Terminant's Avatar
Level 67
High Grandmaster uwu

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  • Terminant's Avatar
    August 12, 2020, 6:19 pm to Public
    DragonsDungeon nice person go subscribe
    Terminant replied to Ang333's comment below 2020-08-12 19:01:57
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    Terminant replied to DragonsDungeon's comment below 2020-08-12 18:51:02
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    Nitgo replied to Ang333's comment below 2020-08-12 18:26:44
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    Me: Starts breathing heavily*
    Ang333 replied to Nitgo's comment below 2020-08-12 18:25:12
    Ang333's Avatar
    It would be sad if someone ruined tha-
    I had to sub I just discovered your cool skins
    mirabilia said 2020-08-12 18:23:39
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  • Terminant's Avatar
    August 9, 2020, 1:14 pm to Public
    canday said 2020-08-10 10:44:37
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    so glad you have 666 subs :)
    Pomegrenade said 2020-08-09 13:27:14
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  • Terminant's Avatar
    Terminant shared Auri's post
    August 9, 2020, 9:26 am with Public
    Auri's Avatar
    August 9, 2020, 8:05 am to Public
    Glory to the Stream Server Party!

    President DragonsDungeon and the SSP will usher in a new era of shenanigans;
    Making good on our campaign promises, we have sent Khaled into space

    Thank you for voting for the SSP!

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  • Terminant's Avatar
    Terminant shared canday's post
    August 8, 2020, 3:20 pm with Public
    canday's Avatar
    August 8, 2020, 3:09 pm to Public
    Glory to the Stream Server Party!!

    it was a fun campaign, thank you to our supporters and opponents <3
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  • Terminant's Avatar
    Terminant shared DragonsDungeon's post
    August 8, 2020, 11:50 am with Public
    DragonsDungeon's Avatar
    August 7, 2020, 7:18 pm to Public
    I usually hate wall posts like these, that encourage people to subscribe to someone else somewhat baselessly, but I really enjoy the idea behind them, and I want to do one of my own, mixed in with hopefully some appealing arguments for following said skinner, instead of just asking you to follow them. Here goes:


    Habearry is a skinner, who experiments with colours plenty, sometimes to the extend of going overboard with it. Their shading would be mixture of what I call a classic teen skin style with a more gradient (colour rich approach). This provides for an interesting style, that I cannot wait to see how develops. Curiously perhaps their most interesting stuff is posted in wall posts (and perhaps on their skindex idk) so keep an eye out for that.


    Boaty is a skinner of many styles, which gives you a large variety of content to look at. I'd like to point out Boaty's keen eye for designs. For this reason, stay keen on Boaty's work and let them know which styles you like, and what you'd like to see from them, as they can deliver very well on feedback!


    Reluctantly including kitt-chan here: Reluctantly due to the fact that Kitt is not really that underrated. Kitt chan is another somewhat 'gradient' skinner who provides great quality content in a variety of styles, and I highly recommend checking it out. Kitt-chan is already very profecient with colours and shading.


    Eloise I know has a following on skindex, and I do not know the differences between what is posted there and here. I will say, that Eloise has a few tricks up her sleeve. Eloise is a good example of a primarily girl teen skin creator who has shown capability of trying more abstract concepts; and this I think can make for quite an interesting ride if you follow Eloise. As a form of minor critique; it might be beneficial to cut down on contrast and "template"-like shading in some of your skins eloise, as I think that'll speed up your profress significantly. Contrast is good, but it can also get overbearing quickly - sometimes you want some 'negative space' on your skins without heavy contrast (x


    Genuinely, this guy is the entire package: Shading style is a check, colouring is a check and designs are great too, highly recommend checking him out. Doesn't appear to be active lately, but when they are, you're practically guaranteed quality!


    Another person who has the entire package, also insanely good mob skins. Do check this one out!

    Of course there are many more, and maybe one time I will get around to mentioning them. I am not that good at keeping up with PMC skinners anymore, but here are at least some that are worth giving a look (x Cheers
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  • Terminant's Avatar
    Terminant shared kodayne's post
    August 4, 2020, 9:18 am with Public
    kodayne's Avatar
    August 2, 2020, 5:37 pm to Public

    be a cool kid and vote for dragonsdungeon and the ssp
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  • Terminant's Avatar
    Terminant shared canday's post
    August 4, 2020, 9:17 am with Public
    canday's Avatar
    August 3, 2020, 6:08 pm to Public
    day 4: vote for DragonsDungeon

    read more here: https://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/pmc/discussion/pmc-election-part-2-voting-614556/comment/3459672/#reply_3459672

    Today we are lobbying for the McD Manifesto :)
    Our very complicated plan will ensure world hunger is no longer. The stream server party will fuel our nation with Big Macs.

    A word from our leader DragonsDungeon:
    - Words of a true leader to support

    glory to the stream server party
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  • Terminant's Avatar
    Terminant shared DragonsDungeon's post
    August 1, 2020, 10:15 am with Public
    DragonsDungeon's Avatar
    July 30, 2020, 6:09 pm to Public
    Just make sure that this event of HD skins being opened to be released doesn't result in every skinner being bombarded with questions to make them, regular skin requests are enough as is. HD skins take long to make, I am a fast skinmaker, and a detailed HD skin takes me up to 4 hours: I know it's exciting to see, but understand that they do take a lot of time, which can be incredibly draining. Don't let the existence of HD skins degrade what regular resolution skins are either: HD skins are cool, this does not mean regular resolution can't be too. Just something to keep in mind.
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  • Terminant's Avatar
    Terminant shared canday's post
    August 1, 2020, 10:13 am with Public
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    Terminant shared HatThing's post
    July 26, 2020, 1:32 pm with Public
    HatThing's Avatar
    July 26, 2020, 1:30 pm to Public
    Happy one year anniversary to my Touhou megapack! albeit not finished of course.

    I'd first like to apologise to the people that have been waiting for the pack's conclusion; As my interests switch from time to time (rather rapidly, actually) it's been quite difficult for me to fully prioritise on getting one thing finished. A notable example being my switch from working on a resource pack to suddenly deciding to create a data pack instead. As negative as it is, it's still a room I need to improve on in the future.

    To make up for it, I will (hopefully) update the blog once again, updating everything from the previews to the descriptions. I'll also be breaking my promise from before and leave downloads to the newer skins (13 - 16).

    On a more positive note, thank you so much to the people who have supported me on my endeavours. It's lead to friendships I've never planned on making and support that I would never have expected to get from a year ago. So to the people who have promoted, supported and followed the pack, thank you.

    As for the future, I'll be focusing more on the data pack that I've been working on first. Afterwards, I can hopefully regain my motivation to make Touhou skins again, it's going to be a rough journey, but I promise (for real this time) to finish the fight.

    Thank you for reading! Hat out
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  • Terminant's Avatar
    Terminant shared DragonsDungeon's post
    July 25, 2020, 3:07 pm with Public
    DragonsDungeon's Avatar
    July 25, 2020, 3:06 pm to Public
    I've seen people often think of an original character (OC) as a particular design, and while that will hold true in some communities it is also not an unambiguous interpretation. Delving into what an OC is (or can be interpreted as) might be in order, particularly with events as of recent.

    Original character refers to a character that isn't a part of previously licensed material. This explains the originality part of it; so what is a character exactly. Contrary to what seems to be the focal point on pmc, a character is usually defined equally or moreso by their bio, their mind etc. compared to that of how they look. This is because those attributes or traits will remain the same, no matter the visual you put over said character. Of course the visuals play a role too, however, an OC is more than the visuals alone. You can find several definitions of character, that hints towards this.

    Of course this doesn't mean that the visual aesthetic of your character should not be accounted for, particularly when others have a spin on your original character: What it does mean is that you can reimagine the visuals of the character in case you keep their unique traits consistent. Reshading a skin is not the only way to remake an OC, adding your own ideas to it should be equally, or more, appreciated, as it might help you find new sides of the character you invented. A question that might be worthwhile asking yourself is: if you only view your character as a visual shell, is it really a full-fletched character?
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  • Terminant's Avatar
    Terminant shared Momu's post
    July 24, 2020, 2:35 pm with Public
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    July 24, 2020, 2:29 pm to Public
    Dragon maid hm? Sounds fun
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    Pomegrenade said 2020-07-24 16:08:36
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  • Terminant's Avatar
    July 24, 2020, 11:42 am to Public
    I don't usually do shout outs but there's this small skin maker called DragonsDungeon he's almost reached 26 subs and his skins are super underrated! eveyone should go subscribe I'm sure it would make his day <3
    Terminant replied to Auri's comment below 2020-07-24 20:32:18
    Terminant's Avatar
    Auri said 2020-07-24 19:45:54
    Auri's Avatar
    roughly 43 subs left til the nicest number :o
    Terminant replied to Pomegrenade's comment below 2020-07-24 17:16:35
    Terminant's Avatar
    Ikr so underrated!
    Pomegrenade said 2020-07-24 16:10:40
    Pomegrenade's Avatar
    ikr, his skins are really good.
    kodayne said 2020-07-24 13:13:08
    kodayne's Avatar
    congrarts dransdugn for 2.6 subs
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  • Terminant's Avatar
    Terminant shared canday's post
    July 20, 2020, 1:48 pm with Public
    Come join we're so cool and fun and cool and also fun yeah we're also cool okay cool cya o/
    canday's Avatar
    July 20, 2020, 1:46 pm to Public
    in case any of you forgot-

    vote for DragonsDungeon


    we give high tier advice, have tons of fun, and you can meet skinners :)
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  • Terminant's Avatar
    July 20, 2020, 1:16 pm to Public
    Fishkiss wants to ask you all a very important question;

    which is better?
    Sinus Productions's pecks
    Sinus Productions's 8 pack?
    Terminant replied to Auri's comment below 2020-07-20 18:11:08
    Terminant's Avatar
    Oh no
    Auri said 2020-07-20 17:39:47
    Auri's Avatar
    im reporting this post to the police!
    Sinus Productions replied to Fishkiss's comment below 2020-07-20 16:47:09
    Sinus Productions's Avatar
    I still want context or an explanation or anything LMAO
    Terminant replied to Sinus Productions's comment below 2020-07-20 13:49:34
    Terminant's Avatar
    Yes it's a rendition of you with your 8 pack and pecks drawn by fishkiss herself :pray:
    Sinus Productions replied to Terminant's comment below 2020-07-20 13:47:25
    Sinus Productions's Avatar
    w h a t
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  • Terminant's Avatar
    Terminant shared Fishkiss's post
    July 17, 2020, 10:38 pm with Public
    Original post was deleted by the original poster. Post ID (210416)
  • Terminant's Avatar
    July 12, 2020, 8:14 pm to Public
    Hello citizens of planetminecraft.com The Stream Server Empire has an announcement; we are now hiring crabs to fight in our army, all crabs donated will be appreciated and remember, vote for DragonsDungeon in this year's

    The FaiyaBLAST said 2020-07-13 05:48:41
    The FaiyaBLAST's Avatar
    now all we need is Crab Rave playing in the background
    Terminant replied to LunaEclipse4304's comment below 2020-07-12 22:30:58
    Terminant's Avatar
    The crab army returning to the ocean until we once again call for their aid :pray:
    LunaEclipse4304 said 2020-07-12 21:55:39
    LunaEclipse4304's Avatar
    fr though, what is the context for this image? like why was this originally taken
    Auri said 2020-07-12 20:36:11
    Auri's Avatar
    > the homies on their way to crab wave
  • Terminant's Avatar
    Terminant shared canday's post
    July 10, 2020, 12:48 pm with Public
  • Terminant's Avatar
    Terminant shared canday's post
    July 9, 2020, 4:51 pm with Public
  • Terminant's Avatar
    July 8, 2020, 6:09 pm to Public
    Hey guys sorry for the delay on the contest results, everything's been all over the place recently, expect them to be released today or tomorrow <3

    Terminant replied to Nitgo's comment below 2020-07-08 20:00:38
    Terminant's Avatar
    Of course, lots of awesome entries :pray:
    Nitgo said 2020-07-08 18:49:54
    Nitgo's Avatar
    There better be good waifus in there.
    Michiru said 2020-07-08 18:17:07
    Michiru's Avatar
    Don’t worry, take your time (*^3^)
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