Entered in Into The Woods Skin Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.

Ranked 43rd for LEGO Minecraft Cave Hanger Contest
with a score of 7.389 out of 25 from 9 ratings.
Criteria | Ranked | Score* | Raw Score | Max |
Concept & Ingenuity | 43rd | 1.611 | 1.611 | 5 |
Quality & Presentation | 42nd | 2.889 | 2.889 | 10 |
Analysis & Reasoning | 43rd | 2.889 | 2.889 | 10 |
Overall Score | 43rd | 7.389 | 7.389 | 25 |
Entered in Crazy Halloween Costumes Skin Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.Entered in Create A Survival Guide Blog Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.