Published Nov 6th, 2014, 11/6/14 5:35 am
- 15,172 views, 1 today
- 1,523 downloads, 0 today
=== Annah's Seaweed & Searocks ===
Contributors: Annahstas
Requires at least: 1.6 Minecraft Update
Tested up to: 1.8 Minecraft Update
License/Terms of use:
You can use these Schematics in/on your Minecraft projects/worlds/server without
needing any special written permission if you give proper credit to me as the
oiriginal creater of the assets.
However you are not allowed to reupload the schematics and claim them to be your
own work and/or put them behind any sort of commercial link.
Feel free to take screenshots/video recordings in/from minecraft with the assets
and distribute such content, with or without commercial purposes.
== Installation ==
1. Open World "Annah's Seaweed & Searocks Repository"
1. Extract .zip file unto desktop
1. Copy "Annah's Seaweed & Searocks"
4. Open the %appdata% directory
5. Open the ".minecraft" folder
6. Open the "saves" folder
7. Paste "Annah's Seaweed & Searocks" in to the "saves" folder
8. Close folder/s/
9. Start Minecraft
10. Open up singleplayer and find the world "Coral World"
11. Open up the world Coral World
Contributors: Annahstas
Requires at least: 1.6 Minecraft Update
Tested up to: 1.8 Minecraft Update
License/Terms of use:
You can use these Schematics in/on your Minecraft projects/worlds/server without
needing any special written permission if you give proper credit to me as the
oiriginal creater of the assets.
However you are not allowed to reupload the schematics and claim them to be your
own work and/or put them behind any sort of commercial link.
Feel free to take screenshots/video recordings in/from minecraft with the assets
and distribute such content, with or without commercial purposes.
== Installation ==
1. Open World "Annah's Seaweed & Searocks Repository"
1. Extract .zip file unto desktop
1. Copy "Annah's Seaweed & Searocks"
4. Open the %appdata% directory
5. Open the ".minecraft" folder
6. Open the "saves" folder
7. Paste "Annah's Seaweed & Searocks" in to the "saves" folder
8. Close folder/s/
9. Start Minecraft
10. Open up singleplayer and find the world "Coral World"
11. Open up the world Coral World
Progress | 100% complete |
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