Yisewalton's Avatar
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  • Kefka's Avatar
    August 23, 2022, 11:43 pm to Public
    I just found a thumbnail image I had created back in 2015 when I was still active on PMC and was going to post a blog tutorial about skin design.
    I never ended up finishing the blog to post it, but I thought I would share the thumbnail image anyway. Enjoy!
    Kefka said 2022-08-25 22:37:09
    Kefka's Avatar
    Thanks everybody, I'll be hanging out and looking around.
    _Grace said 2022-08-24 12:05:44
    _Grace's Avatar
    Welcome back!
    Zitzabis said 2022-08-24 10:07:30
    Zitzabis's Avatar
    You are still alive?! Excellent!
    Please stay in touch if possible. We missed you.
    Tryxn said 2022-08-24 09:15:07
    Tryxn's Avatar
    it is nice to see you around!
    Nitgo said 2022-08-24 07:45:21
    Nitgo's Avatar
    Wow, years later the man has returned
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  • Cyprezz's Avatar
    August 23, 2022, 8:40 pm to Public
    It's so hard to game when all I want to do is work on PMC. It's more challenging and rewarding at the end of the day. Breaks are important, so back to gaming for now.
    ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy said 2022-08-31 16:27:03
    ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy's Avatar
    lynchyinc said 2022-08-25 04:33:50
    lynchyinc's Avatar
    Having used PMC for close to a decade now, I can truly say it is the best community for sharing Minecraft creations. I've made friends on here from countries all over the globe who I still stay in touch with years later.

    Although I don't have time to play anymore due to family & work, I still like to hop on & see what the kids are making on here these days haha

    Thanks for creating the site & continuing to maintain it Cyprezz!
    PotatoWolfie said 2022-08-24 07:20:09
    PotatoWolfie's Avatar
    That would be a good idea. Game till we die!
    Bernie_F said 2022-08-24 04:57:01
    Bernie_F's Avatar
    Being a family man myself I dont know how you manage to squeeze it all in. Muchos thanks for everything you do for all the PMC members.
    blank3times said 2022-08-23 23:06:52
    blank3times's Avatar
    It's heartwarming to know that the site is led by someone who is as passionate about their project as all of us are with our packs, worlds, and mods that we post here.
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  • Cyprezz's Avatar
    August 16, 2022, 8:43 pm to Public
    Converting the old into the new... A lot of historic data is going to help see the future.
    Edaryion replied to Cyprezz's comment below 2022-08-22 12:37:26
    Edaryion's Avatar
    Right, right. ๐Ÿ˜
    Cyprezz replied to Pythagoras_314's comment below 2022-08-22 09:56:53
    Cyprezz's Avatar
    I'm purposefully being vague about what is being worked on.
    Pythagoras_314 said 2022-08-18 20:17:07
    Pythagoras_314's Avatar
    What sort of data? Does it have to do with the timeline feature added a while back?
    Jodiix said 2022-08-17 17:31:30
    Jodiix's Avatar
    The ExiIed FeIIow said 2022-08-17 07:32:27
    The ExiIed FeIIow's Avatar
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  • Jetra's Avatar
    August 16, 2022, 2:08 pm to Public
    Project Wasteland has been started https://prnt.sc/Vnlpveb-eqt0

    What this means is a total and utter destruction of an island of it's resources for personal profit. Or in this case, pure amusement and sheer ambition. This will serve as the icon of my world to show just what beauty there is in a game that has not even 10% of what the game has now. Don't want to create giant quarry holes, but in the future I may use it for landscaping practice.

    How am I going to accomplish this? I have about a full stack of iron blocks. Not just iron, but entire blocks. If I get desperate enough, I could just Y 12 and strip mine. Why am I doing this? boredom, also searching for a dungeon and many a time they are under the stupid water. Searching for the last couple of items then I will have 100% made and found every block.

    Only took *checks watch* about a decade.
  • Cyprezz's Avatar
    August 8, 2022, 9:40 pm to Public
    The next major update for PMC is coming together nicely. I thought groups & collaborative content was complex to pull off. I didn't think I'd be taking on something quite as complicated so soon. Oops, I tripped into another challenge. So much done yet still so much to do but I can't wait to see this live...
    Cyprezz replied to Mr Jay's comment below 2022-08-22 09:58:30
    Cyprezz's Avatar
    Yeah, it happens though. On a near weekly basis during the summer.
    Mr Jay replied to Cyprezz's comment below 2022-08-19 12:50:24
    Mr Jay's Avatar
    that is extremely strange, I am surprised anyone would want to ddos any website much less pmc. I mean I get COD servers but pmc ๐Ÿ˜ถ
    Tonytime34567 said 2022-08-10 22:42:10
    Tonytime34567's Avatar
    cant wait to see it!
    Cyprezz replied to The ExiIed FeIIow's comment below 2022-08-09 20:58:38
    Cyprezz's Avatar
    It's the summer, more free time means more Minecrafters playing the game and visiting PMC but unfortunately a very small % also have the time to DDOS. The combo keeps things interesting.
    Cyprezz replied to Squirrel's comment below 2022-08-09 20:54:02
    Cyprezz's Avatar
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  • Jetra's Avatar
    July 30, 2022, 9:10 am to Public
    Watching YogsCast Moon Quest and feeling nostalgic of the good 'ol days when the game was just fun for the sake of fun. I miss adventure maps, stupid LPs with convoluted stories, and no bad-timed humor just to be edgy.
  • Jetra's Avatar
    July 28, 2022, 9:30 am to Public
    Seeing Twitter in a fire over Minecraft's new MCBan system, methinks that someone should probably put water to the fire and show that this is only bad for those who want to ruin another person's day.

    While I don't necessarily agree with how they're taking as this has been proven to be a very terrible idea thanks to Team aVo's wonderful display of what kind of havoc it will reek on the general gaming populace, it does show how the community has changed over the past decade. No longer are players willing to put up with the abuse thanks to ex-League pro players coming in to dump their radioactive waste everywhere and want a nice environment for us and our children.

    Minecraft has grown up, whether we like it or not. I am surprised that this change hasn't come sooner thanks to the efforts of Account Migration. If you have nothing to worry about, then don't sweat it, if you think that this will be a massive issue then it will be resolved in time.

    It is a massive game with many people of varying backgrounds, there are going to be a lot, and I mean a lot, of false positives that will cause MicroJang to backtrack and rethink this entire idea.Should you still remain weary, if you're a Java player, there's always the Time Machine tool.

    Maybe should get that feature for Bedrock? It's an idea. There's also Discord, twitter, and if you're very desperate facebook where you can chat outside the game and avoid being banned. However, pretty sure that if the water is full of rotten animals, it's not going to matter one way or the other, so best avoid situations that would cause you stress and play with only those you can really trust.
  • PMC's Avatar
    July 19, 2022, 3:39 pm to Public
    The WINNERS of the Exoplanet Event are finally announced! Read what the judges had to say!

  • Ash's Avatar
    July 14, 2022, 3:13 pm to Public
    I'm gonna cry (โ•ฌ เฒ ็›Šเฒ )

    Lost the 50/50 for Kazuha and got a Diluc. Problem is; I've already got a C6 Diluc

    The woes of a dolphin.

    ruietto said 2022-07-14 16:06:57
    ruietto's Avatar
    me who wants both since i have neither, and i really want the diluc skin ;-;
  • Ash's Avatar
    July 13, 2022, 2:20 pm to Public
    Uuuuughh why does Genshin have to update. I don't wanna spend monnneeeeyyyy.
    Spongie said 2022-07-13 14:36:52
    Spongie's Avatar
  • Ash's Avatar
    June 29, 2022, 11:09 pm to Public
    Just like, kinda imagine there's a tree n stuff in the bg ¯\_(ใƒ„)_/¯
    Ash replied to Spongie's comment below 2022-06-30 11:46:37
    Ash's Avatar
    I did :) Thanks!
    Spongie said 2022-06-30 00:36:10
    Spongie's Avatar
    Dude, dis you make that?! You're hella talented!
  • Ash's Avatar
    June 29, 2022, 1:41 pm to Public
    I either draw myself and cranky or comfy. Today is a cranky day (เธ‡ •ฬ€_•ฬ)เธ‡

  • Azie's Avatar
    June 27, 2022, 3:36 pm to Public
    I've been reeling for a few days from this, but I've seen a couple kind of concerning posts on here about the recent overrule of Roe v. Wade in the United States, so now I'm here--trying to make a wall post on a Minecraft fan-site that makes me feel like I'm helping restore some balance to our fucked up world.

    I feel so bad for the young people here who have been raised into ignorance by their families and hold opinions that are so damaging to not just other women, but all people who can become pregnant, people of color, and LGBTQIA+ people. I was one of those people, but chose to seek knowledge and perspective from others with experiences different than my own. I grew and changed and came to understand the broad and overreaching implications of this Supreme Court decision.

    If you are someone who is against abortion--regardless of why--please educate yourself. Some people take all the right precautions not to become pregnant and do everything right and still wind up in the position where they have to decide to terminate their pregnancy. Maybe their child has a birth defect that will result in a short and painful life. Maybe their pregnancy is ectopic and a threat to person carrying. Maybe they are too unhealthy to carry a pregnancy without complications such as increased blood pressure, excessive weight gain, depression, exacerbating poor dental health, or gestational diabetes. Maybe they miscarried and need an abortion pill or procedure in order to fully remove it because their body isn't doing it themselves.

    Maybe they lack the finances to support a child and could not bear to send another soul into the broken and wanting Foster Care system, where some 80% of children face mental illness (National Conference of State Legislatures 2019). If you are reading this and consider yourself "pro-life", have you considered lives of people who are going to be trapped in generational poverty by being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term or permanently injured or killed because of a treatable pregnancy complication? That is the reality of this decision. It's also not the end of the consequences for the United States.

    Justice Clarence Thomas of the United States Supreme Court suggested that the Court reconsider "past rulings codifying rights to contraception access, same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage" (Forgey & Gerstein 2022). Just because he is officially alone in this opinion now does not mean the court is not coming for those rights next. We know this because the justices who supported this decision lied during their Senate confirmations about their views of Roe v. Wade and their intent to overturn it (Sullivan 2022).

    Please--if you hold yourself against these rights on the basis of religion or morality--consider that the founders of this country intended freedom from religious tyranny and the freedom for people to live as they see fit. Another person making the impossible choice to terminate their pregnancy is not your choice as much as it isn't their choice to force you to get an abortion yourself.

    If you are reading this and are like me, please consider supporting a reproductive rights organization in some way. Be it agitating for change online, going to marches and protests, donating time or funds to the right to an abortion, or just being an ally to the people around you. Get involved in your community and get to the God-damned polls to vote. Everyone deserves the dignity of the ability to make these intensely private and difficult medical decisions for themselves.

    Forgey, Q., & Gerstein, J. (2022). Justice Thomas: Scotus 'should reconsider' contraception, same-sex marriage rulings. Retrieved June 27, 2022, from https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/24/thomas-constitutional-rights-00042256

    National Conference of State Legislatures. (2019, November 1). Mental Health and Foster Care. NCSL.org. Retrieved 2022, from https://www.ncsl.org/research/human-services/mental-health-and-foster-care.aspx

    Sullivan, B. (2022, June 24). What conservative justices said - and didn't say - about Roe at their confirmations. NPR. Retrieved June 27, 2022, from https://www.npr.org/2022/05/03/1096108319/roe-v-wade-alito-conservative-justices-confirmation-hearings
    OrderOutOfChaos replied to Spongie's comment below 2023-05-11 14:31:40
    OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
    Fair enough
    Spongie replied to OrderOutOfChaos's comment below 2023-05-11 14:25:22
    Spongie's Avatar
    oh hell nah bru this post like a year old, I aint continuing this argument ๐Ÿ’€
    OrderOutOfChaos replied to Spongie's comment below 2023-05-11 09:55:08
    OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
    If a baby is conceived through rape, it’s the babies fault, and they have to die?
    OrderOutOfChaos replied to ShadowOnTheLoose's comment below 2023-05-11 09:49:13
    OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
    I’m sorry for you shadow, So much for ‘respect’ and ‘tolerance.’ Anyways, you handled it well.
    Azie replied to ziggy like stardust's comment below 2022-06-29 13:22:50
    Azie's Avatar
    Considering that a bunch of states have banned abortion with 0 exceptions for things like rape, I'd say it's extremely likely.
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  • DragonsDungeon's Avatar
    DragonsDungeon shared SSPBL's post
    June 21, 2022, 4:11 pm with Public
    SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by DragonsDungeon's Avatar DragonsDungeon
    June 21, 2022, 3:59 pm to Public

    The final poll between -Lunatique and Allergy_Man has concluded and with a tally of 54 to 32, we can now announce the winner of SSPBL season 5! Allergy_Man! Throughout the season Allergy impressed us with his high level of quality and design ingenuity, a very impressive season by both him and all of our other lovely contestants.

    To celebrate the amazing season, one of our own, the amazing Zitzabis has made a fascinating blog, in which he has made a program that generated the average skin made for each round! Reward yourself and check all of the skins out here!

    The final was a spectacular stand-off between two amazing skins, a theme that was on-going throughout the season with everyone impressing us on a weekly basis. Make sure you check out and appreciate the two skins that were in the finals! Of course you should also check out our collection of all the skins made for this season, there are over 100!

    I want to thank everyone for the gracious season, and we hope to see you all next season when we are ready to go again, please, take care!

    All the best,

    DragonsDungeon, Noobator and the PBL team!
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  • PMC's Avatar
    June 21, 2022, 8:41 am to Public
  • DragonsDungeon's Avatar
    DragonsDungeon shared SSPBL's post
    June 19, 2022, 5:05 pm with Public
    1 Day left to get your vote in for the PBL finals!
    SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by DragonsDungeon's Avatar DragonsDungeon
    June 17, 2022, 3:15 pm to Public

    The PBL finals are here, an exciting match-up between -Lunatique and Allergy_Man which has seen two quality skins being submitted. We're very excited to present to you the final poll: Please put your vote within the 3 day limit!

    Here is a preview of the skins made this week:

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  • Jetra's Avatar
    June 2, 2022, 8:02 am to Public
    The Wild Update isn't really wild. In fact, it's not even growling, it's kind of sitting there purring. There have been many bad updates, this is certainly one for the books.

    We got a mob that's a worse hopper, a boss monster that is as pointless as the panda even with the drop, and more cut content than a pokemon game.
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