-17 10:39:18
    Wagnerbaum's Avatar
    i once used a shotgun when i was like 7 and i thought my arm was gonna be ripped off xD
    PufferFishGuy_22 replied to GanderBeam's comment below 2024-06-17 10:35:18
    PufferFishGuy_22's Avatar
    couldn't be me
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  • Red Obsidian SMP -> Modded | Java 1.19.2 | Seasonal Updates
    1.19.2 Survival Server
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    CrypticScience's Avatar CrypticScience 6/16/24 12:34 โ€ข posted 11/20/23 3:11
  • Magisto's Avatar
    June 16, 2024, 12:24 pm to Public
    Good Morning!
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