Published Oct 17th, 2011, 10/17/11 9:00 pm
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I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm not dead. I've been having some arguments over this structure with another player on my server so that's why I've been avoiding it for a while. I will work on it this week (Dec. 18 - 25). I will probably have it done before Christmas.
Hi everyone! This is an airport done by me (Aidan Jones) and partly by David Abraham and it's called Compass Rose Airport. This is my first creation that I'm sharing with the world!
You may see that it's only 75% complete. That's because I decided to give out a empty version of the airport so that people who want to make their own inside can. But, I will decorate the inside myself and release it as a schematic so that lazy people can enjoy the airport entirely (:
Oct. 17 - Did a pathway to one of the entrances. It has nice trees and glowstone streetlamps along the way. I also made all the cobblestone into wood. It fit better. Fixed some of the ceiling.
Oct. 18 - My friend made lots of ticket counters and names for them (they're pretty funny). I also made 4 security checkpoints on each point. The "staircase" going down is a water elevator. Looks nice and serves it's function quite well.
Oct. 22 - There used to be four entrances on each of the corners but I removed three of them so there's only one. It saves space at the bottom. All of the four points have security now. The security has a waterfall thing where you throw your items into a hole and it flows down to a collection area so that guards can see your inventory. There's also a scanner which is just some pressure plates hooked up to a note block so when you walk over it gives a satisfactory "beep". Not to mention the pat down rooms. I also added some color to the upstairs as well as small tables.
Nov. 1 - Halloween update! :D I didn't do much. I made three gates and made the outline for a restaurant. I'm also starting a tiny bank inside complete with a lava/obsidian vault. I also started a underground tunnel leading away from the airport as well. Sorry I haven't worked on it in a while. I've been very busy in school and haven't been feeling very well. I'll try to work on it more.
Nov. 8 - Made more gates and the way you get to the plane is be fences guiding you with stairs . It's a lot cleaner and prettier then jetways (I think that's what they're called) jetting out (Ha-ha) of the airport.
How in the heck I got this idea:
I've been planning to build an airport for a long time on my server, but I now just started. I wanted it to be unique (Hopefully it is. I haven't seen any airports like this before) and cool enough to share with the world. The compass idea just came to me. I chose that name because it's going to be a compass (I'm going to add a N, E, S, W on the points) and I think the colors on the top of the airport make it slightly resemble a flower (Compass rose. Get it?).
How it's Structured:
It has corner entrances/staircases which lead to the second of two floors. I plan for that floor to be ticket counters as well as security checkpoints. You can see a beta version of a security checkpoint that I made if you download it. After, security there will be some stair case going down to the lower portion of the airport. All sides of the airport have huge windows. The light stone on the ceiling is just temporary until I find a prettier way to light. There is a fountain in the middle also. In one of the sides of the airport is a departures list which tells if the plane is still at the airport or if it has left.
How It was Made:
This is one of the most weird structures I've ever built. I did one of the points by hand and copied the rest in MCEdit. I did the 4 corners by hand and used
I used WorldEdit to:
o Change the whole thing to wool (It used to be stone brick).
o Change the wool to glass.
o To make the tiled floor.
o To make the majority of the second floor.
It was all done in 2 days.
Plans for It:
Here are the plans I have so far for it. If a plan is crossed out, that means its been done already:
1. To fully decorate the inside. That includes:
o Ticket counters Done (I think).
o Plant life
o Seating areas/Scattered benches. Started on this part.
o Restaurants/Shops Started
o Entertainment
o Paintings? With the weird wall structure, I don't think that's going to work.
o Floor patterns?
2. To put some sort of tarmac from the airport to the runway. My friend is working on that.
3. Expand the airport? Maybe a basement or a connected terminal.
4. Some sort of rail system to the airport. We already have a metro system on out server so it will probably just be a metro station. Being worked on.
5. Put planes around the area. My friend will probably do that since he's a aviation nerd (: Started but not sure if that's complete.
6. Find a prettier way to make the staircases. The glass/cobblestone staircase thing isn't working out. Staircases are now replaced by water elevators.
7. To generally make it awesome. Always in progress.
If you would like to suggest any changes to the airport, you can do so in the comments or on the Through the Mines Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube pages. It would be nice to suggest items after you have looked at the download by the way.
Thanks for reading. I hope you download and enjoy! If you do enjoy, tell your friends, family, or dog.
Also, you can use this airport in any sort of video as long as you credit me in the credits or the description of said video! I would prefer that you don't make profit off of such video but, oh well. Want a quick easy way to credit me? Copy and paste the info below.
Airport made by Aidan Jones. Download it here: Youtube: Facebook: Twitter:
Hi everyone! This is an airport done by me (Aidan Jones) and partly by David Abraham and it's called Compass Rose Airport. This is my first creation that I'm sharing with the world!
You may see that it's only 75% complete. That's because I decided to give out a empty version of the airport so that people who want to make their own inside can. But, I will decorate the inside myself and release it as a schematic so that lazy people can enjoy the airport entirely (:
Oct. 17 - Did a pathway to one of the entrances. It has nice trees and glowstone streetlamps along the way. I also made all the cobblestone into wood. It fit better. Fixed some of the ceiling.
Oct. 18 - My friend made lots of ticket counters and names for them (they're pretty funny). I also made 4 security checkpoints on each point. The "staircase" going down is a water elevator. Looks nice and serves it's function quite well.
Oct. 22 - There used to be four entrances on each of the corners but I removed three of them so there's only one. It saves space at the bottom. All of the four points have security now. The security has a waterfall thing where you throw your items into a hole and it flows down to a collection area so that guards can see your inventory. There's also a scanner which is just some pressure plates hooked up to a note block so when you walk over it gives a satisfactory "beep". Not to mention the pat down rooms. I also added some color to the upstairs as well as small tables.
Nov. 1 - Halloween update! :D I didn't do much. I made three gates and made the outline for a restaurant. I'm also starting a tiny bank inside complete with a lava/obsidian vault. I also started a underground tunnel leading away from the airport as well. Sorry I haven't worked on it in a while. I've been very busy in school and haven't been feeling very well. I'll try to work on it more.
Nov. 8 - Made more gates and the way you get to the plane is be fences guiding you with stairs . It's a lot cleaner and prettier then jetways (I think that's what they're called) jetting out (Ha-ha) of the airport.
How in the heck I got this idea:
I've been planning to build an airport for a long time on my server, but I now just started. I wanted it to be unique (Hopefully it is. I haven't seen any airports like this before) and cool enough to share with the world. The compass idea just came to me. I chose that name because it's going to be a compass (I'm going to add a N, E, S, W on the points) and I think the colors on the top of the airport make it slightly resemble a flower (Compass rose. Get it?).
How it's Structured:
It has corner entrances/staircases which lead to the second of two floors. I plan for that floor to be ticket counters as well as security checkpoints. You can see a beta version of a security checkpoint that I made if you download it. After, security there will be some stair case going down to the lower portion of the airport. All sides of the airport have huge windows. The light stone on the ceiling is just temporary until I find a prettier way to light. There is a fountain in the middle also. In one of the sides of the airport is a departures list which tells if the plane is still at the airport or if it has left.
How It was Made:
This is one of the most weird structures I've ever built. I did one of the points by hand and copied the rest in MCEdit. I did the 4 corners by hand and used
I used WorldEdit to:
o Change the whole thing to wool (It used to be stone brick).
o Change the wool to glass.
o To make the tiled floor.
o To make the majority of the second floor.
It was all done in 2 days.
Plans for It:
Here are the plans I have so far for it. If a plan is crossed out, that means its been done already:
1. To fully decorate the inside. That includes:
o Ticket counters Done (I think).
o Plant life
o Seating areas/Scattered benches. Started on this part.
o Restaurants/Shops Started
o Entertainment
o Paintings? With the weird wall structure, I don't think that's going to work.
o Floor patterns?
2. To put some sort of tarmac from the airport to the runway. My friend is working on that.
3. Expand the airport? Maybe a basement or a connected terminal.
4. Some sort of rail system to the airport. We already have a metro system on out server so it will probably just be a metro station. Being worked on.
5. Put planes around the area. My friend will probably do that since he's a aviation nerd (: Started but not sure if that's complete.
6. Find a prettier way to make the staircases. The glass/cobblestone staircase thing isn't working out. Staircases are now replaced by water elevators.
7. To generally make it awesome. Always in progress.
If you would like to suggest any changes to the airport, you can do so in the comments or on the Through the Mines Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube pages. It would be nice to suggest items after you have looked at the download by the way.
Thanks for reading. I hope you download and enjoy! If you do enjoy, tell your friends, family, or dog.
Additional Notes
Remember, this is an empty airport. I am working on decorating it right now. So don't comment "This airport is so dumb. It doesn't have anything in it, no planes, ect.". Subscribe to me and check back often on the progress of this airport.Also, you can use this airport in any sort of video as long as you credit me in the credits or the description of said video! I would prefer that you don't make profit off of such video but, oh well. Want a quick easy way to credit me? Copy and paste the info below.
Airport made by Aidan Jones. Download it here: Youtube: Facebook: Twitter:
Credit | Thanks to WorldEdit ( and MCEDit ( Those really helped me alot! Also David Abraham for some nice airport detail. |
Progress | 75% complete |
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Need any help? I would love to collaborate with you to help add some awesome things to this amazing piece of architecture.
Also, I'd love to have you on my server. You can work with me on this as well as make your own stuff. Let me know what you think.