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Artisan Caveman

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  • Planet Minecraft Interviews DreamWanderer!
    Interview Blog
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 6/14/24 1:05
  • Project Zearth v.15 server
    1.18.1 Creative Server
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    Xoyjaz's Avatar Xoyjaz 6/9/24 4:09 • posted 6/28/16 4:36
  • Paril's Avatar
    Paril shared DreamWanderer's post
    June 7, 2024, 2:21 pm with Public
    DreamWanderer's Avatar
    June 7, 2024, 11:56 am to Public
    *Farming Simulator theme starts playing*

    Beginning to sort my Farming vehicles
    All the forestry stuff is in one easy to find place now. Ready to assist you in all the logging needs of your Minecraft world
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    DreamWanderer said 2024-06-07 14:24:51
    DreamWanderer's Avatar
    =D Was not expecting a share from you 0,0
    Still working :P, sorting tractors now listening to various farming sim themes lol
  • Paril's Avatar
    Paril shared EuphoriaLuna's post
    June 5, 2024, 4:08 pm with Public
    EuphoriaLuna's Avatar
    June 5, 2024, 3:46 pm to Public
    It's World Environment Day! 🪴🌳
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  • Azie's Avatar
    June 4, 2024, 6:34 pm to Public
    So thankful for all my friends on the staff team weeding through wall posts, especially this month.

    Homophobes really be like "why does pride get a whole month" and "where's straight pride month" on main and everything. Gonna start asking them if they'd say the same thing about Black History Month or Women's History Month.

    Be nice to each other. Celebrate individuality and love. Happy Pride, everyone! :)
    Dronko fire blaster replied to Azie's comment below 2024-06-04 21:47:56
    Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
    idk, I pretty much just go with it, I tend to stay out of conversations involving it, but I dont exactly bring this up very often like at all, and I do have friends that are it it.
    Azie replied to Dronko fire blaster's comment below 2024-06-04 20:21:52
    Azie's Avatar
    Thanks for not being loud about it, I guess...? That doesn't change that you're still "disagreeing" with someone's identity. It's doesn't affect you. No one is forcing anyone else to celebrate Pride month if they don't want to participate for whatever reason, but saying you "disagree" with someone being LGBTQ+ is still super problematic and unnecessary.
    Dronko fire blaster said 2024-06-04 19:27:51
    Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
    am I the only person capable of respectful disagreeing with pride stuff, like yes I disagree with it but I won't ever go screaming it at the top of my lungs, or hate on any one for it.
  • Paril's Avatar
    Paril shared Kirigiri's post
    June 4, 2024, 4:07 pm with Public
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    June 4, 2024, 2:40 pm to Public
    I made a support stamp hehehe
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    Darkfap said 2024-06-04 18:52:45
    Darkfap's Avatar
    paril jumpscare
    Rob333 said 2024-06-04 16:12:51
    Rob333's Avatar
    Legendary post
  • Paril's Avatar
    June 4, 2024, 11:49 am to Public
    sniffercraft34 said 2024-06-04 12:02:49
    sniffercraft34's Avatar
    I love it! Now I am a cookie lemon!
  • eagoy's Avatar
    May 30, 2024, 2:45 pm to Public
    Welp, my 40 days of sketching journey blog is up. The 'failed' days I filled up with pictures from my travels. Either way, I think there are still quite some interesting tidbits to find here and there.

  • eagoy's Avatar
    May 26, 2024, 8:03 am to Public
    So yesterday ended the second half of 40 days of sketching. Did I succeed? No.
    Do I really mind, not really as the first 20 days were the most important ones to me. I did notice some side effects during my holiday due to doing this.

    Either way, going to wrap it up this(?) week or so in a blog and probably fill the non-sketching days in with photo's from my travels on location.
    McMeddon said 2024-05-26 10:29:48
    McMeddon's Avatar
    🏆 a small trophy for your try!
  • eagoy's Avatar
    May 5, 2024, 9:35 am to Public
    Well, that's day 20 of 40 days of sketching. Quite odd, on one hand it's not a lot of days but in another way while looking through them. A lot has happend. in terms of progress.

    Either way, I am looking forward for the next 20 days to sketch on location. Quite different compared to sketching from google streetview. The only downside? possible bad weather & roughly 20~24 hours of traveling needed from closing the front door behind me, all the way to my first place to stay. But that's something for tomorrow morning.

    day 7 left | right day 17

    ps. the houses are from the country I am going to for my vacation.
    Stubbs1 replied to eagoy's comment below 2024-05-06 07:21:58
    Stubbs1's Avatar
    Couldn't think of another word haha, but very cool :D And sure thing! Use/copy as much from my blogs as you'd like from how I do it
    eagoy replied to Stubbs1's comment below 2024-05-05 13:05:50
    eagoy's Avatar
    I am not sure if observing is the right word. I think it's more of figuring out how to sketch the details. Details such as the roofing and the (bloody annoying but satisfying when you finally get some to work after few days) greenery. At the same time, yes I have been observing more details. Observing to figure out how to draw these things...

    By the way, I decided to already prepare a draft of the first half of my blog detailing the proces. I hope you don't mind me taking lots of inspiration in the way you made your blogs.
    Stubbs1 said 2024-05-05 11:35:44
    Stubbs1's Avatar
    This makes me super excited to read more about what you've learned, and I love the difference levels of detail from day 7 to 17. I may not be correct, but it looks from these two drawings that you've started observering more, like with all the smaller aspects of the buildings :)
  • Paril's Avatar
    Paril shared EuphoriaLuna's post
    May 1, 2024, 12:54 pm with Public
    EuphoriaLuna's Avatar
    April 30, 2024, 5:40 pm to Public
    I've almost 500 followers! :O
    29 more to go!
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    EuphoriaLuna said 2024-05-01 15:18:10
    EuphoriaLuna's Avatar
    Thank you Paril for sharing this!! ❤️
    Rob333 said 2024-05-01 13:19:40
    Rob333's Avatar
    Shift Stardust said 2024-05-01 13:14:46
    Shift Stardust's Avatar
    there, another subbed :D
    Darkfap said 2024-05-01 13:06:11
    Darkfap's Avatar
    rare Paril sighting!
    SatoshiHikari said 2024-05-01 12:55:53
    SatoshiHikari's Avatar
    paril shared your wallpost :O
  • Yuki's Avatar
    April 27, 2024, 8:05 am to Public
    This dog is a massive bully to the other wild dogs. Won't let the Mohawk Dog (or his family) near the feeder and will attack them. It also hogs the feeder and eats like...half of the food in it.

    ScotsMiser said 2024-04-27 09:12:01
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    Pretty though

    good job with th ephoto BTW
    BlueBoyBuilds said 2024-04-27 09:00:44
    BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
    truly a terrifying creature…
  • Jetra's Avatar
    April 20, 2024, 7:50 am to Public
    With the completion of my world, I get to do something that I've been waiting all this time for.

    In much the same way that we used to use cheats such as Invincibility, unlimited ammo, and all weapons, this is akin to me having just a little fun and more than deserved treat of doing something that goes against the grain. While I would have loved to cover everything, unfortunately there isn't a Creative mode and all inventory edit mods are defunt.

    What you see is pretty much my entire supply of TNT I've crafted by hand. Rougly a stack and a half. Could have farmed more, but I think this is more than enough.

    Thank you, Notch, for so many wonderful years of entertainment. This isn't the end, only the beginning of the next chapter for me. Now that this is done, I can move on to other versions and other games.
  • Yuki's Avatar
    April 19, 2024, 7:39 pm to Public
    This dog has a mohawk!

    I spent the last like...5 months or something saving up for a new lens and oh boy am I happy with it, $3200 well spent.

    YumyWafflz said 2024-04-19 20:28:09
    YumyWafflz's Avatar
    DOG? that looks more like a beluga whale
    CactiFern said 2024-04-19 20:14:17
    CactiFern's Avatar
    I love the dog
    Square Pirate said 2024-04-19 19:53:25
    Square Pirate's Avatar
    Nice cat
  • sorry i couldnt be her
    Minecraft Skin
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    Rox's Avatar Rox 4/19/24 7:36
  • My Alpha World #821985
    Other Map
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    Jetra's Avatar Jetra 4/18/24 5:18 • posted 1/18/23 9:00
  • Jetra's Avatar
    April 18, 2024, 1:21 pm to Public
    Update post: IT WORKED!!!! I have no idea how, but dear god I'm happy that it does because my other option would have been to scour the entire map blindly looking for dungeons.

    I've never been so excited in my life. Sure, I could have done this months ago yet I wanted to wear out my world a bit before doing something drastic. Given I'm just missing the green disk now, my museum will be complete in a few hours assuming that I can get the green disk to drop as well.
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