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Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Welcome towards my first/prototype full-interior & full redstone powered spaceship, designed for Stubbs1 vehicle building contest
Also, essentially this build is a spiritual successor to the following builds of mine:
- ECM redstone cars
- Deserted space yard

To keep the description simple, see for the details & cut-out the image below and browse through the media gallery above

Project basics:
- Minecraft 1.16.4
- Front picture & description created / edited with: Blender Gimp
- Shaders: BSL (still learning Blender)

- Resource pack for night sky in gallery: Colorful Space Overlay
- No redistribution WITH download link, link instead back to this page to download from.

Personally I appreciate more a thoughtful comment than a diamond.
So leave a comment if you like, having a question or not and say why :-)
Progress100% complete

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03/07/2021 7:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
cool ship, but whats the fuel cell for this and how to i make her run?
03/07/2021 8:09 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
The fuel cell is essentially
- several large chest filled with redstone dust
- hoppers underneath it to transfer it
- along certain hopperlines there are redstone comparators that detect flowing materials
- the output of the comparators power the circuits inside the ship (interior light, the engines, docking bays, etc.)
- the hopperlines are controlled by several levers, 4 in front of it and 2 (of the engines) in the control room

Thus creating the effect of a powered ship that runs on a fuel cell. Of course when the fuel is up, it's powerless but has emergency lightning system & the imported ones still work (doors and such)

Hope this clears some thing up
02/24/2021 3:46 am
Level 25 : Expert Archer
02/24/2021 10:58 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Glad you like it :-)
02/23/2021 5:44 pm
Level 26 : Expert Botanist
Coolio! Hope you win the contest!
02/24/2021 10:58 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Thanks for the support, there are other amazing entries as well. So time will tell.
02/23/2021 3:21 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster System Artist
Wow that's awesome! I specially love all the work put into the redstone systems of the spaceship! That is a very nice detail and can't imagine the trouble it must have been... Also love the presentation with the pictures and several sliced views explaning every part!
02/24/2021 10:57 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Redstone trouble? That was the fun part of this build to make. Thinking of what kind of stuff I wanted into it, make the general frame & start building/creating the most critical parts.

Ah, yes presentation. I spent these days way more time on it, to properly flesh out the stuff I cramped into it. Atlhough I am still learning blender (chunky has some Java-library issues on my PC). At least it seems to pay off. Still wanting to get to the point of making those fancy clean looking 360rotating *gif.

Thanks for the comment :-)
02/24/2021 11:27 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster System Artist
haha nice I see! Yeah building a real thing does come with the advantage everything is already layed out xD

Oh, interesting... Well as far as I can see you did a great job! And yeah, one of those would be lovely to see!

No problem! I thank you for all the feedback!
02/22/2021 6:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey, Love the map. Just curious how to work all of the features if you could let me know. I agree with the others, this is incredible.
