This Map is an entry in the completed Spooktober Community Event.

Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

A Scarecrow's Meadow - An 'FBC' Contest Entry

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Uknownymous's Avatar Uknownymous
Retired Moderator
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
I've been building a lot lately, but most of them have been commissioned builds which I haven't been able to put up publicly yet, so this is the first one since the Extraterrestrial Earth I've been able to post. :) I'll be trying to scatter some along the way though when it becomes possible to share, of course... meanwhile, the build, yes. This build is for the theme "Scary Pumpkin Carvings" on the Minecraft Discord's Fortnightly Building Competition, hosted by Cookiie#0001 of Blockception like always. :) It's great fun for a contest and there's entries every time with thousands of people who have potential to see what you make there, and contests are always worth the experience and practice, so I recommend participating if you've got the time and interest in building. ^~^ This build also fit the Spooktober Community Event which I'll be entering some builds into as well, thanks to the lovely Halloween theme which is absolutely my favourite festive holiday thanks to how incredibly much you can do with it. :)
This build in particular is one of a scarecrow with a meadow of pumpkins and a head of a pumpkin itself, watching over its field of wheat, surrounded by fences and vines magically rising from the ground as waves of energy amass from all sides and sparkling spirals of it flow through the air in a mysterious mist of magical dancing, lighting up the monsters of the night.
A Scarecrow's Meadow - An 'FBC' Contest Entry Minecraft Map
I used around 6 or so hours total to make it, working on the individual pieces and putting this haunted scene together in a similar way to how I often do, and trying to incorporate commands and techniques I've learned along the way to do better at it, with a little experience at pumpkin carvings already from a previous build I've had to do leading to the pumpkin turning out just as well as I'd hoped and wanted.
A Scarecrow's Meadow - An 'FBC' Contest Entry Minecraft Map
The rest is moreso the pieces to heighten the atmosphere, like the dying bushes scattered around the rocky coal and blackened concrete grounds under the encroaching life-sapping magical energy, akin to that of water, sweeping up upon the scarecrow and his vile servants of evil in the dark of the night, enshrouded by fog and shadows as the magic engulfs their existences; rising them up as the spirits of the fields.
A Scarecrow's Meadow - An 'FBC' Contest Entry Minecraft Map
Though, of course, it looks a little more peaceful and less peculiarly haunting during the light of day, but most things do. Light changes a lot, doesn't it? It's a lot easier when the shadows aren't chasing you, hiding at every corner and waiting to pounce.

And, well, while this was absolutely a short build - it didn't take long at all, as 6 hours is short for building so it's one of the shortest on my profile now -, it still turned out really nicely and I prefer it to some of the others even then, so I feel like I've improved and made progress forwards in building since starting out here. :) I'll update this with results about whether or not I placed in any kind of top three and a screenshot of them at the time the contest ends (which'll be the start of November), and until then, thank you for reading, and hopefully the build is to your liking too. ^~^

And as a little update, this has been featured as a article and has won the competition it was in. :o This is incredibly motivating. :D

Oh my gourd | Minecraft <-- The article.

CreditThe Builder's Refuge server which I built it on, WorldEdit and FAWE for building, and BSE, Sildurs and TME Shaders for screenshots.
Progress100% complete

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โ€ข 02/23/2021 8:29 pm
โ€ข Level 35 : Artisan Architect
Jonathize's Avatar
Hey! I absolutely adore the creepiness of this build!
โ€ข 02/23/2021 9:13 pm
โ€ข Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Thank you! I'm happy you like it. :)
โ€ข 11/13/2020 1:56 pm
โ€ข Level 49 : Master Sheep
The_Terminutter's Avatar
I saw your build on the official Minecraft twitter O M G!!!!!
โ€ข 11/13/2020 7:58 pm
โ€ข Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
:D Yes. I was interviewed for this one as a second-time of getting rather luckily noticed and interviewed about it. :) It's incredibly satisfying.
โ€ข 10/31/2020 8:29 am
โ€ข Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
Highper_K1d's Avatar
Every time I see any of Uknownymous's builds I kinda feel like slapping myself to make sure I'm not dreaming because the builds are crazy.
โ€ข 10/31/2020 11:57 am
โ€ข Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Aha~, well, hopefully you don't actually slap yourself, but thank you- Seriously, thank you. :) I appreciate how impressive they are to you.
โ€ข 10/31/2020 8:30 am
โ€ข Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
Highper_K1d's Avatar
and happy halloween!!
โ€ข 10/31/2020 11:57 am
โ€ข Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Happy Halloween to you too! :D
โ€ข 10/30/2020 2:53 pm
โ€ข Level 44 : Master Architect
Joiner's Avatar
What I can say to your build is 'Sanaol!'. Sanaol is a Filipino expression that came from the Tagalog word 'sana' which means, wish or hope, and the English word 'all'. Sanaol is a modern day Filipino expression that could be a compliment or being disgust. But my 'Sanaol' to you is a compliment, an appreciation whishing everyone to have your creative mind.
โ€ข 10/31/2020 11:58 am
โ€ข Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
o: It's always interesting to learn a little something new, so thank you for the information. :) That word sounds like it has probably led to some misunderstandings for people if it means both ends of that, but I appreciate it, Joiner. :) The compliment is kind.
