Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Halloween Contest Plot! | Haunted Mansion

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Borajax007's Avatar Borajax007
Level 41 : Master Architect
I woke up, with the smell of my selfmade fire clung to my clothes. "I must be close to reaching the mansion" I said to myself. With a deep sigh I stood up and packed my belongings. I took a brief glance onwards the path, "I had best keep going" I said. When I was done I lowered my left shoulder to allow the strap of my bag to fall into the pit of my elbow. I withdrew my map to the sunlight and was certain I was going in the right direction. I walked along the path for a bit and noticed the increasing amount of dead trees. That wasnt just the only thing though... A low rumble of thunder echoed in the distance and with each consecutive rumble, the wind grew stronger. At first, it was as if the trees where whispering but after a while they were shouting with their voices full of anger and animosity. After a while I noticed there were blood splashes on the path... I took out my newly sharpened dagger, in the last village I overheard some inhabitants talking about the mansion and about how many tried to reveal its hidden mysteries, none came back though. While I trudged along I got scared by some crows flying overhead. I got greeted by a huge tree, a dead one. It was on fire yet the trunk wasnt burning. I swiveled my head towards the group of crows that were watching me with suspicion... There was more blood... There it was! The mansion I had been looking for, I started walking really cautiously by now, I put on my hood and followed the path into the mansion. When I was standing before the mansion which was overtowering even the tallest trees in the forest I heard a loud, sharp scream coming from the graveyard I took a quick glance at when passing it. What is going on here? What should I do now?

The Project

I wasnt able to finish the project due to a lack of time, the contest was over and this was all I had.
Progress80% complete

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01/22/2016 8:51 pm
Level 28 : Expert Cowboy
PermanentMarker's Avatar
Cool! What texture pack did you use?
01/23/2016 8:46 am
Level 41 : Master Architect
Borajax007's Avatar
Thanks! I used the Conquest resource pack by Monsterfish.
11/06/2015 4:02 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Fighterbear12's Avatar
wow! stunning work, Borajax :D
11/06/2015 5:01 pm
Level 41 : Master Architect
Borajax007's Avatar
Thank you mate!
11/06/2015 1:39 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Necromancer
Ervinache235's Avatar
11/06/2015 5:00 pm
Level 41 : Master Architect
Borajax007's Avatar
11/06/2015 5:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lifesbrink's Avatar
Hi there, how do we download this map?
11/06/2015 7:13 am
Level 41 : Master Architect
Borajax007's Avatar
As this is build on a server it's not downloadable. If you want to see this go to dakrcraft.playat.ch
The plot will be moved from the contest world so not sure yet what the coords of the plot will be.
11/05/2015 7:53 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
CASEY260's Avatar
This is really cool! Nice work, Do you use Gimp2 to edit the images?
11/06/2015 7:11 am
Level 41 : Master Architect
Borajax007's Avatar
Thanks alot! Yes, I use Gimp to edit my images. Really simple but cool program.
