This Map is an entry in the completed Life On Mars Solo Build Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Extraterestrial Saucer Base [Life on Mars: Solo build]

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Creatoro's Avatar Creatoro
Level 40 : Master Artist
This is my entry for the mars contest. It depicts an abandoned but still powered and functional martian base on mars. A grim unknown event happened prior to the sites full completion exterminating all the inhabitants and permanently halting progress. One of the ships engines was still left in construction when the horror has passed rendering it hanging upon the structures which were designed to let it free.

A smaller ship rests on the outside platform while the structure is brightly lit inside though deserted and baron...

Update 5/12/2015
Added many new structures
  • the Radar Dish
  • greenhouse of trees 
  • recently crashed saucer still up in flames
  • Steps to closed cave
  • closed hangar
  • fire pillars
Progress100% complete

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12/06/2015 6:11 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Nice overall structures + first render.

Quite a lot of beacons incoorporated into the building. Personally I am not a big fan of all these lit beacons as it starts to get messy.

Nevertheless good luck with the contest although you're competition!
12/06/2015 10:17 am
Level 40 : Master Artist
Creatoro's Avatar
Thanks! Good luck to you aswell. Get what you mean with the beacons although I think it looks pretty nice when far away/off from the roof.
