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  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 5:21 pm to Public
    Oh damn, I hit 1,900 subscribers today! I can’t believe i’m only 100 subs away from 2k

    When I started making skins (terrible skins, but skins nonetheless, lmaoo), I didn’t even think I’d ever hit 50 subscribers. When I did, it felt like I had just won the lottery. Sharing something I’m truly passionate about with like-minded people is the best feeling in the world, and now I’m at 1,900 subscribers. I wish I had a time machine to tell my 15-year-old self—she wouldn't believe it, hahaha!

    But seriously, thank you so much for all your support and love. Sharing my designs with you has been incredibly rewarding. Your support and feedback have kept me motivated over these nearly 10 years, and you've been with me through some of the hardest times of my life. Losing my dogs felt like an arrow through my heart each time, but your kindness helped me through those tough moments. Along the way, I've made some amazing friends who have made this journey even more special.

    Thank you for being an amazing community. I’m excited to see what the future holds, and I can’t wait to reach 2k with all of you by my side!
    (ps sorry for my terrible drawing lol)
    CactiFern said 2024-06-18 17:25:41
    CactiFern's Avatar
    Congrats! You've earned every one
    IGEBM said 2024-06-18 17:24:07
    IGEBM's Avatar
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    June 17, 2024, 7:18 pm to Public
    as you all know Daisy passed away in october of last year, but the time has come to continue her legacy

    meet my new furry little friend who will be coming home with me at the beginning of august!

    (she doesn't have a name yet but the top contenders are Fuji and Indie)

    ObsidianFoxPlayz said 2024-06-18 00:00:29
    ObsidianFoxPlayz's Avatar
    I like the name Fuji :o
    JadeFire170 said 2024-06-17 21:40:59
    JadeFire170's Avatar
    Indie is such a cute name πŸŽΆπŸ’ž
    ajthepeach said 2024-06-17 19:52:22
    ajthepeach's Avatar
    INDIE :O
    AvatarKage said 2024-06-17 19:49:24
    AvatarKage's Avatar
    I love Fuji, it would make a great name!
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    June 17, 2024, 4:11 pm to Public
    at what point does it become socially acceptable to just stick the spoon straight into the nutella jar?
    CactiFern said 2024-06-17 21:22:40
    CactiFern's Avatar
    DaniAdler said 2024-06-17 20:11:47
    DaniAdler's Avatar
    id say if the nutella level is close to the bottom of the label then its fine lol
    JadeFire170 said 2024-06-17 19:07:41
    JadeFire170's Avatar
    Kirigiri replied to WaffleWolf-'s comment below 2024-06-17 18:35:44
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    I feel like having no bread counts right?
    WaffleWolf- said 2024-06-17 17:42:24
    WaffleWolf-'s Avatar
    when you feel as if you have lost your mind and there are no more options
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  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    June 17, 2024, 2:13 pm to Public
    My driving instructor ghosted me... looks like i'm onto my 5th driving instructor now >.<
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    June 17, 2024, 5:40 am to Public
    I have terrible news.... I have run out of Nutella
    Kirigiri replied to JadeFire170's comment below 2024-06-17 16:06:56
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    The pain is so real XD
    JadeFire170 replied to Kirigiri's comment below 2024-06-17 14:35:14
    JadeFire170's Avatar
    Oh my gosh I’m so sorry I just laughed 😭😭 I feel your pain so hard
    Sir Allard said 2024-06-17 13:39:39
    Sir Allard's Avatar
    AHH D=
    MistFaller replied to Kirigiri's comment below 2024-06-17 12:40:49
    MistFaller's Avatar
    *LE GASP*
    Kirigiri replied to JadeFire170's comment below 2024-06-17 12:32:12
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    Good news is I went out and bought some more, bad news is I'm out of bread
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  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    June 16, 2024, 5:27 pm to Public
    Is attempting to whack a fly that flew in through my window with a mitsuri foam sword overkill? probably but i still did it LMAOO as it was all i had to hand
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    June 16, 2024, 12:22 pm to Public
    do not drink doctor pepper while watching peep show, your keyboard will not thankyou.
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    June 15, 2024, 12:55 pm to Public
    for the sake of science i have obtained a cherry coke
    JadeFire170 replied to Kirigiri's comment below 2024-06-16 13:07:20
    JadeFire170's Avatar
    Ain’t no wayyyy 😭😭 now knowing British people have Mexican coke is amazing, I’ll bear that in mind in case I ever visit xD

    The plastic part makes sense but still kinda disgusting LOL
    Kirigiri replied to JadeFire170's comment below 2024-06-16 12:23:50
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    so i googled it, and apparently glass has no discernable taste whereas plastic does, also turns out british coke always has sugar in it LMAOO
    JadeFire170 replied to Kirigiri's comment below 2024-06-16 09:38:20
    JadeFire170's Avatar
    Sugar huh πŸ€” That’d make it Mexican coke then. American bottles have high fructose corn syrup. Mexican coke is on top for being real with the sugar πŸ™
    Kirigiri replied to JadeFire170's comment below 2024-06-15 21:35:58
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    i think they put actual sugar in the glass bottle ones, or it keeps the taste fresher or both
    JadeFire170 replied to Kirigiri's comment below 2024-06-15 18:14:45
    JadeFire170's Avatar
    I wanna know the science behind that… because it’s true 😼
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  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    June 12, 2024, 6:31 pm to Public
    no thoughts, just doctor pepper.
    Sir Allard said 2024-06-17 13:40:37
    Sir Allard's Avatar
    mmm yumi
    MerBatPhan89 replied to Kirigiri's comment below 2024-06-15 17:25:43
    MerBatPhan89's Avatar
    Totally agree. That's why I like it!
    Kirigiri replied to winston___'s comment below 2024-06-15 17:07:52
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    it's a good time to be a doctor pepper fan
    Kirigiri replied to MerBatPhan89's comment below 2024-06-15 17:07:35
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    honestly dr pepper zero tastes no different to regular dr pepper (which is great lmaoo)
    MerBatPhan89 said 2024-06-13 12:43:50
    MerBatPhan89's Avatar
    Dr. Pepper zero is also really good.
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  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    June 10, 2024, 9:42 pm to Public
    Hey there! Are you passionate about skin making? The Axolotl Union Discord Server is a fun and chaotic community, and we are giving our server a major revamp. And guess what? We need YOU to help make it even more fabulous

    Why join us? 🌈
    • Creative chaos: Embrace the fun!
    • Server revamp: Fresh and exciting changes!
    • No bullying policy: Kindness and fun for everyone.
    • Creative community: Get feedback on your latest projects!

    Ready to be part of the fun? Apply now and help us make The Axolotl Union the best place for creators! 🌟

    [​Apply here!]

  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    June 4, 2024, 2:40 pm to Public
    I made a support stamp hehehe
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    June 3, 2024, 1:26 pm to Public
    I have been procrastinating on redoing my page for so long LMAOO
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    May 31, 2024, 7:29 am to Public
    I got peeved for the first time in my life about queuing and I feel truly British because of it. Basically my brother and I were at Disney Tokyo queuing to get a photo with Alice and the mad hatter and like 5 different people cut in front of us and this one woman literally throws her child at Alice and the mad hatter and then jumps in the photo herself, and in the end we didn't even get a photo with Alice and the mad hatter 😭 we did get a photo with baloo the bear from jungle book though which was really cool and he gave amazing hugs lol
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 4:46 pm to Public
    Windows 95 man wtf πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Eurovision is amazing
    Paril said 2024-05-12 05:14:08
    Paril's Avatar
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    May 6, 2024, 9:39 pm to Public
    Calling all Minecraft players: our Discord server, the Axolotl Union, is opening up staff applications!

    We are a cozy and chaotic community hoping to boost our activity and engagement. Our origins are in the Minecraft skin community, but we'd love to diversify the server, so players of all sorts are welcome!

    Current plans are to host some fun events (contests, challenges, game nights, etc.) so if you'd be interested in either helping out or participating, we'd love to have you! We're also open to suggestions for the server so we can continue to improve 😎

    For staff applications, we'd be looking for people with dedication, time, and experience moderating/managing communities (bonus if you've got experience w/ Discord bots!)
    Drop us a message with your PMC & Discord usernames & a brief introduction outlining your experience. See ya there! ✨✨✨

    Server Invite Link
    ✨Join The Dark Side, We Have Axolotls✨
    Rob333 said 2024-05-07 01:47:14
    Rob333's Avatar
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    May 5, 2024, 8:33 pm to Public
    26 minuets left to join the jam, hurry hurry hurry!

  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    May 5, 2024, 6:17 pm to Public
    Just under 3 hours left to join the once upon a story skin jam!

    join the jam side we have toast
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    April 24, 2024, 9:39 pm to Public
    Why do some people think that because a skin has 6 extra pixels on the eyes it's automatically a bad skin? people put just as much effort into what some people would dub a "teen skin" as they do skins without those 6 extra pixels.

    Kirigiri replied to Voidox's comment below 2024-04-25 06:22:48
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    I've seen people straight up call skins with the bigger eyes bad for no other reason than they have big eyes
    Voidox said 2024-04-25 02:48:57
    Voidox's Avatar
    People actually care that much about the eyes of a skin? oml, I just make masks/hide faces so i didnt realize this was such a huge thing
    GalacticSpike said 2024-04-24 23:38:49
    GalacticSpike's Avatar
    As someone who's been making skins with unusual colors and eye shapes, I too have heard comments like those, my answer's always the same, different styles for different tastes.
    Personally I either do big 2x2 pixel eyes or odd shapes, for a plethora of reasons, main ones being color options and expressions, but 1x2 eyes, dot eyes, NO eyes, etc... are all fine choices too, they may not always be to my taste but it doesn't make the skin bad either.
    Kirigiri replied to Fawne's comment below 2024-04-24 22:47:57
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    I totally agree with you, different skins suite different styles and like you I personally prefer the depth that the bigger eyes have because it lets you experiment with complementary colours!!
    Fawne said 2024-04-24 21:55:14
    Fawne's Avatar
    i too have come across a lot of eyeball elitists lol

    i like bigger eyes on my own skins because they aren't just...one white pixel, one blue pixel, they have more depth imo
    i think the small eyes work on skins with more mature/darker character concepts & "teen" eyes work really well on portraying youthful/bright characters

    there's a place for every skin style, including teen skins. they aren't less than </3
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    April 17, 2024, 9:58 pm to Public
    just a friendly reminder to join the skin jam me and fawne setup

    join the jam side we have toast!


    Kirigiri replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-04-18 08:25:43
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    Tyyy πŸ˜‚
    ScotsMiser said 2024-04-17 22:23:02
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    Nicely done ad πŸ₯‚
  • Kirigiri's Avatar
    April 8, 2024, 8:14 pm to Public
    Pssst... JOIN mine and Fawnes first jam!!!


    you know you want too!
    Kirigiri replied to Fawne's comment below 2024-04-08 20:40:20
    Kirigiri's Avatar
    Magic, mwhahahaha
    Fawne said 2024-04-08 20:18:43
    Fawne's Avatar
    i do ο»Ώwant to
    how did u KNOW??
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